Personal profile

Education information

  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Astronomical Instrumentation, 12/2020

Gauribidanur Radio Observatory, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, Sep, 2015 - Dec, 2020.
Thesis Title: Radio Polarimetric Imaging of the Solar Corona at Low     Frequencies.
Supervisor: Dr. C. Kathiravan

  • Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Astronomical Instrumentation, 08/2015

Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore,  July, 2013 - Aug, 2015.
Thesis Title: Development of a Cross-Polarized Log-Periodic for Low Frequency Radio Spectral Observations
Supervisor: Dr. C. Kathiravan

  • Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Electronics & Communications, 05/2012

Rajasthan Technical University, India,  Sep, 2008 - May, 2012.

Research interests

Research Interests
  • Solar Physics: MFM/MHD Simulations, Coronal mass ejections, Space Weather, Solar Magnetic fields
  • Astrophysical Plasma: Solar corona, Planetary magnetosphere and Pulsars
  • Radio Astronomy: Solar and non-solar transients, Low-frequency radio imaging and polarization studies, IPS
  • Instrumentation: Antenna design, Low frequency radio instruments, Digital back-ends

Curriculum vitae

Current Postion
  • Postdoctoral Researcher at Space Physics Group, University of Helsinki, Finland (01/02/2020 - present)

Previous Work Experience 
  • Postdoctoral Researcher at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, India (19/12/2019 - 29/01/2020)

  • RadioCME (Determining the space weather impact of coronal mass ejections using radio observations) project funded by the University of Helsinki (as a as a Postdoctoral fellow at University of Helsinki, 01/02/2022 - present)

  • SolMAG (Unraveling the structure solar flux ropes and their magnetosheath) ERC Consolidator Grant project (2017 -2022) led by Prof. Emilia Kilpua, University of Helsinki (as a Post-Doc fellow at University of Helsinki, 01/02/2020 - 31/01/2022)

  • FOREsail (Finnish Centre of Excellence in Research of Sustainable Space) funded by the Academy of Finland (as Post-Doc fellow at University of Helsinki, 02/2018 - present)

Technical Skills
  • Programming: MATLAB, C/C++, Python & Shell Scripting
  • Electronics: 4Nec2 Antenna Design Software, Xilinx Tool Suite, Simulink & LabView
  • Data Analysis: AIPS, CASA, IDL–solarsoft, Origin
  • Data Visualisation: ParaView, VisIT
  • Instruments: Vector Network Analysers, Spectrum Analysers & Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes
Research Experience
  • University of Helsinki, Finland Feb 2020 - present
    - Running and writing simulation codes for data driven time-dependent magneto-frictional modelling of flux ropes.
    - Long term statistical studies of solar radio bursts.
    - Teaching assistance to Solar Physics Course for University students (Undergrad, Masters and Ph.D.)
    - Mentored (co-supervised) two masters students for their masters thesis.
  • Indian Institute of Astrophysics - Gauribidanur Radio Astronomy Field Station, India Sep 2014 - Jan 2020
    - Gauribidanur RAdio HeliograPH (GRAPH) data reduction pipeline for 2D imaging of the solar corona in CASA.
    - Development of a ROACH based high spectral & temporal resolution spectro-polarimeter for observations of solar
  • The Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, ASTRON, The Netherlands Jun 2018 - Aug 2018
    - Data reduction pipeline for high resolution LOFAR interferometric solar data & Interferometric & tied array beam
    data analysis for Type III bursts and Coronal holes.
  • University of Mekele, Ethiopia May 2018
    - Multi wavelength analysis of type II bursts using space and ground based observations.
Awards & Achievements

- ASI Justice Oak thesis award 2021 Honourable Mention during Astronomical Society of India Meeting, 2022.
- Young Scientist Award 2021 by Madhawi-Shyam Educational Trust.
- K. D. Abhyankar Best presentation of thesis 2021 during Astronomical Society of India Meeting.
- Awarded visiting scholar grant at Royal Observatory of Belgium, Belgium in 2020 (postponed due to COVID-19).
- SCOSTEP travel grant award to attend COSPAR KSO Workshop at KodaiKanal Solar Observatory, India in 2020.
- Invited seminar at Indian Institute of Astrophysics, India - 2018 at IIA, Bangalore.
- Awarded Summer Fellowship at ASTRON, the Netherlands in 2018.
- SCOSTEP travel grant award to attend COSPAR Capacity building workshop at Mekele, Ethiopia in 2018.
- Invited talk at Neighborhood Astronomy Meeting (NAM) - 2018 at IIA, Bangalore.
- Awarded Radionet travel grants to attend CESRA - 2018.
- Awarded 32 hours of observation with the uGMRT.
- Best Poster award in Astronomical Instrumentation at ASI - 2016.
- Best Poster award in Instrumentation category at URSI-RCRS - 2015.
- Qualified GATE-2013 (National eligibility exam for Engineers in India) with 98.83 percentile.
- University 7th rank holder of 2008 - 2012 batch in Electronics & Communication.



Education/Academic qualification

Astronomical Instrumentation and and Solar Radio physics, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, India

Sept 2015Dec 2019

Award Date: 24 Dec 2020

Astronomical Instrumentation, Master of Technology (M.Tech.), Development of a Cross-Polarized Log-Periodic for Low Frequency Radio Spectral Observations, Indian Institute of Astrophysics

Jul 2013Aug 2015

Award Date: 15 Aug 2015

Electronics & Communications, Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.), Rajasthan Technical University

Sept 2008May 2012

Award Date: 17 May 2012

Fields of Science

  • 114 Physical sciences
  • Solar Physics
  • Radio Bursts
  • Solar Corona
  • Coronal Magnetic Fields
  • 115 Astronomy, Space science
  • Flux Ropes
  • Simulation
  • Magnetic Fields

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.