Personal profile

Description of research and teaching

Christina Ruth is a PhD student at the Department och Geosciences and Geography, in the the Doctoral Programme in School, Education, Society and Culture (SEDUCE). Her research focuses on the Matriculation Examination in geography. She has a 25 year teaching experience in geography in the upper secondary school. She has written several textbooks for upper secondary school geography education and has been an associate member of the Finnish Matriculation Examination Board since 2002. Currently she works as a geography teacher at Tölö gymnasium in Helsinki. Christina works in the research group of Affective Geographies and Politics of Education.

External positions

Oppikirjailija, Kustannusosakeyhtoö Otava

2005 → …

Ylioppilastutkintolautakunta, maantieteen sensori

2002 → …

Lektor i geografi, Tölö gymnasium

1 Aug 1997 → …

Fields of Science

  • 1171 Geosciences

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.
  • Maantieteen päivät 2023

    Ruth, C. E. (Attendee)

    9 Nov 202310 Nov 2023

    Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesOrganisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars