Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

Anni Jääskeläinen holds a title of docent of the Finnish language. She works as a researcher in a 4-year project (2024–2027), funded by Kone Foundation and titled Oikeudenmukaisen siirtymän altavastaajat: Moniääninen tutkimus hiljaisista kestävyystoimijoista (‘The Underdogs of the Fair Transition: A Multivoiced Study of Silent Sustainability Actors’.) Her research topic in the project are production animals and multi-species language. Before, she has worked with the project Linguistic views on multi-species interaction. Before that, she has, for example, worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the research group Temporal movement and manner of motion.

Jääskeläinen’s areas of expertise and research interest include:

  • Linguistic animal studies
  • Embodied, multimodal language
  • Cognitive linguistics
  • Construction grammar
  • Ecolinguistics
  • Sound symbolism
  • Subordination
  • Particle-like words
  • Expressions of manner
  • Adjectives
  • Language and music
  • Editing and grammar

Fields of Science

  • 6121 Languages
  • Cognitive Linguistics
  • Finnish
  • Construction Grammar
  • Ecolinguistics
  • Ideophones
  • Animas Studies
  • Semantics

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.