Mitra Härkönen

Mitra Härkönen


  • PL 4 (Fabianinkatu 24)



  • Finland


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Description of research and teaching

I am an Academy Research Fellow with a master’s degree (M.Soc.Sc.) in social and cultural anthropology and a doctorate degree (Ph.D.) in the study of religions. My research interests range from Buddhist, Tibetan and migration studies to gender and feminist studies.

I conducted ethnographic fieldwork among Tibetan Buddhist nuns in India and the Tibetan regions under the Republic of China. I have also extensively studied Buddhism in Finland, conducted ethnographic fieldwork among Thai Buddhist women living in Finland and done research on Thai berry-pickers (in AspirE project).

My current research project examines the impact of Thai Buddhism on Finnish-Thai transnational families' decision-making and everyday practices. 

Besides various articles, I have authored the book Power and Agency in the Lives of Contemporary Tibetan Nuns: An Intersectional Study (2023) and co-edited a book on Buddhism in Finland, Buddhalaisuus Suomessa (2023).

I have a degree in university pedagogy and previously worked as a university lecturer in urban theology and the study of religions. Besides teaching at the university, I give lectures, especially on topics related to Buddhism to a broader audience.

Education/Academic qualification

opettajan pedagogiset opinnot, opettajan pätevyys, Faculty of Educational Sciences

Award Date: 10 May 2023

Study of Religions, Doctor of Philosophy , Faculty of Arts

Award Date: 14 Feb 2017

Sosiaali- ja kulttuuriantropologia, VTM, Faculty of Social Sciences

Award Date: 25 Jan 2006

Fields of Science

  • 999 Others
  • 614 Theology

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.