Janne Kivivuori
  • PL 16 (Snellmaninkatu 10)



1992 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Description of research and teaching

Research profile

Prof. Kivivuori’s research focuses on homicide, delinquency, methodology of crime measurement, history of criminology and historical criminology. He is currently researching the history of criminology from the perspective of data and instruments. He recently completed a Nordic project comparing early modern and modern homicide, and developing an approach to long durtation homicide research (Nordic Homicide in Deep Time, Helsinki University Press 2022). He has been centrally involved in the creation of research based crime indicators, such as the Finnish Self-Report Delinquency Study (FSRD, 1995-), the Finnish Homicide Monitor (FHM, 2002-), and the Finnish Crime Victim Survey (FCVS, 2012-). Currently he serves in the Steering Committees of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD) and the European Homicide Monitor (EHM).

Curriculum vitae


1994 D. Soc. Sc., Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Sociology

1991 M. Soc. Sc., Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Sociology

Current positions

2016– Professor of Criminology, Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, University of Helsinki

2017– Adjunct Professor of History of Criminology and Sociology, University of Oulu

Prior positions

2015–2016 Research Director, Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, University of Helsinki

2000–2014 Research Director, National Research Institute of Legal Policy, Criminological Unit

1992–2000 Researcher and Senior Researcher, National Research Institute of Legal Policy, Criminological Unit, Finland

Teaching and supervision

2019– Course in Criminology and History, Universities of Helsinki and Oulu

2018–2020 Director, Master’s Programme in Social Research, University of Helsinki

2018– Creation of the Criminological Seminar, Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences, University of Helsinki

2017– Creation of the Criminology Study Track, Master's Programme in Social Research, University of Helsinki

2000–2015 Teaching of Criminology at the department of Sociology, University of Helsinki

2000– Supervision of completed PhD theses: 8

2000– Supervision of extensive number of research projects, as Research Director at National Research Institute of Legal Policy and, from 2015, at the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, University of Helsinki

Societal impact related

2016–2022 Chair, Research Division of the Council of Crime Prevention (Ministry of Justice), Finland

2016–2019 Vice-Member and Member, Council of Crime Prevention (Ministry of Justice), Finland

Academic positions of trust

2020 Member, Nominations Committee, American Society of Criminology

2019–2022 Chair, Finnish Society of Criminology (Suomen Kriminologinen Yhdistys ry)

2018 Member, Review Panel (Law, Criminology, Philosophy and Ethics), Swedish Research Council, Sweden

2016–2019 Member, Jury of the Young Criminologist Award, European Society of Criminology

2015 Prize of the Finnish Data Archive, for the advancement of open science

2013– Member, Editorial Board of the European Journal of Criminology

2013–2015 Editor, Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention [currently Nordic Journal of Criminology]

2011– Member, Steering Committee, European Homicide Monitor

2010– Member, Steering Committee of the International Self-Report Delinquency Study

2007– 2009 Board member, Scandinavian Research Council for Criminology

2003– 2004 Co-Editor, journal Oikeus

This CV is a selection of most important activities









Fields of Science

  • 5141 Sociology
  • Criminology

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.