Research activity per year

Personal profile

Description of research and teaching

I am currently working as University Researcher at the Centre for European Studies, University of Helsinki. I am Associate Professor of Political Science at University of Turku. I have three ongoing research projects. The first one, funded by the Kone Foundation, examines irony in international politics. The second project is a WELGO Consortium funded by the Academy of Finland's Strategic Research Council. I study pandemic authority in Finland and organise focus groups to examine how political authority was perceived by those occupational groups that were directly impacted by pandemic restrictions. The third research project, funded by the Kone Foundation, studies militarism and democracy in Finland.

Previously I worked as Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Social Research, Tampere University and as University Lecturer at the Centre for European Studies, University of Helsinki. I hold a PhD in Politics and International Studies from the University of Warwick (2017). I am editor of The Nordic Review of International Studies, a member of the Executive Committee of The Nordic International Studies Association, and a member of the editorial committee of The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies' Tieteessä tapahtuu.

I was previously the chair of the Finnish International Studies Association, a board member of The Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing, a panel vice chair of The Publication Forum, a member of The Young Academy Finland, and the editor-in-chief of The Finnish Political Science Assocation's Politiikasta. Politiikasta was awarded the Vuoden tiedeviestintä prize during my editorial term. I am a regular columnist for the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yleisradio).    

I have taught MA courses Trust and Mistrust in Social Sciences (University of Turku), Cooperation and Conflict in Nordic and European Politics (Tampere University), Cooperation and Conflict in European and Nordic History (University of Helsinki), Introduction to Nordic and European Studies (University of Helsinki) and Trust in International Relations (Tampere University). 

Fields of Science

  • 517 Political science

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.