Helsinki's changing streetscape: Progress or a one way street to Boringville?: Queer culture researcher: “We pay this price for tolerance”

Press/Media: Press / Media


Interview for YLE TV and web news on queer gentrrification of Helsinki: "Helsinki University Docent and long term resident first of Punavuori, then Kallio, Antu Sorainen researches urban development through the lens of queer culture. LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual] people are one community that originally helped create an urban buzz in working class areas of Helsinki. As alternative culture becomes more mainstream, the face of urban life in Helsinki is changing. For some this means being priced out of their preference for an alternative lifestyle, while others say it’s beautifying the suburbs and making urban culture more accessible."

Interview for YLE English TV and News on Queer Gentrification in Helsinki


Gentrification in Helsinki
Period13 Jul 2015

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