Projects per year
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GET ORG: Generative Technologies in Communicative Organizing (GET:ORG)
Huhtamäki, J., Laaksonen, S., Lindholm, K. A. M., Koivula, M., Leppälä, M., Sirén-Heikel, S. & Skenderi, E.
Suomen Akatemia Projektilaskutus
01/09/2024 → 31/08/2028
Project: Research Council of Finland: Academy Project
Transracial performativity of Whiteness
Suomen Akatemia Projektilaskutus
01/09/2024 → 31/08/2028
Project: Research Council of Finland: Academy Research Fellow
Demokratiskt aktörskap, identitetspositioneringar och politiska imaginärer bland unga i Svenskfinland
Mikander, P., Lehtinen, M. & Harju, O.
01/04/2024 → 31/03/2026
Project: Research project
Tekoäly journalismissa: visioista käytän
Hujanen, J. & Ruotsalainen, J. O.
Helsingin Sanomain Säätiö Kirjanpito
01/01/2024 → 31/12/2025
Project: Foundations (Private Foundations, Non-Profit Foundations, Charitable Trusts)
Forskningsprojekt om svenskspråkiga unga
Stenberg-Sirén, J., Henning-Lindblom, A. & Kwiatkowski, M.
Stiftelsen för utbildning och kultur på svenska i Finland sr
01/11/2023 → 31/12/2025
Project: Foundations (Private Foundations, Non-Profit Foundations, Charitable Trusts)
Digital nomadism: Lifestyle mobilities, nation-state and the mobile subject
01/09/2023 → 31/08/2025
Project: Research Council of Finland: Academy Research Fellow's research expenses
LIFEMAKE: Life-breaking and Life-making: Social reproduction and survival in times of collapse
Krivonos, D., Urbanowicz, R. & Tkach, O.
01/09/2023 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research project
MadEnCounters: Visibilising Counter-Stories of Mental Health
Kurki, T., Aghayeva, U., Ikävalko, E., Singh, S. & Sullivan, N.
01/09/2023 → 31/08/2026
Project: Foundations (Private Foundations, Non-Profit Foundations, Charitable Trusts)
Politisk mobilisering
Himmelroos, S. & Fittante, D.
01/04/2023 → 31/12/2025
Project: Foundations (Private Foundations, Non-Profit Foundations, Charitable Trusts)
Att bemöta ekonomisk utsatthet i barnfamiljer
Blomberg-Kroll, H. & Järvinen, C.
Stiftelsen Brita Maria Renlunds Minne
01/03/2023 → 28/02/2025
Project: Foundations (Private Foundations, Non-Profit Foundations, Charitable Trusts)
Integration and Empowerment: Organized Sports and Newcomers
Gasche, M., Reuter, A. M. & Lindberg, P.
01/11/2022 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research project
Uusi hallintokieli ja kansalaiset
Kuokkanen, K., Bruun, A. M., Oksanen, A. K., Patomäki, O. E., Virtanen, J. & Weide, M.
01/09/2022 → 31/12/2027
Project: Foundations (Private Foundations, Non-Profit Foundations, Charitable Trusts)
Collective narcissism and a concept of a “just war”: Cross-cultural perspective
Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M. & Mannerström, R.
01/08/2022 → …
Project: Research project
Ărramăt: Strengthening Health and Well-Being through Indigenous-Led Conservation and Sustainable Relationships with Biodiversity
12/01/2022 → 31/01/2028
Project: Research project
MERELPO: Mediatized Religious Populism
Valaskivi, K., Sumiala, J., Ahtiainen, J. K., Lauhio, E., Pyrhönen, N. J. & Pyrhönen, N. J.
01/09/2021 → 31/08/2025
Project: Research Council of Finland: Academy Project
DemGo: Democratic Government as Procedural Legitimacy: How do Coordinative and Collaborative Arrangements Enhance Democratic Qualities of Government?
Sjöblom, S., Kauppi, N., Godenhjelm, S., Kuokkanen, K., Zilliacus, K., Vento, I., Weide, M., Munck af Rosenschöld, J., Hillo, J. & Eklund, A.
01/09/2021 → 31/08/2025
Project: Research project
LITHME: EU COST Action CA19102 ‘Language in The Human-Machine Era' (LITHME); Language Rights working group (member)
06/10/2020 → 05/10/2024
Project: Research project
Digital nomadism: Life-style mobilities, nation-state and the mobile subject
01/09/2020 → 31/08/2025
Project: Research project
Anti-Racism Lab
Tate, S. A., Keskinen, S., Sawyer, L., Tavares, B., Keet, A., Da Costa, D. & Rodriguez, E. G.
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2027
Project: Research project
Promoting and Maintaining Human Sustainability in Institutional Living
Segercrantz, B., Lunabba, H., Niemistö, C., Sjögren, H. C. & Stenvall-Hotti, D. B.
01/12/2019 → …
Project: Research project
CoE AgeCare: Centre of Excellence for Research on Ageing and Care Research Group 3 Migration, Care and Ageing
Wrede, S., Nordberg, C., Olakivi, A., Buchert, U., Kouvonen, A., Riitaoja, A., May, V., Kemppainen, L., Asikainen, A., Pirhonen, J. P. T., Harju, M. E., Laakkonen, R., Blomqvist, K., Simola, A., Laisi, I., Safarov, N., Pietilä, I., Begum, S., Takahashi, E., Avdeeva, A., Shindo, R. & Niemi, M.
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research project
CHARM: Care, Health and Ageing of Russian-speaking Minority in Finland
Wrede, S., Kouvonen, A., Kemppainen, L., Olakivi, A. & Safarov, N.
01/01/2018 → …
Project: Research project
Interdisciplinary research project on rationales and knowledge base of public service helping professions built in higher education programs
01/08/2017 → …
Project: Research project
Taide! Kaunokirjallisuus sosiaalityön opetuksessa
Heino, E., Tapola-Haapala, M., Tarkiainen, L. & Kara, H.
01/10/2016 → …
Project: Research project
The dilemmas of social workers and immigrant families in the Finnish welfare state - How do professionals and immigrant families with a disabled child develop dialogues?
Lillrank, A. & Heino , E.
01/09/2016 → …
Project: Research project
The dilemmas of social workers and immigrant families in the Finnish welfare state - How do professionals and immigrant families with a disabled child develop dialogues?
Lillrank, A. & Heino, E.
01/09/2016 → …
Project: Research project
MIDI - Migration and Diaspora Studies Research Group
Wahlbeck, Ö., Saksela-Bergholm, S., Creutz, K., La Vecchia-Mikkola, V., Holley, P., Lillrank, A., Kivisto, P., Toivanen, M., Martikainen, T., Valtonen, K., Pyrhönen, N. J., Koikkalainen, S. & Toivanen, M.
01/10/2014 → …
Project: Research project
Higher Education Governance and Management
Aarrevaara, T., Aniluoto, A., Dobson, I. R., Ranne, P., Wikström, J., Pietilä, M., Anyan, J., Rask, M. & Mattila, M.
01/01/2013 → …
Project: Research project
Mothers and Workers? Women's Movements and the Gendered Development of Social Rights in Canada, Sweden, Finland and Iceland, 1870-1950.
01/01/2006 → …
Project: Research project
European Voluntary Associations in the Modern and the Contemporary Period - EVA
Stenius, H., Alapuro, R., Eriksen, S., Amnå, E., Rikmann, E., Saukkonen, P., Selle, P., Sivesind, K. H., Wijkström, F. & Zimmer, A.
01/01/2005 → …
Project: Research project
Mind Hub -tutkimusryhmä
Salmela-Aro, K., Upadyaya, K. M., Ranta, M., Vinni-Laakso, J., Tang, X., Mannerström, R., Maksniemi, E., Lappi, A. E., Nykanen, M., Järvinen, J. & Puukko, K. T.
03/01/2000 → …
Project: Research project