AI Regulation in the EU – The interplay of future frameworks

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


The necessity to regulate new emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) has been on the EU institutions’ agenda for some years now. While they acknowledge the potential benefits of digitalization, they are also aware of the inherent risks with regard to fundamental rights, including personal data and privacy protection and non-discrimination as well as for safety and the effective functioning of the liability regime.
Therefore, one of the main goals is to implement trustworthy AI and to avoid legal fragmentation across Member States, thus, to provide clarity and legal certainty for all stakeholders concerned: developers, public authorities, companies or consumers.
Several legal proposals have been issued in the past years, and also existing frameworks like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are applicable to AI.
In the future, several regulatory frameworks will apply to new technologies, addressing different aspects such as overall safety (Artificial Intelligence Act), liability, ethical issues or obligations of online platform operators using algorithms and gathering data.
In this regard, it is crucial that all these pieces of legislation are properly aligned. The purpose of this contribution is to give an overview of existing and prospective regulation applicable to AI and to point out the critical aspects in terms of their future interplay.
Period31 May 2022
Held atUppsala University, Sweden