Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

Veterinarian, PhD, specialiced in animal infectious diseases. Holds a diploma of epidemiology (EPIET, European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training organised by ECDC). Have a long working history at the interface of veterinary and human medicine for instance in University of Helsinki, National Public Health Instutute (currently THL), ECDC and Hungary's National Epidemiology Center (EPIET Fellow). Research interests: clinical microbiology and epidemiology of infectious diseases, especially multiresistant pathogens such as MRSA, MRSP and ESBL, antimicrobial use and resistance surveillance. Other interests: hospital hygienie, and prevention and control of hospital outbreaks. Was nominated as Veterinarian of the Year in 2017 by Finnish Veterinary Association. After resigning from her previous position as a clinical instructor, continues her research work as a docent.

Fields of Science

  • 413 Veterinary science
  • 1183 Plant biology, microbiology, virology

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.