Jaakko Frösen
1968 …2019

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

Education and training

Matriculation examination, Helsingin Normaalilyseo 1962

Candidatus Philosophiae, Helsinki University 1967 (Greek literature, Roman literature, Psychology) - supplemented with General Linguistics 1968

Licentiatus Philosophiae, Helsinki University 1969 (Greek literature, Roman literature)

Doctor Philosophiae, Helsinki University 1974

Venia docendi (adjunct professor/docent), Helsinki University 1975 (Greek philology)


Present position: Professor in Greek Philology, University of Helsinki


Professional appointments (primary occupations)

Lecturer in Latin language (substitute), Oulu University 1969

Assistant in Roman literature (half-time), Helsinki University 1970

Military service (second lieutenant) 1970-71

Lecturer in classical philology, Turku University 1971-73

Assistant in Greek literature, Helsinki University 1974-76

Assistant professor in classical philology (substitute), Turku University 1976

Secretary general, Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Sciences and Letters 1977

Assistant in Greek language and literature, Helsinki University 1977-81

Junior research fellow, Academy of Finland 1981

Senior research fellow, Academy of Finland 1982-85, 1986–88

Professor in Greek language and literature (substitute), Helsinki University 1985

Director of the Finnish Institute at Athens 1988-92

Senior researcher (Grant), Academy of Finland 1992-93

Research professor, Academy of Finland 1993-94

Academy professor, Academy of Finland 1995-98

Senior researcher, Academy of Finland/ University of Helsinki 1998–99

Professor in Greek philology, University of Helsinki 1999–2005

Senior researcher, Academy of Finland/ University of Helsinki 2006

Professor in Greek philology, University of Helsinki since 2007


Professional appointments (secondary occupations)

Several teaching duties at schools, universities, summer universities and institutes since 1967 Greek, Latin, Italian, sociolinguistics, classical archaeology)

Assistant researcher (Papyrus team of H. Zilliacus), Academy of Finland 1969-72

Member of the papyrological team under the leadership of Prof. Henrik Zilliacus, Helsinki University since 1969, leader of the team since 1984

Adjunct Professor (docent) in Greek Philology, Helsinki University since 1975

Expert's duties, Helsinki University since 1975

Secretary general, Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Sciences and Letters 1976

Supervisor in classical archaeology, Oulu University 1980

Attaché of cultural affairs, Embassy of Finland, Athens 1988-92

Leader of the the Finnish Jabal Harun Archaeological Project, Petra, Jordan, since 1997

Member of the UNESCO Executive Committee of the International Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation in Cairo 1997–1998, 2006–

Leader of the Project for Saving the Library of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa since 1999

Advisor and Representative of the Finnish Partner in the EU Programme 'Kultur 2000', Rinascimento virtuale – Digitale Palimpsestforschung – Rediscovering Written Records of a Hidden Europaean Cultural Heritage, 2001–2004

Supervisor in Classical Archaeology, Helsinki University 2003–2004

Member in the leading group of the Helsinki University Doctoral School 'Meaning, language and changing cultures' since 2003

Advisor in the UN Development Programme in the Republik of Macedonia (FYROM), 'Local Governance for Sustainable Human and Economic Development', since 2004

Leader of the Helsinki University Doctoral School 'Ancient Greek Written Sources' since 2005

Member of the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Helsinki since 2010

Principal Investigator at the University of Helsinki since 2010


Research awards, honours and major grants

Research grant of the Alexander von Humboldt -Stiftung, Cologne University 1984-85

The Reader's Digest, Finland – 50-years' anniversary research award 1995

The Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities' award for saving the Petra papyri 1995

Emil Aaltonen Foundation - 100-years' anniversary research grant 1997–99

Helsingin I normaalikoulu - the 'Norssi' of the year 1999

The Academy of Finland - The Center of Excellence in Research 'Ancient and Medieval Greek Documents, Archives and Libraries' 2000–2005

Tieteentekijöiden liitto - The Researcher of the year 2001

Jenny ja Antti Wihurin Rahasto / Foundation - The Honorary Award 2002

The City of Helsinki - The Research Award 2004

The Academy of Finland - The Center of Excellence in Research 'Ancient Greek Written Sources' 2006–2011

Budge for merit of the State of Finland (valtion virka-ansiomerkki XXX) 2008



Knight Commanders' Cross of the Order of the Lion in Finland 2002

Knight's Cross I of the Order of the White Rose in Finland 1994

Cross II of Saint Apostle and Evangelist Marc in the Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa 2000


Editorial board memberships

Editorial board, Arctos - Acta Philologica Fennica 1986–2006, chief editor 1995–2000

Editor of the Monograph-Series Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, Societas Scientiarum Fennica since 1993

Editorial board, Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens 2002-2008


Memberships in scientific societies

Member of Klassillis-Filologinen Yhdistys ry. (Finnish Association for Classics) since 1967, vice president 1992–95

Founding member of Suomen Egyptologinen Seura ry. (Finnish Egyptological Society) since 1969, vice president 1987–1988 and 1992–1997, president 1997–2005

Member of Turun klassillinen yhdistys Paideia ry. (Paideia, the Turku Association for Classics) 1972-2000

Member of Association Internationale de Papyrologues – AIP since 1977

Founding member of the Suomen Ateenan-Instituutin ystävät ry. (The Friends of the Finnish Institute at Athens) since 1986, vice president 1995–1998, president 1999–2000

Elected member of the Platonselskabet – Nordiskt selskab för antikens idétradition (The Plato Society – Nordic Association for Ancient History of Ideas) since 1987

Elected member of the Societas Scientiarum Fennica since 1987

Elected member of the Academia Europaea since 1989

The Board of the Finnish Institute at Athens 1995–2007, vice president 2000–2007

Member of Glossa – Keskiajan tutkimuksen seura (Society for Medieval Studies) since 1999

Member of Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica – AIAC since 1999

Elected member of the Comité Internationale de Papyrologie 2001–2010

Member of the Bysantin tutkimuksen seura (Finnish Society for Byzantine Studies) since 2002

The Board of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East since 2004

Member of Suomen klassillisen arkeologian seura ry. (Finnish Association for Classical Archaeology) since 2005

Elected member of the Committee on Archaeological Projects in Egypt appointed by the Association Internationale de Papyrologues since 2010


Other academic and professional merits and activities

Qualifications (short list) for professorship in Greek language and literature, Helsinki University 1975

Qualifications (short list) for professorship in Ancient  languages and culture, Turku University 1991


The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, Committee for settling the status and position of the learned societies in Finland (Committee Report 1977:2), secretary 1977

The Finnish Central Board of Schools, Committee for Latin and Greek at the High School level, planner for Greek language course 1978–79

Committee for the New Finnish Translation of the Bible, member of the Translation Unit for the Letters of St. Paul 1983 and 1985


Censor and opponent for the PhD dissertation of Martti Nyman, 'Towards psychologicalreality of grammatical descriptions', Helsinki University/ general linguistics, 1982

Censor for the PhLic dissertation of Petra Pentikäinen, 'Uskonto hellenistisessä Ateenassa' Religion in Hellenistic Athens, Helsinki University/ religion studies 1991

Censor for the PhLic dissertation of Mika Hakkarainen, 'Genos epideiktikon Byzantinon. Ylistyspuhe vallankäytön ja kritiikin välineenä' (The Genos epideiktikon Byzantinon as Means of Power and Criticism), Helsinki University/

history 1994

Censor for the PhD dissertation of Martti Leiwo, 'Neapolitana. A Study of Population and Language in Graeco-Roman Naples', Helsinki University/ classics, 1994

Censor for the PhD dissertation of Antti Arjava, 'Women and Law in Late Antiquity', Helsinki University/ classics 1994

Censor for the PhLic dissertation of Kenneth Lönnqvist, 'Studies in the Greek Imperial and Greek Coinage', Helsinki University/ archaeology,1995

Censor and opponent for the PhD dissertation of Petra Pakkanen, 'Interpreting Early Hellenistic Religion. A Study Based on the Cult of Isis and the Mystery Cult of Demeter', Helsinki University/ religion studies, 1995.

Censor and opponent for the PhD dissertation of Anssi Lampela, 'Rooman ja Ptolemaiosten poliittisten suhteiden kehitys 273–80 eKr.' ('Rome and the Ptolemies of Egypt: The Development of their Political Relations 273–80 B.C.'), Oulu University/ history, 1996

Expert for filling the Professorship in Greek at the University of Göteborg, Sweden, 1996

Censor for the PhD dissertation of Erkki Sironen, 'The Late Roman and Early Byzantine Inscriptions of Athens and Attica', Helsinki University/ classics, 1997

Expert for the application by Martti Leiwo for a docentship (reader) in Classical Philology, Helsinki University,1997

Expert for the application by Martti Leiwo for a docentship (reader) in Classical Languages, Turku University 1998

Expert for the application by Erkki Sironen for a docentship (reader) in Ancient Languages and Culture, Oulu University, 1998

Censor for the scientific merits of applicants for the Swedish Research Council, 2002

Advisor for the PhD dissertation of Erja Salmenkivi, ‘Cartonnage Papyri in Context – NewPtolemaic Documents from Abu Sir al-Malaq’, Helsinki University/ classics, 2002

Member of the Committee for suggesting the grade for the doctoral dissertation presented by Pirjo Lapinkivi, 'The Sumerian Sacred Marriage in the Light of Comparative Evidence', Helsinki University/ assyriology, 2004

Opponent for the PhD dissertation of Tua Korhonen, ‘Ateena Auran rannoilla', Helsinki University/ classics 2004

Expert for filling the Professorship in Greek language and literature at the University of Lund, Sweden, 2004

Expert for scientific evaluation of a research proposal submitted to Austrian 'Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung' 2004

Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki 2004

Expert for scientific evaluation of a research proposal submitted to the Norvegian Forskningsråd 2005

Expert for scientific evaluation of research proposals submitted to the Academy of Finland 2006

Censor for the PhD dissertation  of Maria Niku, ‘The Official Status of the Foreign Residents in Athens 322–120 B.C. University of Oulu 2006

Expert for scientific evaluation of Traianos Gagos’ professorship at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2007

Expert for scientific evaluation of an adjuct professorship (Docent) of Georg Walser at the University of  Lund 2008

Expert for scientific evaluation of Demokritos Kaltsas’ professorship at the University of Cyprus 2008

Expert for scientific evaluation of a research proposal submitted to the Hungarian Research Fund (OTKA) 2009

Expert for scientific evaluation of the applications for postdoctoral researchers at the University of Helsinki 2009

Expert for scientific evaluation of a research proposal submitted to the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation 2010

Chairman of the Organizin Committee of the Eikonopoiia Symposium on Digital Imaging of Ancient Textual Heritage: Technological Challenges and Solutions, Helsinki 2010

Member of the panel for scientific evaluation of the applications for a 3 years grant of the University of Helsinki, section Arts 2010

Fields of Science

  • 612 Languages and Literature
  • 615 History and Archaeology
  • papyrology, Greek philology, classics, ancient history and archaeology, conservation methods
  • Antiikin ja keskiajan kreikankieliset asiakirjat, arkistot ja kirjastot (huippuyksikkö)

    Frösen, J. (Project manager) & Salmenkivi, E. (Other)


    Project: Research project

  • Petran Aaroninvuoren arkeologiset kaivaukset

    Frösen, J. (Project manager), Fiema, Z. T. (Other), Lavento, M. (Other), Kouki, P. (Other), Haggrén, H. (Participant), Danielli, C. (Participant), Alander, J. (Participant), Eklund, A. (Participant), Eklund, S. (Participant), Erving, A. (Participant), Hamari, P. (Participant), Heiska, N. (Participant), Hertell, E. (Participant), Hinkkanen, K. (Participant), Holappa, M. (Participant), Holmqvist-Sipilä, E. (Participant), Huotari, M. (Participant), Junnilainen, H. (Participant), Juntunen, K. J. (Participant), Koistinen, K. (Participant), Kuisma, H. (Participant), Lahelma, A. (Participant), Latikka, J. (Participant), Lehtinen, A. (Participant), Lindblom, J. (Participant), Miettunen, P. H. (Participant), Mikkola, E. (Participant), Mustonen, M. (Participant), Pouta, S. (Participant), Putkonen, V. (Participant), Silvonen, S. (Participant), Sipilä, J. (Participant), Tenhunen, T. (Participant), Vihonen, J. (Participant), Whiting, M. (Participant), Ynnilä, H. M. (Participant), Zhu, L. (Participant), Barjous, M. (Participant), Gerber, Y. (Participant), Holmgren, R. (Participant), Keller, D. (Participant), Schmid, S. (Participant) & Studer, J. (Participant)


    Project: Research project

  • Kreikankielisten papyrusten julkaiseminen

    Frösen, J. (Project manager), Arjava, A. (Other), Buchholz, M. (Participant), Kaimio, J. J. (Participant), Kaimio, M. (Participant), Purola, T. (Participant), Salmenkivi, E. (Other), Satama (ent. Vesterinen), M. (Participant) & Vierros, M. (Participant)


    Project: Research project