Personal profile

Curriculum vitae


 1.             Full Name:           Marja Kyllikki Siitari-Kauppi née Siitari

 2.             Date of birth:          6th of March 1956, Janakkala, Finland     

 3.             Present position:     acting university lecturer in Radiochemistry

                                 Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, 2005-

 4.             Education and training:                                    

Doctorate of Philosophy,

University of Helsinki                        2002

Doctorat sciences de l’univers,

University of Poitiers (cotutelle)       2002

Master of Philosophy, Chemistry, University of Helsinki                            1987

Bachelor of Natural Sciences, University of Helsinki                                   1986

Degree in Pharmacy, University of Helsinki                                                                       1977

 Registered Pharmacist, Health Administration                                             1977

 5.             Career history:

University lecturer and Quality manager of the Radiochemistry since August 2005-University of Helsinki, Department of Chemistry, Radiochemistry

Senior Researcher 1995-2005, University of Helsinki, Laboratory of Radiochemistry

Researcher since 1988, University of Helsinki, Laboratory of Radiochemistry

Research assistant 1984 – 1988, University of Helsinki, Laboratory of Radiochemistry

Pharmacist, part-time 1983 – 1984, University Pharmacy, Helsinki

6.             Language skills:

           Finnish          native speaker

           English          fluent

           Swedish        good working knowledge

           German         basic knowledge

           French           basic knowledge

 7.             Special fields:

Chemistry and material science: radiochemistry, nuclear waste management research, transport and retardation of radionuclides in clay and rock, matrix diffusion and sorption of radionuclides into the clay and rock minerals, uranium bearing minerals in mining sites, hard materials structures and porosity from micro- to desimeters scales

8.             Most important visits abroad

1993 Collaboration visit to University of Oviedo, Spain

1994 Collaboration visit to Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung, Berlin, Germany

2000 Three months research visit under cotutelle agreement to University of Poitiers, France

2009-2013 Eight months secondment to Etudes Research Materiaux/University of Poitiers, France under EU project Posinam

9.         Research appropriations  2005-

KYT projects: Radionuclides migration in bedrock – In situ investigations at Grimsel Test Site Switzerland 2005-

Posiva projects: Experiments to investigate rock matrix retention properties (REPRO) 2011-

Investigation on paleohydrogeoghemistry 2013-

Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Marie Curie EU project: pore space investigation in natural and artificial materials 2009-2013

 10.         Scientific Honours:

Professor Jorma K. Miettinen Award Medal  2012, Section of Radiochemists of the Finnish Union of Chemists

 11.         Positions of  responsibility:

Expert in Euratom-Fission committee 1.1.2018-

Soldiers home association of Helsinki, financial manager 2004 - 2006, vice-chairman 2007 - 2008

Helsingin Sotilaskotisäätiö, secretary 2009 -

Finnish Union of Chemists, division of radiochemistry: president 1992 - 1994, financial manager 1991-1992, secretary 1989 - 1991







Education/Academic qualification

Chemistry, PhD, University lecturer

Fields of Science

  • 116 Chemical sciences
  • Radionuclide transport and retardation
  • 119 Other natural sciences
  • Materials science

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.