Jouni Räisänen
  • PL 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2)




Research activity per year

Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE of Jouni Räisänen (30.11.2018)

Full name: Räisänen, Jouni Antero (male)

Date and place of birth: 18 January 1968, Helsinki, Finland
Nationality: Finnish
Current residence: Espoo, Finland

Education and degrees awarded
17 June 2002     Title of Docent in meteorology, University of Helsinki
7  February 1998     Ph.D. in meteorology, University of Helsinki
22 March 1996     Phil. Lic in meteorology, University of Helsinki
17 September 1993 M.Sc in meteorology, University of Helsinki
6 March 1992     B.Sc in meteorology, University of Helsinki

Other training, qualifications and skills
Course “University Pedagogy I” (10 Credit Units) in fall term 2010, grading: Passed with distinction (Kiittäen hyväksytty).

Linguistic skills (self-assessment)
Finnish (native); English (excellent); Swedish (good); German (deteriorating)

Current position (from 1 January 2003; permanent from 1 September 2003)
Lecturer in meteorology (in Finnish: yliopistonlehtori), Department of Physics, University of Helsinki
Previous professional appointments
•        1 Jan 1998 – 31 Dec 2002: Researcher, Rossby Centre, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.
•      1 Sep 1997 – 31 Dec 1997: Younger Researcher (nuorempi tutkija, viran-sijaisuus), Academy of Finland
•        1 Jan 1995 – 31 Aug 1997: Research assistant (tutkimusassistentti), Academy of Finland    
•      1 Sep 1991 – 31 Dec 1994: Various positions at the Department of Meteorology, University of Helsinki: teaching assistant (assistentti), research assistant (tutkimusassistentti), researcher (tutkija), part-time teacher (tuntiopettaja).

Major research funding and academic leadership
A) As principal investigator of the project
•    “Dynamics of atmospheric vertical motions and heavy precipitation in a changing climate”, 2014-2016, Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation, 69.000 €
•     “Climatic normals and extremes in a changing climate”, 2009-2012, Academy of Finland, 346.000 €.
•    “Climate in the next 50 years”, Academy of Finland, 2005-2008, 208.000 €

B)  As co-investigator (own share of funding indicated)
•    “GRASS (Green Sahara: a cross-disciplinary approach to modelling climate and human distribution)”, (PI: Heikki Seppä), Academy of Finland, 2018-2022, 392.503 €
•     “DECM (Data Evaluation for Climate Models)”, (PI: Hilppa Gregow), European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, 2016-2018, 109.000 €
•      “RECAST (REviewing Climate change simulations for enhanced Adaptation in Sectors and Technical infrastructure: implications of growing weather variability and uncertainty for weather sensitive capital intensive systems)”, (PI: Adriaan Perrels), Academy of Finland, 2011-2014, 250.000 €.
•    “SETUKLIM (Sektoritutkimusohjelman ilmastoskenaatiot)”, (PI: Heikki Tuomenvirta), Ministry for Traffic and Communication, 2011-2012, 21.196 €
•    “Climate and Energy Systems” (PI: Árni Snorrason), Nordic Energy Research, 2007-2010, 33.000 €.
•      ACCLIM I-II (PI: Kirsti Jylhä), 2006-2010, Ministry for Traffic and Communication and Ministry for Agriculture, 24.733 €.
•    “Poikkeukselliset luonnonilmiöt ja rakennettu ympäristö muuttuvassa ilmastossa I- II” (PI: Lasse Makkonen) 2004-2006 and 2007-2008, Ympäristöklusteri, 24.400 €

Student supervision
•    Supervision of PhD thesis: Jussi Ylhäisi (2014), Olle Räty (2018)
•    Supervision of MSc theses: Leena Ruokolainen (2005), Jaakko Karppanen (2006), Henriikka Simola (2008), Jussi Ylhäisi (2009), Joonas Eklund (2010), Liisa Rintaniemi (2010), Olle Räty (2012), Matti Kämäräinen (2013), Antti Kokko (2013), Miika Mäkelä (2014), Mika Rantanen (2015), Anna Latvala (2017), Jani Räihä (2018)
Currently supervising the PhD thesis of Mika Rantanen

Major teaching duties and pedagogical competence
•    Regularly lecturing BSc and MSc courses at Department of Physics, University of Helsinki: total of ca. 1900 hours since January 2003
•     Courses lectured: Introduction to atmospheric flow dynamics I-II, Dynamics of atmospheric flow structures, Basic course in climatology, Physical climatology, Atmospheric general circulation I, Atmospheric general circulation II, Enhanced greenhouse effect and its impacts, Laboratory course in numerical meteorology, Statistical processing of observations
•     Lecture compendiums written: Enhanced Greenhouse Effect and its Impacts (2004; 2008; 2014)
•     Lecture compendiums updated: Basics of Climatology (2008); Atmospheric General Circulation I (2009); Physical Climatology (2010); Statistical Processing of Observations (2012)
•     Study advisor in meteorology at University of Helsinki, from 2005 to present
•     Planning and organisation of annual curriculum of meteorology at University of Helsinki, from 2005 to present
•     Supervision of numerous BSc theses (ca. 40) in meteorology
•     Participation in “University Pedagogy I” (10 Credit Units) in fall term 2010, grading: Passed with distinction (Kiittäen hyväksytty).

Prizes and awards
•      Nobel Peace prize in 2007, as member of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
•      Teacher of the year at Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, as nominated by the Resonanssi student organization, 2008 and 2015.

Other academic and professional activities
•      Lead author in the IPCC WGI Fourth Assessment report (2007) (Chapter 11, “Regional climate projections”).
•      Contributing author in the IPCC WGI Second (1995), Third (2001) and Fifth (2013) Scientific Assessments reports
•        Contributing author in the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (2004)
•      Contributing author and steering committee member of the Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin (2008).
•      Opponent in PhD defence of Anna Lewinschal, University of Stockholm (2013)
•      Pre-examination of PhD theses of Heikki Tuomenvirta (2004), Juhani Damski (2005) and Priit Tisler (2007)
•      Finnish representative in the EU COST VALUE project (2011-2015)
•        Referee of the IPCC WGI Third, Fourth and Fifth Scientific Assessment reports (2001, 2007 and 2012)
•      Member of the Tellus A and Geophysica advisory boards
•        Reviewer of the EU 6th Framework Program project ENSEMBLES, 2005-2007.
•        Referee of funding applications for 11 organizations: Atmospheric Peer Review Committee, United Kingdom; California Energy Comission; Czech Science Academy; European Science Foundation; French Academy of Sciences; National Science Foundation, USA; NWO, Netherlands; Research Council of Norway; University of Helsinki Research Foundation; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; FORMAS, Sweden
•      Referee for 42 scientific journals: Ambio, Atmosphere, Atmosphere-Ocean, Atmospheric Science Letters, Boreal Environmental Research, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Climate Dynamics, Climate Research, Climatic Change, the Cryosphere, Environmental Research Letters, Erdkunde, Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Geophysical Research Letters, International Journal of Climatology, International Journal on Global Warming, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Journal of Climate, Journal of Climatology, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Hydrology, Meteorological Applications, Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Monthly Weather Review, Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Nature Geoscience, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Remote Sensing Letters, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Scientific Reports, Tellus A, Tellus B, Terra, Water Research, Weather, and Weather and Forecasting
•      Invited speaker in 13 international conferences: 3rd Lund Regional-scale Climate Modelling Workshop, Lund, June 2014; Baltic Earth Workshop, Helsinki, January 2014; BONUS+ Workshop, Norrköping, October 2010; MISTRA SWECIA workshop, Stockholm, March 2008; ICTP training seminar on interpretation of climate model simulations, Trieste,  November 2007; UK/Sweden science seminar on “Predicting Climate Change in the Arctic”, Stockholm, March 2006; IPCC Workshop on Climate Sensitivity, Paris, July 2004; Second ICTP Conference on Detection and Modeling of Regional Climate Change, Trieste, September-October 2002; IPCC Workshop on Changes in Extreme Weather and Climate Events, Beijing, June 2002; IARC Workshop on Modeling of the Arctic Atmosphere, Madison, May 2002; Global Change Open Science Conference, Amsterdam, July 2001 Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Modeling and Scenarios Workshop, Stockholm, January 2001

Scientific and societal impact of research:

A) Scientific impact
•    69 articles in journals with referee practice; first author in 33 of these
•    16 other peer-reviewed scientific articles
•    h-index 25 (Web of Science 30.11.2018)
•    Most cited article (390 citations / Web of Science 30.11.2018):  Räisänen, J. and Co-authors, 2004. European climate in the late 21st century: regional simulations with two driving global models and two forcing scenarios. Climate Dynamics, 22, 13-31.

B) Societal impact:

•    Over 60 interviews on climate change in newspapers, radio, TV and web media
•    Several written publications popularizing science and five OpEd pieces on climate change in the leading Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat
•    Numerous public lectures on climate change for various audiences

Positions of trust, merits and activities in society
•    Member of the Finnish IPCC board in 1997
•    Hearings on climate change in the Finnish Parliament (3.12.2008; 19.2.2010)
•    Military service 9 June 1987 – 3 May 1988 (rank: junior sergeant)

Fields of Science

  • 114 Physical sciences
  • meteorology
  • climate change
  • 1171 Geosciences
  • meteorology
  • climate change

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.