Helsinki Geoscience Laboratories Hellabs

  • Christoph Beier (Manager),
  • Juhani Virkanen (Operator),
  • Katie Doig (Operator),
  • Hanna Maaria Reijola (Operator) &
  • Tuija Birgitta Vaahtojärvi (Operator)

Facility/equipment: Research Laboratory

    Equipments Details


    Helsinki Geoscience Laboratories including environmental and mineralogical laboratories

    - Agilent 7800 ICP-MS
    - Agilent 1280 HPLC
    - Metrohm MIC-12 ion chromatography*2 + 788 sampler
    - DR Lange 5000 UV/VIS spectrometry
    - Titroline automatic titrator 5000
    Spectrometer HACH LANGE DR 5000
    - CEM Mars 5 microwave digestor 2003
    - Piccarro Isotopic H2O L115-I
    - IRMS Thermo Finnigan Delta plus advantage
    - EPMA JEOL JXA-8600 with 5 WDS and one Sirius SDD EDS detector
    - SEM JEOL JSM-T330, Oxford Si(Li) EDS
    - Coherent GeoLas MV 193 nm Laser, small volume sample cell is tuned for measurement of fluid inclusions and New Wave Research UP193FX Laser both combined to an Agilent 7900s ICP mass spectrometer.
    - Hot CL Lumic HC6-LM, Olympus DP73 camera, hot cathode cathodoluminescence microscopy
    - Cold CL CITL analytical instruments CL 8200 Mk-2, Leica DM2700 P microscope, DFC450 C camera, cold cathode cathodoluminescence microscopy
    - FI microscopes Linkam heating/cooling stage, Leica DM2500 P and BX51 IR-microscopes / Leica DFC450 C camera, microthermometry.

    Type of research infrastructure

    • Equipment
    • Resource
    • Service

    Fields of Science and Free Keywords

    • 1171 Geosciences
    • 1172 Environmental sciences

    UH research infrastructure classification

    • Research Laboratory