Personal profile

Description of research and teaching


My research is focused on valorization of biomass streams, particularly hemicelluloses derived from wood and agricultural residues as well as fungal biomass. I am interested in functionality of biopolymers at multiphase systems and interfaces. The sustainability, biodegradability, and safety of hemicelluloses for food contact make them a highly interesting future alternative for petroleum-derived plastics. Other possible applications for hemicelluloses include, e.g., emulsions for food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals.

My Research Group Food Materials Science



Courses taught:

ETK-111 (Basics of Food Technology; 2 cr). Yearly from 2018 on.

ET410 (Conventional food processing technologies; 5 cr) Academic year 2016-17.

ET215 (Elintarvikesuunnittelu ja -prosessointi; 10 cr). Academic year 2016-17.

ETK210 (Elintarvikkeiden fysikaalinen kemia; 5 cr). Academic years 2015-16 and 2016-17.

ETT210 (Pakkausteknologia 1; 5 cr), a lecture course on packaging technology for bachelor students in food science. Academic year 2012-13.

ETT410 (Pakkausteknologia 2; 6 cr), advanced course on food packaging technology with both lectures and laboratory work. Academic year 2012-13.

YKEM111 (Laboratory course on physical chemistry, 3 cr), assistant teacher. Years 2007, 2010, and 2011.

Currently, I teach food technology and have responsibility of the food technology module for master studies, and supervise doctoral, master, and bachelor theses on related topics.

Curriculum vitae


Professor (1.9.2023→), Department of Food and Nutrition, University of Helsinki

Degrees awarded:

Docent (Adjunct Professor), Food Materials Science, University of Helsinki (2013)

PhD, Food Technology, University of Helsinki (2009)

MSc, Food Technology, University of Helsinki  (2004)

Other education:

University Pedagogy I (1+2); 10 cr (2011)

University Pedagogy 3; 5 cr, and 4; 5 cr (2013)

Leadership Program for Academic Staff (2015)

Fields of Science

  • 416 Food Science
  • Food Technology
  • Hydrocolloids
  • Emulsions
  • Aerogels
  • Packaging
  • Polysaccharides
  • Fungal mycelia

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.