Seismic source zone delineation for hazard calculations in Finland



These seismic source zones were developed and used in the “Mitigation of induced seismic risk in urban environments (SEISRISK) project” (Project no. 337913, 338075 and 339670 of the Academy of Finland). The data files contain two levels of conceptualization of seismic source zones or areas (SSA’s).

The initial delineation work for this project was carried out in an online workshop, organized between on the 08th and 09th of February 2021. About 28 Finnish, Estonian, Russian, Norwegian and Swedish experts participated with presentations, discussions and effective group-work in workshop. Four work-groups (WPs) were formed with 7-8 participants each. Using the four zoning maps proposed by the WG’s, this consensus proposal for zoning was developed.
Date made available28 Aug 2022

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