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KAPPAS2: Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden oppimistulosten arviointi
Hyytinen, H., Kleemola, K. & Tuononen, T.
01/01/2023 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research project
iPAL: International Collaborative for Performance Assessment of Learning in Higher Education – Research and Development
Hyytinen, H., Toom, A. & Kleemola, K.
01/09/2017 → …
Project: Research project
QNHE: Quality of Norwegian Higher Education: Pathways, Practices and Performances
Hovdhaugen, E., VabØ, A., Stensaker, B., Maassen, P., Nerland, M., PrØitz, T., De Lange, T., Lindblom, S., Hyytinen, H., Haarala-Muhonen, A., Virtanen, V. & Hirvonen, H.
01/04/2016 → …
Project: Research project