Organisation profile

Organisation Profile

Plant Phenomics team is focused on studying the function of Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS) components in Arabidopsis growth and development as well as in responses to environmental challenges. Our team is also in charge of coordinating research activities at the National Plant Phenotyping Infrastructure - NaPPI.

Fields of Science

  • 414 Agricultural biotechnology
  • growth, development, photosynthesis, phenomics
  • cereals, brassica sp., spruce
  • 1184 Genetics, developmental biology, physiology
  • growth, morphology, physiology, photosynthesis, phenomics
  • ubiquitin, proteasome, RING E3 ligases
  • flowering time, flower development
  • Arabidopsis, birch

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.