Kjell Lemström
- Department of Computer Science - Senior University Lecturer, Title of Docent
- Teachers' Academy
- Content-Based Retrieval and Analysis of Harmony and other Music Structures
- Doctoral Programme in Computer Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff, UH
Matti Luukkainen
- Department of Computer Science - Senior University Lecturer
- Teachers' Academy
- RAGE - Agile Education Research group / Matti Luukkainen
- Doctoral Programme in Computer Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff, UH
Erkki Tapio Kaila
- Department of Computer Science - University Lecturer
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff
Joanna Töyräänvuori
- Department of Cultures - Docent Contract
- Faculty Common Matters (Faculty of Arts) - Title of Docent
- Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
- Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern Empires (ANEE)
- Doctoral Programme in Theology and Religious Studies - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U5 Other teaching and research staff incl. part time teaching, UH
Lari Vainio
- Department of Digital Humanities - University Researcher
- Faculty Common Matters (Faculty of Medicine) - Title of Docent
- Phonetics and Speech Synthesis
- Perception Action Cognition
- Doctoral Programme in Cognition, Learning, Instruction and Communication - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Human Behaviour - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff, UH , Teaching and research personnel
Emilia Oikarinen
- Department of Computer Science - University Lecturer, Title of Docent
- Doctoral Programme in Computer Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff
Heli Virtanen
- Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics - Doctoral Researcher
- The Academic Outreach Network
Person: U1 Research and teaching staff, Doctoral Researcher
Indrė Žliobaitė
- Department of Computer Science - Professor, Title of Docent
- Department of Geosciences and Geography
- Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
- Doctoral Programme in Geosciences - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Computer Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH , U4 Research and teaching staff
Björn Kröger
- Department of Geosciences and Geography - Title of Docent
- Earth Sciences Unit - Curator
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff
Silva Nurmio
- Department of Languages - Academy Research Fellow
- Faculty Common Matters (Faculty of Arts) - Title of Docent
- General Linguistics
- Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff
Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics - Professor, Title of Docent
- Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and Statistics - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: Extern, U4 Research and teaching staff