Personal profile

Curriculum vitae


  1. Full name and date
  • Pirhonen, Jari Pentti Tapio, 6.7.2022
  1. Date and place of birth, nationality, current residence
  • 11.1970, Kontiolahti, Finland (Finnish nationality)
  • Tampere
  1. Education and degrees awarded
  • MTh, University of Helsinki, Theology, 25.5.2022
  • PhD, University of Tampere, Gerontology, 19.6.2017
  • MSSc, University of Jyväskylä, Sociology, 15.10.2012
  • MSSc, University of Jyväskylä, Philosophy, 8.10.2012
  1. Other education and training, qualifications and skills
  • Title of Docent in Gerontology, University of Tampere 28.3.2022
  • Title of Docent in Social Gerontology, University of Helsinki 29.10.2020
  • Practical nurse, Vocational degree, Jyväskylä Educational Consortium, 28.4.2008
  1. Linguistic skills
  • Finnish, mother tongue.
  • English, excellent speaking and writing skills.
  • Swedish, good speaking and writing skills.
  • Russian, conversational speaking and writing skills.
  1. Current position
  • Senior Research Fellow (1.9.2021 onwards). Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki. Conducting research on social death with funding from the Academy of Finland. In addition, responsible Researcher in a research project on end-of-life care of people with dementing illnesses, funded by the Kone Foundation (1.6.2020 onwards). Leading the work of three researchers. Also a Research Fellow at Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care (CoE AgeCare).
  1. Relevant work experience
  • Responsible Researcher for research project Ageing and Social Well-Being (SoWell). Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University. 1.6.2018–31.5.2020. In charge of conducting empirical research: data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • Post-doctoral Researcher. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere. 9.2017–31.5.2018. Worked in Academy of Finland funded research project Robots and the future of welfare service. Published two research articles, three articles currently in publication process.
  • Doctoral Researcher. School of Health Sciences/Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tampere. 1.9.2014–31.8.2017. Conducted own doctoral research (PhD awarded 19.6.2017).
  • School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere. 1.6.–31.8.2014. Conducted own doctoral research with research grant from the City of Tampere.
  • School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere. 7.4.–8.6.2014. Conducted my own doctoral research.
  • Part-time Researcher. School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere. 1.1.–6.4.2014. Conducted own doctoral research.
  • Part-time Practical nurse. City of Tampere. 1.1.–28.2.2014.
  • School of Health Sciences, University of Tampere. 1.9.2013–31.12.2013. Conducted own doctoral research.
  1. Research funding as well as leadership and supervision
  • Awarded research grant from the Academy of Finland (€222,488) 1.9.2021–31.8.2024
  • Awarded research grant from the Kone Foundation (€20,000) 3.12.2020
  • Awarded research grant from the Kone Foundation (€341,000) 1.1.2020–31.12.2022
  • Awarded research grant from the City of Tampere (€4,200). 1.6.–31.8.2014
  • Currently supervising the ongoing research of PhD candidates Katariina Tuominen, Katja Hautsalo, and Maija Harju.
  • Co-supervisor of ongoing research of PhD candidate Marjut Lemivaara.
  • Supervised theses of multiple undergraduate students: Outi Tamminen (2020), Kari Virtanen (2019), Minerva Muhonen (2019), Katariina Tuominen (2017), Taika Tulonen (2016), and Kaisa Karlsson (2016).
  1. Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence

Pedagogical competence

  • Completed pedagogic courses at the University of Tampere (40 ECTS): PEDAYOP1 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (10 ECTS); PEDAYOP2 Curriculum in Higher Education (5 ECTS); PEDAYOP3 Academic Supervision and Guidance (5 ECTS); PEDAYOP4 Participatory development project (5 ECTS); PEDAYOV1 Optional studies in university pedagogy (15 ECTS).

Teaching, courses

  • SOSM-YP322 Ageing and service needs (5 ETCS) 20.1.–6.3.2022. University of Helsinki.
  • Philosophy of Robotics (5 ETCS). Responsible teacher together with docent Jaana Parviainen. 20.3.–22.5.2017 (taught again 8.1.–19.2.2018). Tampere University.
  • TERY5B Workshop on Philosophy (2 ECTS). Responsible teacher together with Ph.D. Jutta Pulkki. 19.1.–28.2.2017. Tampere University.
  • TERKAN16 Qualitative research methods. Planning and implementing of 3 ECTS credits course on ethnography for master students. 8.10.–26.11.2015. Tampere University.

Teaching, lectures

  • SOTE02B Pensioner services, daily life, and life course. A 90-minute lecture on the course. 3.2020. Tampere University.
  • HIST02a The lived welfare state: an individual inside the service system. A 45-minute lecture on the course. 3.2.2020 Tampere University.
  • SOSM-ST321 Special questions challenging well-being of older adults. A 90-minute lecture on the course. 20.2.2019. University of Helsinki.
  • SOSM-YP322 Ageing and the need of services. A 45-minute lecture on the course. 29.1.2019, 29.1.2020, and 25.1.2021. University of Helsinki.
  • GERS1001 Gerontological research. A 90-minute lecture on the course. 14.2.2018 and 18.2.2019. University of Jyväskylä.
  • DPHSF501 Doctoral course in ageing research. A 90-minute lecture based on my doctoral research. 15.2.2017. Tampere University.
  • TERKANA2 Health, everyday life and agency. A 90-minute lecture on human rights and elderly care. 18.1.2017 and 16.1.2019. Tampere University.
  • TERKAN16 Qualitative research methods. A 90-minute lecture on ethnography for master students. 10.11.2016. Tampere University.
  • TGEP121 Ageing, ability to function and health. A 90-minute lecture in a web-course. 6.10.2016. Jyväskylä Open University.
  • Three tutorial sessions for medical students on how to interview older adults (3x1.5h). 10.5.2016. Taught again13.–14.5.2019). Tampere University.
  • TERY5B Workshop on Philosophy (2 ETCS). Three 90-minute lectures for bachelor students: 14.1., 21.1., and 11.2.2015. Tampere University.
  1. Awards, prizes and honours
  • A candidature for the award of the best social scientific article written in Finnish in 2020–2021. (The Science Pen of the Year -award by the Kone Foundation)
  • Given award for Public Engagement as a Researcher in 2017, granted by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tampere.
  • Awarded best article in scientific journal Gerontologia between 2014–2016, granted by The Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research.
  1. Other academic merits
  • Memberships in academic societies: The Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research and Finnish Death Studies Association.
  • Positions of trust in academic societies: Secretary, The Finnish Society for Growth and Ageing Research 25.4.2013–21.3.2016.
  • Reviewer for the scientific journals: Ageing & Society, Terra, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, Gerontologia, Diakonian tutkimus, Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Journal of Gerontological Social Work, Scandinavian Journal of caring Sciences, and Aging and Mental Health
  • Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences in the University of Tampere, 1.1.2019-31.5.2020.
  • Member of the Organizing Committee of the Doctoral Conferment of the University of Tampere 2018 (conferment was held 16.–18.8.2019).
  • Chair of the organizing committee of SOC-day 14.12.2017. The event introduced research being conducted in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Tampere.
  • Member of the Organizing Committee. Gerontology Summer School. 24.–25.8.2017. Varala Sports Academy, Tampere.
  • Chair of the Organizing Committee. National seminar on Ageing Research. 20.10.2015. House of Science and Letters, Helsinki.
  • Member of the Scientific Council at the University of Tampere. 1.1.2015–31.12.2015.
  • Chair of two sessions at international scientific conferences: IAGG-ER 2019 22.–25.05.2019, Gothenburg, Sweden; 18th Nursing Ethics Conference 15.–16.09.2017, Leuven, Belgium.
  • Member of Steering Group in the project ”Terveydenhuollon työntekijät digimurroksessa: yhteistyön ja asiakaslähtöisyyden uudet haasteet” [Health service employees in digital transition: new challenges in collaboration and client centredness]. The project lasts 1.8.2017–30.9.2020. The organizers are University of Tampere and Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
  1. Scientific and societal impact of research
  • Authored 27 peer-reviewed articles.
  • Authored 7 other publications in academic journals.
  • Authored three chapters in scientific books.
  • A conference paper presented in Aarhus, Denmark, October 17-21, 2016: Laitinen, A., Niemelä, M., and Pirhonen, J. (2016). Social robotics, elderly care, and human dignity: A recognition theoretical approach. In. J. Seibt, M. Nørskov. & S. Andersen (Eds.), What Social Robots Can and Should Do (pp. 155-163). Washington, D.C.: IOS Press. DOI: 10.3233/987-1-61499-708-5-155
  • Have given 10 oral presentations (1 keynote) and 3 poster presentations at scientific conferences.
  • Authored 12 publications in trade journals
  • Have given over 60 expert interviews to the media, national television included.
  • My article “Pirhonen, J. (2015) Tunnustaminen ja sen vastavuoroisuus vanhustyössä” [Recognition and reciprocity in elderly care] was used as entrance exam material by Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. 29.5.2017
  • My article “Pirhonen, J. ja Pulkki, J. (2016). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon perusarvojen jäljillä - avuntarpeen ja riippuvuuden tunnustaminen vanhuspalveluissa” [A search for basic values in social and health care – recognizing the need of help and vulnerability in elderly care] was used as entrance exam material by the University of Eastern Finland. 18.5.2017
  1. Positions of trust in society and other societal merits
  • Chair (2014–2016 and 2017-present) and Founding member. Arvokas vanhuus ARVA ry. The society was founded by the initiative of people taking part in a workshop I organized as part of my fieldwork regarding my doctoral research in Spring 2014. The society was granted €190,000 in funding for fulfilling elderly people’s dreams in 2018, and €435,000 for pedagogic choirs for older adults with memory disorders in 2021.
  • Steering group member (2018–2021). Project “Intergenerational Community of Käräjätörmä”. The project aims to design and implement a residential area to bring different generations together and find new ways to collectively look after people with dementing illnesses.
  • Board Member (2016–2018). The Central Association of Carers in Finland.
  • Board Member (2015–2018). Association Pirkanmaan omaishoitajat ry -PIONI, Vice-chair 2016–2018.
  • Board Member (2015–2016). PiiPoo – accessible centre for art and culture.
  1. Other merits
  • Have given 148 invited lectures/presentations for municipalities, associations, trade unions, and other entities across Finland.
  • My thoughts on elderly care were used in the manuscript of a theatre performance “On kirkkaana päivä ja ilta – vanhan miehen tunnustukset” [The day and night were bright – confessions of an old man]. Director Riku Laakkonen. Performance was funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, City of Tampere, Ministry of Education and Culture, Tampereen taidekasvatus ry and PiiPoo – accessible centre for art and culture. Premiere 16.9.2017.
  • Member of a steering group in “Omaishoitajat ja hoidettavat digiaikaan” [Bringing family carers and those they care for into the digital age] project. The project was funded by the Council of the Tampere Region and managed by the Tampere University of Applied Sciences. 1.1.2018-30.12.2018
  • Visiting research fellow in University of Helsinki 1.12.2019–31.5.2020.
  • Visiting research fellow in Trinity College Dublin 1.–30.4.2019
  • Visiting research fellow in VU University, Amsterdam 16.11.–1.12.2014

Fields of Science

  • 5141 Sociology

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.