University of Helsinki
Organisational unit: Corporate / Community
Helsinki Institute of Urban and Regional Studies (Urbaria)
Organisational unit: Research community
Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society, and Culture
University of Helsinki Doctoral School
Organisational unit: Doctoral programme
University of Helsinki Doctoral School
Doctoral School and Doctoral Programmes
Organisational unit: Profit unit
Doctoral Programme in Geosciences
University of Helsinki Doctoral School
Organisational unit: Doctoral programme
Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
Research communities, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
Organisational unit: Research community
Earth Change Observation Laboratory (ECHOLAB)
BioGeoScience, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR community)
Organisational unit: Research group
Human Geography, Planning and Environment
Department of Geosciences and Geography
Organisational unit: Profit unit
Research Units of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Organisational unit: Operational unit
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR community)
Organisational unit: Research community
Helsinki Inequality Initiative (INEQ)
Research Units of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Research communities
Organisational unit: Research community
Otava kustannus
External organisation: Private company
Puolalanmäen lukio, Turku
External organisation: Educational institution
Turun kaupunki
External organisation: Unknown
External organisation: Other organisation
Turun Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, Turku
External organisation: Educational institution
Tölö Gymnasiet, Helsingfors
External organisation: Educational institution