Personal profile

Research interests

In my dissertation project I will do a queer reading of Jesus in the gospel of John by utilizing queer theory as the main theoretical frame. My research is multidisciplinary in the fields of queer studies, gender studies and New Testament studies. The study aims to answer the following main question: What kind of a being is queer Jesus in the gospel of John? My hypothesis is that the body of Jesus is queer and polymorphic in a sense that it cannot be labelled to any fixed categories. My research focuses on non-binary expression of bodies, and relies on queer genders and sexualities. Also, the research examines the boundaries of the sexual body of Jesus, and thus will shake the often heteronormative scholarly tradition of biblical studies. One of my greatest academic passions is to develop biblical queer research further.

My pronouns: she/her

Description of research and teaching

Doctoral Programme in Gender, Culture and Society

Education/Academic qualification

Sukupuoli, kulttuuri ja yhteiskunta -tohtoriohjelma

Teologia, TM

Fields of Science

  • 614 Theology
  • New Testament Studies
  • Queer Theology
  • 6160 Other humanities
  • Gender Studies
  • Queer Theory

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.