Heikki A Repo

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

Heikki Repo is a Finnish doctoral student in Ecumenics and a Lutheran pastor. His research focuses on the Lutheran understanding of eucharist in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland from 1970s to 1995. The supervisors of his dissertation are Professor Risto Saarinen and Doctor of Theology Mika KT Pajunen. Besides researching at the University of Helsinki he is a representative of the Church in the Section for Theological Issues of the Finnish Ecumenical Council. His main theological interests are eucharist, sacramental presence of Christ, relation of eucharist to the ministry and liturgy. His master's thesis focused on the presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper in the document Zur Lehre und Praxis des Abendmahls by the European Council of Protestant Churches.

Fields of Science

  • 614 Theology