Lili-Ann Wolff
1983 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Description of research and teaching

Wolff's research mainly includes environmental and sustainability education, transdisciplinary and phenomenon based learning, and education in the Anhropocene (see also Curriculum vitae below).

Wolff is a former university lecturer, most recently a lecturer in science education (teacher educator), and before that  lecturer in philosophy of education and adult learning. She has for years been actively involved in various sustainability education groups and networks both nationally and internationally. On faculty level, she has been leader of the research project SveaSus (Sustainable World Heritage Learning through a Phenomenon-based Approach), and of the researcher group SusEdu (Sustainability Education Research Group). 


Curriculum vitae

Lili-Ann Wolff is Doctor of Education and Asssociate Professor in environmental education. Besides a master and doctorate in education, she has also graduated in science and in philosophy.

Since the 1980s, Wolff has been involved in environmental and sustainability education and since the millennium shift in sustainability education research. Her training and work experiences include educational leadership, educational planning, production of teaching materials and programs, and practical teaching (of all age groups). Likewise, she is the author of numerous and diverse articles, have made evaluations, participated in policy work on many levels and performed research both alone and as member (or leader) in several national and international research projects and expert groups.

In 2024 Wolff is a Finnish managment committee member of the EU Cost action Phoenix (CA 19123) Protection, Resilience, Rehabilitation of Damaged Environment (2020-2024), member of the Nordic Expert Group on Sustainability Education (Nordic Councils of Ministers, 2022-2024), member in the Swedish Research Council's  application review panel of UV-1: Social aspects of education (2020-2024), member of The Finnish Nature Panel (Suomen Luontopaneeli, 2024-2027), and member of IUCNs (The World Conservation Union) Commission on Education and Communication (CEC, since 1993).

Wolff's research interest includes sustainability education from transdisciplinary and critical views combining education, philosophy (classical philosophy, philosophy of education, ethics, Bildung theories, etc.), natural sciences and arts.

Wolff's doctoral thesis Nature and sustainability: An educational study with Rousseau and Foucault (2011) deals with the ethics of sustainability from both a philosophical/historical view, and a contemporary and future view. It was awarded with the highest grade (laudatur/A).

Wolff's forthcoming publications (2024-2025) include both single author and joint articles, encyclopedia entries, book chapters, and books with research colleaugues from various disciplines and several universities. The topics are transformative learning, social sustainability, sustainability management, worldview education, phenomenon-based learning, health education, and other sustainability related topics. In addition, she will publish a few encyclopedia entries on sociologic topics.




Education/Academic qualification

Education, Philosophy, Science

Fields of Science

  • 516 Educational sciences
  • Sustainability education
  • Science education
  • transdisciplinary teaching and learning
  • Education policy
  • Environmental education
  • Transformative learning
  • 611 Philosophy
  • Philosophy of education
  • Philosophy of science
  • Sustainability ethics
  • Environmental aesthetics
  • Bildung theories
  • 1172 Environmental sciences
  • Sustainability
  • Biology education
  • Geography education

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.