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Rakennuskato – Purkuaalto ja modernin arkkitehtuurin kato Suomessa
Tikka, K. (Participant)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2028
Project: Research project
COST European Cooperation in Science & Technology: CA22155 - Network for forest by-products charcoal, resin, tar, potash
Tikka, K. (Scientific coordinator)
03/10/2023 → 02/10/2027
Project: Research project
At the Frontiers of Humanity: Extreme Necessity in the History of Ethics, Law and Politics, 300–1600; Ihmisyyden rajalla: Äärimmäinen hätä etiikan, lain ja politiikan historiassa, 300–1600
Mäkinen, V. (Project manager), Toiviainen Rø, S. (Participant), Tikka, K. (Participant), Posti, M. (Participant), Korpiola, M. (Participant), Toropainen, V. P. (Participant), Palmén, R. (Participant) & Haara, H. (Participant)
01/09/2020 → 31/08/2024
Project: Research Council of Finland: Academy Project
The Making of Commercial Law: Common Practices and National Legal Rules from the Early Modern to the Modern Period
Tikka, K. (Participant)
13/10/2013 → 30/09/2017
Project: Research project