Activities per year
- 35 results
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Co-supervisor of Doctoral thesis of Henna Kavaluus
Salli, E. (Co-supervisor)
2023Activity: Examination types › Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral thesis
Frontiers in neurology (Journal)
Salli, E. (Reviewer)
2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts
Sensors (Journal)
Salli, E. (Reviewer)
2022Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts
Guest lecturer at course MATR319: Lääketieteellinen fysiikka
Salli, E. (Teacher)
1 Apr 2022Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Co-lecturer (60%) at course NBE-4010 Medical Image Analysis
Salli, E. (Teacher)
2021Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Co-supervisor of Master's thesis of Vilma Kahri
Salli, E. (Co-supervisor)
2021Activity: Examination types › Supervision of other thesis (Master's, Licentiate)
Co-lecturer (60%) at course NBE-4010 Medical Image Analysis
Salli, E. (Teacher)
2019Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Frontiers in neurology (Journal)
Salli, E. (Reviewer)
2019Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts
Co-supervisor of Doctoral thesis of Juha Peltonen
Salli, E. (Co-supervisor)
2018Activity: Examination types › Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral thesis
Scientific Reports (Journal)
Salli, E. (Reviewer)
2018Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts
Co-supervisor of Master's thesis of Ulla Wilppu
Salli, E. (Co-supervisor)
2018Activity: Examination types › Supervision of other thesis (Master's, Licentiate)
Co-lecturer (50%) at course NBE-4010 Medical Image Analysis
Salli, E. (Teacher)
2017Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Supervisor of Master's thesis of Karoliina Tapani
Salli, E. (Supervisor)
2016Activity: Examination types › Supervision of other thesis (Master's, Licentiate)
Co-supervisor of Doctoral thesis of Anne-Mari Vitikainen
Salli, E. (Co-supervisor)
2016Activity: Examination types › Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral thesis
Co-supervisor of Bachelor's thesis of Alexey Sofiev
Salli, E. (Teacher)
2015Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - Other
MICCAI 2015, the 18th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention
Salli, E. (Attendee)
5 Oct 2015 → 9 Oct 2015Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Guest lecturer at course 530114 Kliininen fysiologia ja neurofysiologia
Salli, E. (Teacher)
2014Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Guest lecturer at course 530114 Kliininen fysiologia ja neurofysiologia
Salli, E. (Teacher)
2011Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
CARS 2011, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 25th International Congress and Exhibition
Salli, E. (Poster Presentation)
22 Jun 2011 → 25 Jun 2011Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Physics Days 2011
Salli, E. (Poster Presentation)
29 Mar 2011 → 31 Mar 2011Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (Journal)
Salli, E. (Reviewer)
2010Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Peer review of manuscripts
Guest lecturer at course Tfy-99.4282 Funktionaalinen kuvantaminen lääketieteessä (Functional imaging in medicine)
Salli, E. (Teacher)
23 Mar 2009Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Tfy-99.281 Kuvankäsittely lääketieteellisessä tekniikassa (medical image processing)
Salli, E. (Teacher)
5 Mar 2008Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
European Congress of Radiology (ECR)
Salli, E. (Poster Presentation)
2008 → …Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Course on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Salli, E. (Speaker: Presenter)
6 May 2008Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Guest lecturer at course Tfy-99.281 Kuvankäsittely lääketieteellisessä tekniikassa (medical image processing)
Salli, E. (Teacher)
27 Feb 2008Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Guest lecturer at course Tfy-99.4282 Funktionaalinen kuvantaminen lääketieteessä (Functional imaging in medicine)
Salli, E. (Teacher)
2005Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Guest lecturer (fMRI course - gradute school Functional Imaging in medicine)
Salli, E. (Participant)
2003Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Co-supervisor of Master's thesis of Kari Antila
Salli, E. (Co-supervisor)
2003Activity: Examination types › Supervision of other thesis (Master's, Licentiate)
Co-supervisor of Master's thesis of Tuomas Neuvonen
Salli, E. (Co-supervisor)
2003Activity: Examination types › Supervision of other thesis (Master's, Licentiate)
Co-supervisor of Master's thesis of Laura Tillikainen
Salli, E. (Co-supervisor)
2003Activity: Examination types › Supervision of other thesis (Master's, Licentiate)
Guest lecturer at course Tfy-99.4282 Funktionaalinen kuvantaminen lääketieteessä (Functional imaging in medicine)
Salli, E. (Teacher)
2001Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination
Co-supervisor of Master's thesis of Roberto Martuzzi
Salli, E. (Co-supervisor)
2000Activity: Examination types › Supervision of other thesis (Master's, Licentiate)
Radiological Society of Finland (SRY) (External organisation)
Salli, E. (Member)
2000 → …Activity: Membership types › Membership or other role in research network
Guest lecturer at course Tfy-99.4282 Funktionaalinen kuvantaminen lääketieteessä (Functional imaging in medicine)
Salli, E. (Teacher)
1999Activity: Other activity types › Types for other activities - External teaching and subject coordination