Personal profile
Curriculum vitae
Statusopiskelijan paikka (palkaton), Musiikintutkimuksen Valtakunnallinen tohtoriohjelma, alkaen 2012.
Jatko-opiskelu, musiikkitiede, Helsingin yliopisto, alkaen 2010.
Filosofian maisteri, musiikkitiede, Helsingin yliopisto, 2002‒15.12.2009: Pro-gradu tutkielman arvosana: eximia cum laude approbatur. Syventävät opinnot 133 op, arvosana 4.
Licenciado Instrumentista en contrabajo (kontrabasson soittajan tutkinto), Facultad de Música de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAMin Musiikin laitos) , 1995–01.01.2001.
Espanja (äidinkieli), suomi (yleinen kielitutkinto, keskitaso, suoritettu 2010), englanti, italia.
Freelance kontrabasson soittaja alkaen 2012.
14th International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar on Musical Semiotics, sihteeri, 26– 29.03.2012 (palkaton luottamustoimi).
Semiotiikan Seuran Oscarin Päivän Seminaari 2011, kongressin järjestämisen avustaja, 01.08.2011‒03.12.2011 (palkaton luottamustoimi).
13th International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar on Musical Semiotics, sihteeri, 07.03.2010– 11.03.2010 (palkaton luottamustoimi).
Suomen Akatemia/HY, tutkimusavustaja Philosophies of Performance projekti, 17.08.2009– 16.12.2009.
International Semiotics Institute, avustaja, 01.06.2007–17.06.2007 (palkaton luottamustoimi).
Orquesta Carlos Chávez, freelance kontrabasson soittaja, 2001‒2002, Meksiko City.
CEDART Diego Rivera, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, musiikin opettaja, 01.09.1996–02.02.2002, Meksiko City.
Tutkimusmatkatuki 2015, Musiikintutkimuksen Valtakunnallinen tohtroriohjelma.
Kanslerin matka-apuraha 2015, Helsingin Yliopisto.
Apuraha väitöskirjatyöhön, Niilo Helanderin Säätiö 2014.
Kanslerin matka-apuraha, Helsingin Yliopisto 2013.
Apuraha väitöskirjatyöhön, Niilo Helanderin Säätiö 2012.
Helsingin Yliopisto, humanististen ja yhteiskuntatiedeiden rahasto: jatko-opiskelijat ja tutkijat 2012.
Kanslerin matka-apuraha Helsingin Yliopisto, 2011.
Suomen Akatemia/HY, tutkimusavustaja Philosophies of Performance projekti, 2009.
Pro Musica Säätiö, 2010.
Pro Musica Säätiö 2006.
Kansallinen taidepalkinto (Premio Nacional por las Artes CONACULTA), Meksiko, 2002.
UNAM Foundation, 1996‒1998.
The Worlds of Composer and Performer in Rautavaara’s Concerto for Double bass and Orchestra Angel of Dusk (2014). Philosophies of Performance. Ed. by Dario Martinelli, Eero Tarasti, Juha Torvinen. Acta Semiotica Fennica XLIII: Approaches to Musical Semiotics. Helsinki: Tammerprint.
The Musical Work and the Existence of the Performer: Existential Semiotic Analysis of the Sonic Aspect of the Musical Work (2013). Function and Value Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Musical Signification 27 IX-2 X 2010, Krakow, Poland. Vol.1 Red. Teresa Malecka I Malgorzata Pawlowska.
Romanttisen virtuosismin piilotetut merkit (2012). Taiteidenvälisen tutkimuksen aikakauslehti Synteesi. 2/2012. Helsinki: Hakapaino Oy.
An Existential Semiotic Analysis of the Relationship Performer’s Subjectivity and Werktreue. Proceedings of Suomen Musiikkitiede 100 vuotta juhlasymposium, Helsinki, 15-18.3, 2011. ( (2012)
Subjectivity in Musical Performance (2011). Proceedings and abstracts book of Performa ’11 (CD-Rom) Ed. by Rosario Pestana and Sara Caravalho. Aveiro: Universidad de Aveiro.
Musical Text and Musical Performance: Improvisation, Notation and Making Music (2008). Global Signs Proceeding of the 2003-2006 Summer Congresses of the International Semiotics Institute. Ed by Eero Tarasti. Acta Semiotica Fennica XXIX. Imatra: International Semiotics Institute.
The Musical Instrument as a Mirror of the Existence of the Performer and Society: Endo-signs and Exo-signs Double bass and body (2006). Music Senses and Body. Proceedings from the 9th International Congress on Musical Signification. Rooma 19-23/09/2006. Ed. by Dario Martinelli, Imatra: International Semiotics Institute.
13th Congress on Musical Signification: Sound and Subject through ages: musical meanings in narratives, topics and technologies. Canterbury, England, 4.-8.04.2016: An Existential Semiotic and Phenomenology Approach to Subjectivity in Romantic Virtuoso Performance: The Case of the Italian Composer-performer and Orchestra conductor Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889).
15th International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar on Musical Semiotics, Helsinki, Suomi, 02-03. 03.2015: Traveling Subjectivities: Existential Semiotic Analysis of the Influence of the Virtuoso Composer-performers Around the World in the case of Giovanni Bottesini.
XII World Congress of Semiotics: New Semiotics between tradition and Innovation. International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS). Sofía, Bulgaria 2014, 16-20 September, New Bulgarian University: Traveling Subjectivities: The influence of Virtuoso Composer-performers around the world.
Oscarin päivän seminaari, Helsinki, Suomi, 2.12.2013: Temporality in Art Music Performance.
XII International Congress on Musical Signification: Music, Semiotics and Intermediality, Brussels and Louvain la Neuve, The Catholic University of Louvain and the Royal Academy for Science and the Arts of Belgium. Bryssel, Belgia, 02.04-06.2013: Temporality in Art Music Performance.
The 11th World Congress of Semiotics, Nanjing ja Peking Kiina, 05‒09.10.2012: Existential Semiotic Analysis of the Temporal Dimension of Art Music Performance.
Biennal Bass Convention Bass2012, Kööpenhamina, Tanska, 24‒29.08.2012: Creativity in Art Music: The Case of Nineteenth Century Double bass Virtuoso Performance.
27th International Summer School of Semiotics and Structural Studies, Imatra, Suomi 09‒12.06.2012: Temporal dimension of Art Music Performance: Existential Signs and the Performer’s subjectivity.
International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar on Musical Semiotics, Helsinki, Suomi, 26‒29.03.2012: Existential Semiotic explorations on Double bass’ Virtuoso Performance of 19th Century.
Soivat kaupungit: Konsertti- ja esitelmäsarja, Helsingin Yliopiston Juhlasali. Helsinki, Suomi, Musiikin esittely 13.03.2012: Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889), Kontrabasson Paganini.
Performa 11, Aveiro, Portugali, 19-21.05.2011: Subjectivity in Musical Performance.
Suomen musiikkitiede 100 vuotta juhlasymposium, Helsinki, Suomi, 15-18.03.2011: An Existential Semiotic Analysis of the Relationship Performer’s Subjectivity and Werktreue.
Oscarin päivän seminaari, Helsinki, Suomi, 03.12.2011: Hidden Signs of Virtuosity in Art Music.
XI International Congress on Musical Signification, Krakova, Puola 26.29‒01.10.2010: The Musical Work and the Existence of the Performer: Existential Semiotic Analysis of the Sonic Aspect of the Musical Work.
International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Imatra, Suomi 11–15.06.2010: The Performer’s Moi as Body Gestures and the Limits of Werktreue.
X Oskarin Päivän Seminaari, Helsinki, Suomi, 28.11.2009: An Existential Semiotic Approach to Musical Performance: Subjectivity in Art Music Performance.
X World Congress of Semiotics, La Coruna, Espanja, 22–26.09.2009: Singing with the Double bass as an Existential Semiotic Choice.
International Summer School for Semiotic Studies, Imatra, Suomi 05–09.06.2009: Subjective Time in Music Performance: Temporality and Existential Signs.
10th International Congress on Musical Signification, Vilna, Liettua, 21–25.10.2008: Existential Semiotic and Phenomenological Aspects on the Art of the Act-sign: Unfolding Time in Romantic Cadenza’s Performance.
12th International Doctoral and Postdoctoral Seminar on Musical Semiotics, Helsinki, Suomi 15–19. 04.2008: The Art of the Act-sign.
IASS-AIS 9th World Congress of Semiotics, Imatra, Suomi 11–17.06.2007: Existential signs, Time, Negation in Musical Performance in Nineteenth Century.
9th International Congress on Musical Signification, Rooma, Italia, 19–23.09.2006: The Musical Instrument as a Mirror of the Interior and Exterior Existence of the Performer and Society: Endo- signs and Exo-signs, body and Double bass.
International Summer School for Semiotics and Structural Studies, Imatra, Suomi 10–15.06. 2006: The Multidirectional Relationship between the Composer, the Musical Score and the Sonic Expression of Music: An Existential Semiotic Approach to Musical Performance.
International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies, Imatra, Suomi 11–19.06.2005: The Musical Text, Music, Poetry and the Performer: Subjects Creating Existential Signs.
Musiikin esityksen projektit
Korvat Auki ry, jäsen, alkaen 2015.
Laponia Improvisations, jäsen, alkaen 2015.
Helsingin Yliopiston Improvisaatorit, puheenjohtaja ja kontrabasson soittaja, alkaen 2015.
Duetto La Traviesa, kontrabasson soittaja, alkaen 2015.
Aurinko Música de Latinoamerica ry, sihteeri ja kontrabasson soittaja, alkaen 2009.
Curriculum vitae
My name is Grisell Macdonel (Mexico City, Mexico). I am a doctoral student in musicology (2010) at Helsinki University. The main topic of interest in my musicological research is musical performance in art music from a musicological, philosophical and existential semiotic point of views.
I started double-bass studies in 1990 with Agustín Bernal, and, in 1991, studies in classical music performance in double-bass at the National school of Music of UNAM (National Autonomous University of México) with Nikola Popov. In 2002 in Finland I continued my studies in double bass with the Finnish double bass player Jorma Katrama.
From 1996 to 2002 I was a teacher of music theory and double bass at the CEDART Diego Rivera at INBA (Fine Arts National Institute). I have been performing as a part of several orchestras, such as, the orchestra of the National School of Music (UNAM), Orchestra Carlos Chavez of Mexico City (2000–2001), and Helsinki University Orchestra (2002). I also performed as a soloist and participated in theatre performances in Mexico and Finland.
I received scholarships from UNAM Foundation (1996–1998), from the National Council of Culture and Arts in Mexico (2002), and from PROMUSICA, Finland (2003 and 2010).
My research in musical performance started in 1996 in Mexico with the pianist and musicologist Luis Alfonso Estrada at UNAM. Since 2005 I participated in several Finnish and international congresses presenting papers that focused on diverse aspects of the musical performance such as “The Multidirectional Relationship Between the Score and the Sonic Expression of Music An Existential Semiotic Approach to Musical Performance” (2005) and some of my papers presented in these congresses have been published as articles such as: “Musical text and Musical Performance: Improvisation, Notation and Making Music” (2005) and “The Musical Instrument As a Mirror of The Existence of The Performer And Society: Endo-signs and Exo-signs, Double Bass and Body” (2006). In the years 2008–2009 I was part of the research project “Philosophies of Performance: Finnish music, art and avant-garde” directed by Eero Tarasti, with the support of Suomen Akatemia. My forthcoming article (2010) “The World of the Composer and of the Performer through the concert for Double bass and Orchestra Angel of Dusk By Einojuhani Rautavaara” is a result of that project. Other forthcoming articles for 2010 are: The Musical Work and the Existence of the Performer: Existential Semiotic Analysis of the Sonic Aspect of the Musical Work (Krakow, Poland) and, The Existence of the Performer and the Musical Work: Leaving the Idealistic Perspective on Art Musical Performance (Helsinki).
In 2009 I graduated from the department of Musicology of the University of Helsinki with the thesis An Existential Semiotic Approach to Musical Performance (eximia cum laude).
Fields of Science
- 613 Arts
- Musical Performance
- Musicology
- Semiotics
- Existential Semiotics
- Philosophy of Music
- Philosophy