Language technology for low-resource languages

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


A large part of recent research in language technology (LT) is restricted to a small number of languages. While more and more datasets are created, made available, and used for English and a few other languages, the large majority of the world's languages is hardly ever the object of LT research. In this course, we will introduce and discuss several definitions of so-called 'low-resource languages', and we will examine how LT systems (such as taggers or parsers) can be developed for such languages despite the challenging data situation. In particular, we will discuss how linguistic annotations or models can be transferred from a resource-rich to a resource-poor language. In this setting, we have to distinguish cases where the two languages are etymologically closely related from cases where they are not. We will also see how these methods can be applied to 'special' types of low-resource languages such as historical language varieties, dialects, and sociolects, whose automatic processing faces similar challenges.
Period18 Jun 201823 Jun 2018
Event titleLOT Summer School
Event typeCourse
LocationGroningen, NetherlandsShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational