Projects per year
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Arkivforskning i USA om antifascismens
Otto A. Malmin Lahjoitusrahasto
01/08/2024 → 31/12/2025
Project: Foundations (Private Foundations, Non-Profit Foundations, Charitable Trusts)
Heikki Waris projekti
01/05/2024 → 31/12/2025
Project: Foundations (Private Foundations, Non-Profit Foundations, Charitable Trusts)
Waldemar von Frenckells stiftelse c/o Nordea Private Banking
15/04/2024 → 30/07/2025
Project: Foundations (Private Foundations, Non-Profit Foundations, Charitable Trusts)
LGP: Locating Global Protest against the Extreme Right: Anti-Fascism, Anti-Racism and Internationalism in Multiethnic Metropoles
Brasken, K., Dewoo, M. T., Hettula, P. F. W. & Little, S.
01/09/2023 → 31/08/2027
Project: Research Council of Finland: Academy Research Fellow
WelKnowHow: State Committees Institution in Finland and Sweden: A Case for Inclusive Democracy and Good Quality Policy Preparation?
Rainio-Niemi, J. & Katajisto, K. M.
03/04/2023 → 05/01/2026
Project: Research Council of Finland: Strengthening university research profiles (PROFI)
WelKnowHow: Compromise-building in a Welfare State: State Committees in Finland and Sweden as Inclusive Institutions
Rainio-Niemi, J. & Katajisto, K. M.
03/04/2023 → …
Project: Research Council of Finland: Strengthening university research profiles (PROFI)
Yle, Suomi ja suomalaiset
Kortti, J., Hänninen, R., Holmila, A. & Kurvinen, H.
01/09/2022 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research project
MILKIE: Sotilaallisen vallan kieli suomalaisessa demokratiassa
Kotilainen, N., Vuorelma, J. & Hast, S.
01/01/2022 → 30/04/2026
Project: Research project
JuRe2: JuRe2: Nordic Pathways of Crisis Management
Rainio-Niemi, J., Karimäki, J. M., Kostiainen, A. & Aarninsalo, L. S. O.
01/01/2022 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research Council of Finland: Strategic Research Council funding (SRC)
JuRe: Oikeudenmukainen toipuminen pandemiasta? Perustuslailliset oikeudet, legitiimi hallinta ja saadut opit
Rainio-Niemi, J., Aarninsalo, L. S. O., Kalliosaari, M. M., Karimäki, J. M. & Kostiainen, A.
01/09/2021 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research Council of Finland: Strategic Research Council funding (SRC)
Past Global Changes (PAGES) Climate Reconstruction and Impacts from the Archives of Society (CRIAS) working group
01/10/2018 → 01/10/2025
Project: Research project
Sinulle on vihapostia -hanke
Kotilainen, N., Hast, S., Vuorelma, J., Kangas, A. & Särmä, S.
01/08/2017 → …
Project: Research project
Social Democrats and Employment in Sweden and Finland 1975–1998
Outinen, S.
01/06/2016 → …
Project: Research project
Nordic Cooperation Revisited
Österberg, M., Stenius, H. & Hilson, M.
01/10/2011 → …
Project: Research project
Not started
The Nordic Little Ice Age (1300-1900): Lessons From Past Climate Change (NORLIA)
Project: Research project
Arvostuksen halu ja sosiaalisuus 1600-luvun poliittisessa ajattelussa
01/01/2021 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research project
At the Frontiers of Humanity: Extreme Necessity in the History of Ethics, Law and Politics, 300–1600; Ihmisyyden rajalla: Äärimmäinen hätä etiikan, lain ja politiikan historiassa, 300–1600
Mäkinen, V., Palmén, R., Toiviainen Rø, S., Posti, M. & Haara, H.
01/09/2020 → 31/08/2024
Project: Research project
International and Transnational Histories of Neutrality. New Approaches and Research Perspectives
Rainio-Niemi, J., Åse, C. & Lemnitzer, J.
01/10/2019 → 30/06/2021
Project: Research project
SEXDEM: Sexuality and democracy: Exploring the links and re-thinking the concepts for feminist politics
Kahlina, K., Taavetti, R. & Rundgren, H.
01/05/2019 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research project
Pride or prejudice? Changing concept of ‘nationalism’ in Russia 2008–2018
Indukaev, A. & Laine, V.
11/01/2019 → 31/01/2022
Project: Research project
ReNEW: Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World
Stadius, P., Witt-Brattström, E., Eftestöl, E. J., Strang, J., Malmio, K., Aunesluoma, J., Oerskov, F. F., Haggrén, H., Liimatainen, T. & Lainto, J.
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2023
Project: Other project
Osallisuuden edistäminen työelämää koskevissa ongelmanasetteluissa ja ratkaisumalleissa
Kettunen, P., Kuokkanen, A., Kärrylä, I. & Outinen, S.
01/01/2018 → 30/04/2020
Project: Research project
Syntyvyyden politiikka, seksuaalisuuden asiantuntijat ja inhimilliset kokemukset sotien jälkeisessä Suomessa
Kuusi, H., Frisk, M., Taavetti, R., Keski-Petäjä, M., Bergenheim, S., Rojola, J. & Sutinen, A.
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research project
WEQPP: WeQ Pedagogy Goes Populism
Palonen, E., Kansikas, S. & Nevgi, A.
01/08/2017 → 31/12/2018
Project: Other project
Social Policy Reforms Database
Nelson, M. & Bergenheim, S.
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2019
Project: Other project
GLASE: Globaalin turvallisuuden monikerroksiset rajat - Multilayered Borders of Global Secutiry
Kettunen, P., Rentola, K., Kähönen, A., Pellander, S., Laine, V., Silvan, K. & Kotilainen, N.
01/04/2016 → 31/03/2019
Project: Research project
Doctoral Dissertation: Construction of Queer and Undisciplined Sexualities in Finnish and Estonian Memories
Taavetti, R.
01/10/2015 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research project
East-West Cultural Interactions: Soviet Elite Performers as Agents of Soft Power Diplomacy 1946-1983
Herrala, M.
01/09/2014 → 31/08/2017
Project: Research project
FROM CULTURE TO POLITICS:The Dynamics between the Cultural and the Political Public Sphere in Finland in the Early Twentieth Century
01/03/2014 → 31/08/2020
Project: Research project
The Political Rhetoric of ‘Isms’: Ideology and Rhetoric in European Comparison
Elmgren, A., Marjanen, J., Kettunen, P. & Kurunmäki, J. A.
01/02/2014 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research project
Reimagining the Futures in the European North at the End of the Cold War
Kansikas, S., Aunesluoma, J., Rentola, K., Möttölä, K., Rainio-Niemi, J., Mitzner, V. & Kangas, A.
01/01/2014 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research project
Nationalismi ja demokratia hyvinvointivaltiossa
Kettunen, P., Kurunmäki, J. A., Haggrén, H., Outinen, S., Tervonen, M., Rainio-Niemi, J., Kärrylä, I. & Pellander, S.
01/09/2013 → 31/08/2017
Project: Research project
Nordic Openness: Opportunities and Limits of a Consensual Political Culture
Lounasmeri, L., Götz, N., Marklund, C., Rainio-Niemi, J., Erkkilä, T., Elmgren, A. & Kananen, J.
01/05/2012 → 31/12/2012
Project: Research project
Finnish Centre of Excellence in Russian Studies – Choices of Russian Modernisation
Kivinen, M., Autio-Sarasmo, S., Aalto, P. K., Forsberg, T., Gel'man, V., Aitamurto, K., Ekonen, K., Fava, V., Granberg, L., Hast, S., Heusala, A., Huttunen, T., Kahla, E., Kangaspuro, M., Kansikas, S., Karhunen, P., Khmelnitskaya, M., Kulmala, M., Lassila, J., Lehtisaari, K., Lonkila, M., Lowry, A., Miklóssy, K., Mustajoki, A. S., Nikula, J., Oittinen, V., Palonkorpi, M., Pietiläinen, J., Saarinen, A., Smith, H., Turoma, S. & Tynkkynen, V.
01/01/2012 → 31/12/2017
Project: Research project
The Nordic Society in Cross-disciplinary and Transnational Perspectives (NordSoc)
Ahokas, M., Alanko, A., Alapuro, R., Aunesluoma, J., Blomberg-Kroll, H., Borioni, P., Brisku, A., Fellman, S., Forsander, A., Glover, N., Götz, N., Haapakorpi, A., Haggrén, H., Hannikainen, M., Haldén, P., Heikkinen, S., Helander, M., Hilson, M., Hopkins, T., Huhta, I., Jalava, M., Kallio, J., Kananen, J., Kettunen, P., Kroll, C., Laine, J. M., Lauren, J. S. I., Lloyd, C., Marjanen, J., Marklund, C., Muir, S., Newby, A. G., Nordberg, C., Nygård, S., Outinen, S., Pellander, S., Prutsch, M., Rainio-Niemi, J., Riska, E., Roumpakis, A., Räisä, T., Saaritsa, S., Stadius, P., Stenius, H., Strang, J., Stråth, B., Suoranta, A. M., Syrjämäki, S., Wahlbeck, Ö., Vauhkonen, J., Wrede, S. & Österberg, M.
24/02/2011 → 24/02/2011
Project: Research Evaluation 2011
Nordic network on Choices, Resources and Encounters in Russia and other European post-socialist states (CERES)
Korteniemi, E., Autio-Sarasmo, S., Ruutu, H., Nikula, J., Miklóssy, K., Turoma, S. & Tynkkynen, V.
01/09/2010 → 31/08/2013
Project: Research project
GENCIMIL – Gender Perspectives on Civil-Military Relations in Changing Security Environment
Tallberg, T., Valenius, J. & Marttila, A.
01/01/2009 → 16/04/2013
Project: Research project
GENCIMIL -Sukupuolinäkökulmia siviiliyhteiskunnan ja armeijan välisiin suhteisiin
Mäki, K.
01/01/2009 → 31/03/2012
Project: Research project
Nordic Openness: Opportunities and Limits of a Consensual Political Culture
Götz, N., Marklund, C., Elmgren, A., Erkkilä, T., Rainio-Niemi, J. & Kananen, J.
01/01/2008 → 31/12/2012
Project: Research project
NCoE NordWel : The Nordic Welfare State: Historical Foundations and Future Challenges
01/03/2007 → 28/02/2013
Project: Research project