Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 53 results
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Univ Karachi, University of Karachi (External organisation)
Kivikuru, U. (Board member)
Jul 2023 → Jan 2024Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) (External organisation)
Keskinen, S. (Assessment)
2 Aug 2023Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Leverhulme (External organisation)
Keskinen, S. (Assessment)
23 May 2023Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
HERA / Humanities in the European Research Area (External organisation)
Keskinen, S. (Assessment)
24 Oct 2022 → 6 Jan 2023Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
ERC / EU (External organisation)
Keskinen, S. (Assessment)
15 Jun 2022 → 25 Jul 2022Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Austrian Research Promotion Agency (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Expert)
2020 → 2021Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
European Commission - European Research Area (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Expert)
2020Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Economic and Social Research Council, UK (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Expert)
2020Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
European Conference on Personality 2018 (Event)
Lönnqvist, J.-E. (Board member)
2018Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
HERA / Humanities in the European Research Area (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Assessment)
2018Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Linköping University (External organisation)
Keskinen, S. (Assessment)
Jun 2018 → Dec 2018Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA), (External organisation)
Keskinen, S. (Assessment)
22 Oct 2018 → 23 Oct 2018Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
HERA / Humanities in the European Research Area (External organisation)
Keskinen, S. (Assessment)
22 Jan 2018 → 23 Jan 2018Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Croatian Science Foundation (External organisation)
Lönnqvist, J.-E. (Board member)
2018Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
European Research Council (ERC) (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Assessment)
2017Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Studia Fennica -sarjan toimituskunnan jäsen (External organisation)
Sillander, K. (Board member)
23 Aug 2017 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Svenska Vetenskapsrådet (External organisation)
Lönnqvist, J.-E. (Board member)
2017 → 2020Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Östersjöstiftelsen (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Expert)
2017Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Reserach Council), Beredningsgruppen (Evaluation panel) för Sociologi, antropologi, etnologi, socialt arbete, kriminologi, pedagogik, genusvetenskap (External organisation)
Blomberg-Kroll, H. (Member)
1 Jan 2015 → 31 Dec 2015Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
The Legal Protection Board of the University of Helsinki (External organisation)
Helenelund, J.-E. (Expert)
6 May 2015Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (External organisation)
Londen, M. (Assessment)
2015Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
perheen hyvinvointi tutkimuskohteena (External organisation)
Lillrank, A. (Expert member)
29 Apr 2015Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Åbo Akademi (External organisation)
Saarela, J. (Member)
21 Nov 2014Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Reserach Council), Beredningsgruppen (Evaluation panel) för Sociologi, antropologi, etnologi, socialt arbete, kriminologi, pedagogik, genusvetenskap (External organisation)
Blomberg-Kroll, H. (Member)
1 Jan 2014 → 31 Dec 2014Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Stockholms universitet (External organisation)
Saarela, J. (Member)
19 Dec 2014Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE) (External organisation)
Blomberg-Kroll, H. (Expert member)
1 Jan 2014 → 31 Dec 2014Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
NordForsk (External organisation)
Blomberg-Kroll, H. (Expert)
2014Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Medlem av beredningsgrupp (External organisation)
Sjöblom, S. (Member)
Apr 2014 → Nov 2014Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Research Evaluation Panel (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Expert member)
2014Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Reserach Council), Beredningsgruppen (Evaluation panel) för Sociologi, antropologi, etnologi, socialt arbete, kriminologi, pedagogik, genusvetenskap (External organisation)
Blomberg-Kroll, H. (Member)
1 Jan 2013 → 31 Dec 2013Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Sakkunniggrupp for vurdering av ansökan om akkreditering av master studium (External organisation)
Zilliacus-Tikkanen, H. (Expert member)
Aug 2012 → Oct 2012Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Expert)
2012Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Austrian Academy of Sciences (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Assessment)
2012Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Reserach Council K.U. Leuven (External organisation)
Blomberg-Kroll, H. (Expert)
Mar 2012 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Norwegian Research Council (External organisation)
Riska, E. (Assessment)
2011 → 2014Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (External organisation)
Horsti, K. (Expert)
10 Oct 2011Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
The Wallenberg Foundation (External organisation)
Riska, E. (Chair)
2011 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Research Council, University of Leuven (External organisation)
Horsti, K. (Expert)
24 Sept 2011Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (External organisation)
Riska, E. (Chair)
2011 → 2016Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Council of Europe Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (External organisation)
Moring, T. (Expert member)
6 Oct 2010 → 31 Oct 2010Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Teaching Evaluation Committee (External organisation)
Moring, T. (Expert member)
6 Mar 2010 → 7 Jun 2010Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
State Secretariat for Education and Research, Switzerland (External organisation)
Horsti, K. (Expert)
1 Dec 2010Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
ESF pool of reviewers (External organisation)
Riska, E. (Member)
2010 → 2011Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Stockholm University (External organisation)
Moring, T. (Assessment)
19 Oct 2010 → 29 Oct 2010Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
European Science Foundation (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Assessment)
2010Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Stockholm University (External organisation)
Moring, T. (Assessment)
12 Apr 2010 → 17 Apr 2010Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Swedish Research Council (External organisation)
Riska, E. (Expert)
1 Jan 2009 → 31 Aug 2009Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
New research project proposal of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) (External organisation)
Wrede, S. (Expert)
2009Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
Economic and Social Research Council (External organisation)
Wahlbeck, Ö. (Expert)
2009Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee
New research project proposal of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) (External organisation)
Wrede, S. (Expert)
2008Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in review committee