Hannele Yki-Järvinen

Hannele Yki-Järvinen

Specialty: Internal Medicine, Subspecialty: Endocrinology, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (F.R.C.P.), London

1985 …2025

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Description of research and teaching







1) 1993 G. B. Morgagni Young Investigator Award, Padova, Italy

2) 1993 The 28th Minkowski Award, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Istanbul, Turkey

             · The highest ranking scientific award in the field of diabetes in Europe

             · Given for the first time to a Finn, a female investigator and to a clinical investigator

3) 1995 Anders Jahre Pris, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

             · The highest ranking award in medical sciences in Scandinavia

             · Given for excellence in research in any area of medical research (basic and clinical sciences)

4)   1999 Novartis Award in Diabetes, American Diabetes Association, San Diego, USA

5)   2008 The 16th Servier Lecture of the Diabetes Center, Manila, Philippines

6)   2008 Dr. Augusto D. Litonjua Endowed Lectureship, Manila, Philippines

7)   2011 Harold Rifkin visiting Professorship. Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York USA



1) 1989Finnish Endocrine Society, Unto Uotila Award for excellence in research in  Endocrinology

2) 1989Finnish Medical Society Duodecim Young Investigator Award

3) 1991 Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes Young Investigator Award

4) 1996 Kroc prize and lecturer 1996, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

5) 2000 Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes Novo Nordisk Prize and Lecturer, Oslo, Norway

6) 2016 Esko Nikkilä lecturer, Annual Meeting of the Finnish Society in Internal Medicine



Pathophysiology of insulin resistance in humans, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes



  • 4th most cited scientist at University of Helsinki, all faculties included
  • H-INDEX 87 (7.1.2016)



  • EU/EFPIA Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking

 (EMIF grant no. 115372) 2013-2017


  • EU H2020 Elucidating Pathways in Steatohepatitis (EPoS grant no. 634413) 2015-2019


  • Academy of Finland 2013-2017


  • The Sigrid Juselius Foundation 2013-2016


  • EVO Foundation of Helsinki University Hospital TYH2014498 2014-2017


  • EVO Foundation of Helsinki University Hospital TYH2016260 2016-2017



  • 24 theses supervised to completion





Undergraduate (medical students at University of Helsinki)


  • Responsible for Course in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition for medical students, including new design of new curriculum starting 2017-
  • Teacher of Medical Students: course on History and Physical examination and course in Endocrinology (seminars and bedside teaching in diabetes at the diabetes clinic)
  • Planning and correction of final exam/Endocrinology


Postgraduate (medical doctors at University of Helsinki)

  • Person responsible for training of MD:s in Internal Medicine first 3 years (Finnish: Sisätaudit runkokoulutus)
  • Person responsible for training of MDs in Internal Medicine years 4-6 (Finnish Sisätaudit, eriytyvä koulutus)


Postgraduate (all doctors in Finlnad)

  • Founder of the ‘National Diabetes Day’, which has now been held 14 times (2002-2015) and is the largest annual postgraduate event in Finland (750 participants)


Postgraduate (international)

  • Over 400 invited lectures abroad, in over 25 countries in Europe, US, Canada, South-America, Australia, Asia



  • Chairperson, Finnish Society for Diabetology and Diabetes Research (1998-2011)
  • Board Member, Finnish Society for Diabetology and Diabetes Research 2011-
  • Founding member and Vice-Chairperson, NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) Study Group of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes 2013-
  • EASD (European association for the Study of Diabetes) representative in Clinical Practice Guideline writing group
    • Reviewer of abstracts submitted to International Meetings (American Diabetes Association, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, International Diabetes Federation)
    • Reviewer of articles submitted to scientific journals such as J Hepatol, Hepatology, J Clin Invest, Lancet, Am J Physiol, Diabetes, Diabetologia, Diabetes Care, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, Arterioclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, Metabolism, Endocrine Reviews, Circulation
      • Reviewer of grant proposals such as American Diabetes Association, Research Review Grant Panel, U.S.A., NIH Metabolism Study Section, ad hoc reviewer, U.S.A., British Diabetic Association, U.K., Diabetes U.K., Austrian Science Fund, Austria, The Wellcome Trust, U.K., Diabetes Fonds Nederland (Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation), Netherlands, Canterbury Medical Research Foundation, New Zealand, The National Heart Foundation of New Zealand, ARC, U.K., EFSD/sanofi-aventis ECS Programme, Germany, Novartis Diabetes Award Panel, New York, U.S.A.
      • Reviewer for applicants for positions (international): Professor/Metabolism, University of Lund, Sweden; Professors (20 new positions), Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA
      • Program committee memberships of Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes, European Association for the Study of Diabetes, European Federation of Endocrine Societies, International Diabetes Federation



Fields of Science

  • 3121 General medicine, internal medicine and other clinical medicine

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.