Projects per year
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WEIRD: Whose sustainability? Understanding and redefining just sustainability transformations through disability and queer perspectives
Caniglia, G. (Project manager), Katsui, H. (Participant), Sarasjärvi, R. E. (Participant) & von der Pütten, T. (Participant)
01/10/2024 → 30/09/2029
Project: EU Horizon Europe: European Research Council (HORIZON-ERC)
Sign language units in Nordic primary schools. Language, learning and inclusion
Slettebakk Berge, S. (Principal Investigator), Katsui, H. (Participant), Raanes, E. (Participant), Dammeyer, J. (Participant) & Koivisto, M. K. (Participant)
01/08/2024 → 31/07/2025
Project: Research project
Disability Inclusive Employment Policy
Katsui, H. (Principal Investigator)
20/02/2024 → 31/03/2025
Project: Research project
Enhancing the Rule of Law in Uzbekistan
Katsui, H. (CoIlaborator) & Kalmanlehto, I.-M. (Project manager)
22/01/2024 → …
Project: Ministry funding
Educational provision for deaf and hard of hearing pupils: A new, Nordic research project
Katsui, H. (Participant), Koivisto, M. K. (Participant), Slettebakk Berge, S. (Principal Investigator), Adams Lyngbäck, L. (Participant), Hardonk, S. (Participant), Raanes, E. (Participant), Holiman, S. (Participant) & Dammeyer, J. (Participant)
01/05/2023 → 31/07/2025
Project: Research project
European Disability Expertise
Priestley, M. (Principal Investigator), Katsui, H. (Participant), Valkama, K. (Participant), Rasell, M. (Participant), Huys, H. (Participant), Kukova, S. (Participant), Liasidou, A. (Participant), Mavrou, K. (Participant), Tsakiri, M. (Participant), Siska, J. (Participant), von Drygalski, C. (Project manager), Postigo, S. (Participant), Leppik, L. (Participant), Ablaze, L. (Participant), Sakkeus, L. (Participant), Strati, E. (Participant), Jenaro, C. (Participant), Verdugo, M. (Participant), le Cozanet, L. (Participant), Ebersold, S. (Participant), Ziljak, T. (Participant), Gyulavari, T. (Participant), Flynn, E. (Participant), Love, L. E. (Participant), Vivaldi, E. (Participant), Addis, P. (Participant), Hornich, P. (Participant), Gudavicius, A. (Participant), Hoffmann, T. (Participant), Podzina, D. (Participant), Camilleri Zahra, A. (Participant), Callus, A.-M. (Participant), Bezzina, L. (Participant), Gauci, V. (Participant), Smits, J. (Participant), Lovdal, L. (Participant), Krol, A. (Participant), Pinto, P. (Participant), Pascu, G. (Participant), Gustafsson, J. (Participant), Zavirsek, D. (Participant), Keselova, D. (Participant), Kvalova, D. (Participant) & Turkovic, Z. (Participant)
01/08/2020 → …
Project: Research project
Vammaisten opiskelijoiden osallisuuden kehittäminen saavutettavuustyössä. Opiskelijalähtöiset toimintatavat osallisuuden ja työelämäpolun tukena yliopisto-opinnoissa.
Welling, A. (Project manager), Katsui, H. (Participant) & Kivelä, M. (Participant)
12/03/2024 → 30/11/2024
Project: Other project
Disability-inclusive climate and environment action
Katsui, H. (Principal Investigator), Humalisto, N. (Participant) & Mesiäislehto, V. (Participant)
28/06/2023 → 31/12/2023
Project: Ministry funding
Vammaisten henkilöiden oikeuksien toteutuminen
Katsui, H. (Project manager), Mietola, R. (Participant), Honkasilta, J. (Participant) & Laitinen, M. (Participant)
17/04/2023 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research project
DATA: Digital Skills, Accommodation and Technological Assistance for Employment
Lee, G. (Co-Principal Investigator), Mustonen, L.-K. S. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Katsui, H. (Participant)
10/04/2023 → 31/08/2023
Project: Research project
Comparative analysis of disability-related policies and systems between EU and Mongolia
Katsui, H. (Principal Investigator) & Martire, F. (Co-Principal Investigator)
31/10/2022 → 16/12/2022
Project: EU funding
Strengthening employment opportunities of persons with disabilities in Kyrgyzstan
Katsui, H. (Principal Investigator), KUZNETSOVA, Y. (Co-Principal Investigator) & SHUMILOVA, Y. (Co-Principal Investigator)
11/04/2022 → 20/06/2022
Project: EU funding
Capacity building on social protection for persons with disabilities in Cambodia
BOREL, D. (Principal Investigator) & Katsui, H. (Co-Principal Investigator)
13/09/2021 → 15/12/2021
Project: EU funding
Network to Develop Nordic Disability Studies 2021
Katsui, H. (Principal Investigator), Hedlund, M. (CoIlaborator), Engwall, K. (CoIlaborator), Tøssebro, J. (CoIlaborator) & Pedersen, H. (CoIlaborator)
15/05/2021 → 01/10/2022
Project: Other project
Overall assessment of the disability sector in the State of Mauritius
WALLING , F. (Principal Investigator) & Katsui, H. (Co-Principal Investigator)
12/04/2021 → 11/06/2021
Project: EU funding
Signed Memories: Rights Violation against Deaf People and Sign Community
Katsui, H. (Principal Investigator), Koivisto, M. (Participant), Tepora-Niemi, S.-M. (Participant), Rautiainen, P. (Participant), Meriläinen, N. (Participant), Hiilamo, H. (Project manager), Tarvainen, M. (Project manager), Raino, P. (Project manager), Nisula, M. (Participant) & Manunen, J. (Participant)
01/06/2020 → 31/12/2021
Project: Research project
Japan-Finland International Exchange Project for Reducing Inequalities of Persons with Mental Health Conditions: Towards Realising the SDGs
Katsui, H. (Participant), Izutsu, T. (Participant) & Sudo, S. (Project manager)
01/04/2020 → 31/03/2022
Project: Research project
The possibilities of youth with profound disabilities for sports activities
Katsui, H. (Participant), Mietola, R. (Participant), Saukkonen, E. (Participant) & Eriksson, S. (Project manager)
01/08/2019 → 16/12/2022
Project: Research project
Reducing Inequality: Finnish development cooperation in Ethiopia and Kenya with special focus on gender and disability
Katsui, H. (Principal Investigator) & Ranta, E. (Participant)
01/01/2013 → 30/06/2014
Project: Research project
Ikkuna Ugandaan – kuuron lapsen elämää kehitysmaassa
Katsui, H. (Participant)
01/01/2009 → 30/06/2010
Project: Research project
Sustainable Development and Human Rights Network Project
Katsui, H. (Participant)
01/01/2008 → 31/12/2010
Project: Research project
an evaluation study on Threshold Association (Kynnys ry) of development cooperation activities in Central Asian countries
Katsui, H. (Participant)
01/01/2008 → 31/12/2009
Project: Research project
Human-Rights-Based Approach to Disability in Development: Interplay of Disability-Sensitive Development Cooperation and National Policy in Uganda
Katsui, H. (Participant)
01/01/2007 → 31/10/2012
Project: Research project
Health and Disability in International Development Policy
Katsui, H. (Participant) & Wamai, R. (Participant)
20/06/2006 → 31/12/2008
Project: Research project
Forging Partnership? A Comparative Study of Institutional Responses to Nordic and Japanese Aid in Asia
Katsui, H. (Participant)
01/01/2006 → 31/12/2007
Project: Research project
an evaluation study on Abilis Foundation of its development cooperation activities in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Uganda and Zambia
Katsui, H. (Participant)
01/03/2005 → 30/05/2006
Project: Research project
a study to review 90 Finnish NGOs in Development based on interviews commissioned by KEPA
Katsui, H. (Participant)
01/01/2002 → 01/01/2003
Project: Research project
a study to listen to the voices of Southern civil societies commissioned by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Katsui, H. (Participant)
01/01/2001 → 01/01/2003
Project: Research project