Research output per year
Research output per year
Lecturer of Islamic Theology, September 2018-December 2019, Faculty of Theology
PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38)
PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38)
Research activity per year
Mulki Mohamed Al-Sharmani
Personal Information:
Date of Birth: May 9, 1965
Place of Birth: Mogadishu, Somalia
Country of Citizenship: U.S.A
Mailing Address: Discipline of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 59, 38 E Unioninkatu, 00014 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Email address: [email protected]
2005 Ph.D. Department of Anthropology, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
1998 MA, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, the American
University in Cairo, Egypt
1992 RSA Certificate for Overseas Teachers of English
Royal Society of Arts and University of Cambridge (UK)
1991 MA, Department of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, the American University in Cairo, Egypt
1987 BA (Honors), Department of English Literature, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Professional Experience
January 2020- Associate Professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern
Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki
Sept 2018-December 2019 Lecturer of Islamic Theology, Faculty of Theology,
University of Helsinki
November 2015- Docent (Islamic Studies), Faculty of Theology
University of Helsinki
2013-2018 Academy of Finland Research Fellow
Faculty of Theology, Study of Religion Unit, University
of Helsinki Project title: ‘Islamic Feminism: Tradition,
Authority, and Hermeneutics.’
2013-2018 Academy of Finland research fellow (Lead Researcher),
Academy of Finland Research Project:
‘Transnational Muslim Marriages in Finland: Wellbeing
Law and Gender’ directed by Marja Tiilikainen
2011-2013 Affiliate Researcher, Part-time teaching faculty, Study of
Religion, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki
2010-2011 Research Fellow, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki
2011-present Member, Knowledge Building Working Group, Musawah, a Knowledge Building Global Movement for Justice and Equality in the Muslim Family
2011-2013 Research Coordinator, the Global Life Stories Project: Building New Knowledge on the Juristic Concepts of Qiwamah and Wilayah in Islamic Interpretive Tradition, Musawah, a Knowledge Building Global Movement for Justice and Equality in the Muslim Family
2005-2010 Assistant Professor, Social Research Center, the American University in Cairo
Spring 2010 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of
Anthropology, American University in Cairo
2007-2010 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Institute for Gender and
Women Studies, the American University in Cairo
2005- 2010 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Center for Migration and Refugee Studies Program, the American University in Cairo
January-May 2005 Researcher, Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, Neuchậtel University, Neuchậtel, Switzerland
Spring 2004 Instructor, Department of Anthropology, the American University in Cairo
2002-2003 Researcher, the Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program, the American University in Cairo, Egypt
2000-2001 Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
2002-2004 English Language Teacher, Center for Adult and Continuing Education, the American University in Cairo
1987-1999 English Language Teacher, Center for Adult and
Continuing Education, the American University in Cairo
1997-1999 Teacher Trainer, Center for Adult and Continuing Education, the American University in Cairo
1995 Teacher Trainer, the American University in Cairo and the Fulbright Training Program for Government School Teachers in Egypt
1993-1994 African Student Advisor, Office of African Studies, the American University in Cairo
1991-1994 Administrative Assistant, Office of African Studies, The
American University in Cairo
1987-1991 English Language Teacher, Port-Said Junior and High School, Cairo
1992 Volunteer English Language Teacher, The Language Program for African Refugees, Saint Andrews’s Church, Cairo
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
“Engaging with the Qur’an: Religious Practice and Daily Life of Selected Muslim Women in Finland and Egypt.” In: Approaching Religion, 14, 2, 2024: 60-74
“Islamic Family Law(s) in Finland: Reflections on Freedom of Religion from the Wellbeing Perspective.” In: Temenos: Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion, 58, 2, 2022. pp. 217-237 (co-authored with Sanna Mustasaari)
“Muslim Marriages: Plurality of Norms and Practices,” special journal issue co-edited with Rajnaara Akhtar and Annelies Moors. In: Hawwa, 2020, 1-2 (editorial, 1-9)
“Marriage in Islamic Interpretive Tradition: Revisiting the Legal and the Ethical.” In: Journal of Islamic Ethics, 1, 1-2, 2018: 76-96
“Between ‘Official’ and ‘Unofficial’: Discourses and Practices of Muslim Marriage Conclusion in Finland.” (co-authored with Sanna Mustasaari) In: Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, August 2018,
“Divorce among Transnational Finnish Somalis: Gender, Religion, and Agency.” In: Religion and Gender, 7, 1, 2017: 70-87
“Transnational Migrant Families: Navigating Marriage, Generation and Gender in Multiple Spheres,” special journal issue co-edited with Marja Tiilikainen and Sanna Mustasaari, in: Migration Letters, 14, 1, 2017 (editorial, p.1-10)
“Marriage and Transnational Family Life among Somali Migrants in Finland.” In: Migration Letters, 14, 1, 2017: 38-49 (co-authored with Abdirashid Ismail)
“Contemporary Egyptian Islamic Feminism: Possibilities and Challenges” In: Afriche Orienti, anno XVIII, numero 1/2016: 58-77
“The Politics and Ethics of Marriage and Family Life among Transnational Somali Diasporas “In: Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, 16, 2016: 36-48
“Striving against the ‘Nafs’: Revisiting Somali Muslim Spousal Roles and Rights in Finland.” In: Journal of Religion in Europe, 8, 2015: 101-120
“Islamic Feminism: Transnational and National Reflections.” In: Approaching Religion, 4, 2, 2014:83-94
“Legal Reform, Women's Empowerment, and Social Change: The Case of Egypt” In: IDS Bulletin, 41, No. 2, 2010: 10-17
“Transnational Family Networks in the Somali Diaspora in Egypt: Women’s Roles and Differentiated Experiences.” In: Gender, Culture, and Place, 17, 4, 2010: 499-518
“Egyptian Family Courts: Pathway to Women’s Empowerment?’ In: Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, 7, 2009: 89-119
“Living Transnationally: Diasporic Somali Women in Cairo,” In: Journal of International Migration, 44, 1, 2006: 1-23
Invited Journal Articles
“Navigating Refugee Life.” In: UN Chronicle, Vol. 67, 1, 2010: 48-51
Islamic Feminism: Hermeneutics and Activism, Bloomsbury, U.K., 2024
Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Laws, co-edited with Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Jana Rumminger, and Sarah Marsso, OneWorld Academics, 2022
Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families: Marriage, Law, and Gender. Co-editor with (Marja Tiilikainen and Sanna Mustasaari). Oxfordshire, U.K.: Routledge, 2019.
Gender Justice and Legal Reform in Egypt: Negotiating Muslim Family Law. Cairo, Egypt: the American University in Cairo Press, 2017
Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition. Co-editor (with Ziba Mir-Hosseini and Jana Rumminger). Oxford, UK: Oneworld, 2015
Feminist Activism: Women’s Rights and Legal Reform. Editor. New York and UK: Zed books, 2013
Child Protection Policies in Egypt: A Rights-based Approach. Cairo Papers in Social Science, Vol. 30, No. 1 (co-authored with Azer, Adel, Mehanna, Sohair, and Ali, Essam). Cairo, Egypt: The American University in Cairo Press, 2010
Book Chapters
“Quranic Ethics of Marriage,” co-authored with Omaima Abou-Bakr and Asma Lamrabet, in: Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Laws, co-edited with Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Jana Rumminger, and Sarah Marsso, OneWorld, 2022, pp. 21-56
“Nuoret Somalitaustaiset Muslimit ja Islamilainen Perhelaki.” (co-authored with Sanna Mustasaari) In: Pauha, Teemu and Johanna Konttori (eds). Suomalaiset Muslimit. Gaudamus, 2022. Pp. 47-65.
“Islamic Feminist Tafsir and Qur’anic Ethics: Re-reading Divorce Verses” co-authored with Omaima Abou-Bakr, in: Gender and Islamic Interpretive Tradition: Processes of Canonization, Subversion, and Change, edited by Nevin Reda and Yasmin Amin. Montreal: McGill-Quuen’s University Press, 2020. pp. 23-66.
“Governing Divorce Practices of Finnish Somali Muslims: Does Religious Literacy Matter” (co-authored with Sanna Mustasaari),” in: The Challenges of Religious Literacy-The Case of Finland, edited by Tuula Sakaranaho et al . New York, NY: Springer, 2020. Pp. 55-66
“Introduction: Wellbeing, Family Life, and Transnational Muslims in the West.” (co-authored with Marja Tiilikainen and Sanna Mustasaari) in: Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families: Marriage, Law, and Gender, edited by Marja Tiilikainen, Mulki Al-Sharmani, and Sanna Mustasaari. Oxfordshire, U.K.: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 59-77.
“A Mosque Programme for the Wellbeing of Muslim Families,” in: Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families: Marriage, Law, and Gender, edited by Marja Tiilikainen, Mulki Al-Sharmani, and Sanna Mustasaari. Oxfordshire, U.K.: Routledge, 2019. Pp. 59-77.
Uskonnollinen perheriitojen sovittelu suomalaisissa moskeijoissa: Kehittyviä rooleja ja muovautuvia käytäntöjä). Teoksessa: Johanna Hiitola, Merja Anis ja Kati Turtiainen (toim.) Maahanmuutto, palvelut ja hyvinvointi. Kohtaamisissa kehittyviä käytäntöjä. [Migration, services and well-being. Evolving practices in encounters], 2018. Vastapaino: Tampere, 53-75
Note: This is a Finnish translation and somewhat modified version of the book chapter below.
“Faith-based Family Dispute Resolution in Finnish Mosques: Unfolding Roles and Evolving Practices,” (co-authored as the first author with Sanna Mustasaari and Abdirashid Ismail), in: Bano, Samia (ed.). Gender and Justice in Family Law Disputes: Women, Mediation, and Religious Arbitration. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University, 2017.Pp. 270-291
“Marginal Actors? Diaspora Somalis Negotiate Their Citizenship,” (co-authored as the first author with Cindy Horst), in: Ahponen, Pirkkaliisa, Harinen, Paivi, and Havarinen, Ville-Samuli (eds.). Dislocations of Civic Cultural Borders: Methodological Nationalism, Transnational Reality, and Cosmopolitan Dreams, Springer, 2016. pp. 107-122
“Introduction.” (co-written with Ziba Mir-Hosseini and Jana Rumminger) In: Mir-Hosseini, Ziba, Al-Sharmani, Mulki, and Rumminger, Jana (eds.). Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition. Oxford, UK: OneWorld, 2015. Pp. 1-12
“Understanding Qiwamah and Wilayah through Life Stories” (co-written with Jana Rumminger). In: Mir-Hosseini, Ziba, Al-Sharmani, Mulki, and Rumminger, Jana (eds.). Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition. Oxford, UK: OneWorld, 2015. Pp. 219-255
“Legal Reform, Women’s Empowerment, and Social Change: The Case of Egypt.” In: Cornwall, A. Edwards, J. (eds.). Feminisms, Empowerment and Development: Changing Women's Lives, London, Zed Books, 2014. Pp. 32-48
“Narratives of Egyptian Marriages.” In: Pereira, C. (ed.) Changing Narratives of Sexuality, London, Zed Books, 2014. Pp. 193-217
‘Refugee Migration in Egypt: Transit or Settlement?’ In: Duvell, Franck, Molodikova, Irina, and Collyer, Michael (eds.). Transit Migration in Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014. Pp. 55-78
“Reflections on Islamic Feminist Readings of Jurisprudence and its Relevance for the Egyptian Context. “ In: Abou-Bakr, (ed.). Islamic and Feminist Perspectives: New Horizons of Knowledge and Reform, Cairo: Egypt: Women and Memory Forum, in cooperation with the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI) and the Danish Center for Research on Women and Gender (KVINFO), 2013. Pp. 136-149.
“Reforming Egyptian Family Laws: The Debate about a New Substantive Code.” In:
Al-Sharmani, Mulki. (ed.). Feminist Activism: Women’s Rights and Legal Reform. Editor. New York and UK: Zed books, 2013. Pp. 73-100
“Qiwāma in Egyptian Family Laws: Wifely Obedience between Legal Texts, Court Room Practices, and Realities of Marriages.” In: Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Kari Vogt, Lena Larsen and Christian Moe (eds.). Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law: Justice and Ethics in the Islamic Legal Tradition. London: I. B. Tauris, 2013. Pp. 37-56
“Egyptian Khul: Legal Reform, Courtroom Practices, and Realities of Women.” In: Rubya Mehdi, Werner Menski, and Jørgen S. Nielsen (eds.). Interpreting Divorce Laws in Islam. Copenhagen, Denmark: DJǾF Publishing, 2012. Pp. 85-105
“African Refugees: Ambivalent Status and Diasporic Struggles in Cairo” (co-written with Katarzyna Grabska), in: Singerman, Diane (ed.). Cairo Contested: Governance, Urban Space, and Global Modernity. The American University in Cairo Press, 2009. pp. 455-488.
“Reconstructing the Nation in Diaspora: The Poetics and Practices of Soomaalinimo.” In: Kusow, Abdi M. and Bjork, Stephanie R. (eds). From Mogadishu to Dixon: The Somali Diaspora in a Global Context. Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press/The Red Sea Press, 2007. Pp. 71-96
Encyclopedia Entry
“Women and Modern Diaspor2as in Egypt,” in: Encyclopedia for Women in Islamic Cultures, On- line, Editor, Suad Joseph, 2012
Peer-reviewed Working Papers
“Islamic Feminism and Reforming Muslim Family Laws,” European University Institute Working Paper RSCAS 2011/29, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Mediterranean Programme, 2011: 1-24
“The Livelihood and the Identity Constructions of Somali Refugees in Cairo,” Working Paper Series 2, the Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program, the American University in Cairo, 2003
Book Reviews
Child Custody in Islamic Law: Theory and Practice in Egypt since the Sixteenth Century, by Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim (Cambridge University Press, 2018 in Journal of the American Central Society 2021, pp 735-737
On-line Publication
“Islam and Feminism: A Response to Hania Sholkamy.” In: Contestations: Dialogues on Women’s empowerment, Issue 1, 2009.
“Contemporary Migration and Transnational Families: The Case of Somali Diaspora,” Center for Migration and Refugee Studies Program (AUC) on-line conference proceedings entitled Migration and Refugee Movements in Middle East and North Eastern Africa, 2008.
“Egypt’s Family Courts: Route to Empowerment?” In: Open Democracy, September 7, 2007 (
“Transnational Somali Families” In: Refuge, 24, 1, Winter, 2007: 88-100
Articles in General Public Newspapers
“Sharia-laki ymmärretään usein väärin – Vastakkainasettelu islamin normien ja Suomen lain välillä perustuu yksinkertaistuksiin” In Helsingen Sanomat, June 15, 2018 (co-authored with Sanna Mustasaari)
“A Call for a Rational and Quiet Debate about Khul.” In: Al Shorouk (A Daily Egyptian Newspaper), April 7, 2012. (Arabic Publication)
“Khul and a Man’s Right in Unilateral Repudiation.” In: Al Shorouk, March 8, 2010. (Arabic Publication)
Research Fellowships/Grants
2013-2018 Academy of Finland Research Fellowship
2011 Workshop Grant, Finnish Learned Societies (€2500)
2010-2011 Research Fellowship, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki
2002-2003 Research Grant, the Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program, the American University in Cairo
1999-2004 Graduate Student Fellowship, Department of Anthropology, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A
May 2000 Research Grant, Institute for Global Studies in Culture, History, and Power, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A
Research Projects
Co-principal investigator (with Ziba Mir-Hosseini, CIMEL, SOAS) , research project ‘Reclaiming Adl and Ihsan in Muslim Marriages,’ (2019-2021), led by Musawah (, funded by Luce Foundation
Principal Investigator/Academy Research Fellow: ‘Islamic Feminism: Tradition, Authority, and Hermeneutics,’ Academy of Finland Research Project, 2013-2018, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Theology
Lead Researcher of the Study ‘Transnational Somali Finnish Families in Finland: Discourses and Lived Realities of Marriage,’ part of the Academy of Finland Project ‘Transnational Muslim Marriages in Finland: Wellbeing, Law, and Gender,’ 2013-2017, Department of Social Research, University of Helsinki, Principle Investigator: Marja Tiilikainen
Principal Investigator: Reforming Egyptian Personal Status Laws: Processes, Debates, and Implementation, January 2007-March 2011, Pathways of Women’s Empowerment Research Consortium Project (, Social Research Center, the American University in Cairo
Co-principal Investigator, Combating Violence against Egyptian Women: A Study of Empowerment and Domestic Violence, 2008, Social Research Center, the American University in Cairo
Co-principal Investigator: A Rights-Based Approach to Child Protection Policies in Egypt, February 2007, Social Research Center, the American University in Cairo
Co-principal Investigator: Participatory research on violence against street children in Egypt, 2005, Social Research Center, the American University in Cairo
Best International Teacher Award, University of Helsinki, 2019
Stora Priset award to researchers for outstanding merits, Oskar Öflunds Stiftelse Foundation, 2020
Teaching Experience in Social Sciences
Taught undergraduate and graduate (master’s level) courses. Selected subject matters of courses taught include: gender in Islamic legal thought; feminist engagements with sacred texts and interpretive tradition in Islam, Islamic feminism, Muslim family laws; gender activism and legal reform in the Middle East; transnational migration and gender; women in modern Diaspora(s), Somali Diaspora (s), qualitative research methodologies; third world feminism.
Supervised MA theses; and served as a reader and examiner on MA thesis committees as well as an examiner on comprehensive exams committees for MA degree at the American University in Cairo
Opponent for the defense of the doctorate dissertation ‘Human Rights as Law, Language, and Space-Making: Women’s Rights Movement in Post-Revolutionary Egypt,’ by Emma Sundkvist, Department of History, Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University, Sweden, May 13, 2022
Opponent for the defense of the doctorate dissertation ‘In Pursuit of Well-Being: Sexuality and Religion among Ghanaian-Dutch and Somali-Dutch in the Netherlands,’ by Amisah Zenabu Bakuri, University of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Institute of Social Research, December 22, 2021
Opponent for the defense of the doctorate thesis ‘Religious Diversity in the Migratory Context of Andalusia: Identity, Social Boundaries and “Lived” Religion,’ by Rita Aleksandra Sobczyk, Department of Sociology, University of Granada, Spain, October 9, 2015
Opponent for the defense of the doctorate thesis ´Maybe I am Still His Wife: Transnational Divorce in Dutch-Moroccan and Dutch-Egyptian Families, by Iris Sportel, Institute for Sociology of Law, Center for Migration Law, and the Institute for Gender Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, February 18, 2014
Conferences and Workshops
“Islamic Texts and Ethics: What Feminist Hermeneutics Can Bring to the Table,” keynote presented at the 21 Nordic Conference of Systematic Theology, University of Uppsala, January 11, 2025
“Roundtable on Islamic Theology in Nordic Academic Settings,” presenter, 21 Nordic Conference of Systematic Theology, University of Uppsala, January 11, 2025
“Egyptian Religious Establishment and Post 2011 Reform Initiatives for the Family: What is being Reformed?” paper presented at the MESA Annual Conference, November 15, 2024 (online)
“The Politics and Discourses of Reform: Case Studies from the Middle East in the Arab Uprisings and their Aftermath,” panel organized at the MESA Annual Conference, November 15, 2024 (online)
“Egyptian Personal Status Laws as Site for Multiple Reforms,” presented at the symposium ‘Recent Developments in Family Law in the MENA,’ organized by the Dutch Association for the Study of Islamic Law and the Law of the Middle East, November 7, 2024 (online)
“Muslim Family Law as Site for Debating Islamic Knowledge and Interpretive Authority,” presented at European Association for the Study of Religions Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 20, 2024
“Islam and Gender Egalitarianism: between Theory and Practice, keynote presented in the workshop on Islamic Liberation Theology, co-organized by the Divinity School, University of Edinburgh and Markfield Institute for Higher Education, Leicester, UK, May 31, 2024
“Delineating the Ethical and Legal: Jurists at Work,” presented at Research Conference on Theology and Religion, Turku, Finland, May 23, 2024
“Islamic Feminism and its Discontents,” presented at the Annual Conference of American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, Texas, November 19, 2023 (presented virtually)
“Islamic Feminist Hermeneutics of Deconstruction and Reconstruction,” presented at the seminar to launch the Arabic book Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Laws, the American University in Cairo, Tahrir, Campus, Oriental Hall, June 17, 2023 (Arabic presentation)
“Quranic Ethics of Marriage,” co-presented with Omaima Abou-Bakr, at the seminar to launch the Arabic book Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Laws, the American University in Cairo, Tahrir, Campus, Oriental Hall, June 17, 2023 (Arabic presentation)
“The Qur’an as Daily Religious Practice: Selected Experiences of Women in Finland and Egypt,” keynote presented at Religion and Spirituality as Sites of Learning Conference, Abo Akademi, May 17, 2023
“Qur’anic Ethics of Marriage,” presented at Book Launch Seminar (Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Laws, Oneworld Academic 2023), University of London, SOAS, London, February 25, 2023
“Qur’anic Ethics of Marriage,” presented at the International Conference ‘Affirming the Roles of Women Ulama in Creating a Just Islamic Civilization,’ organized by International Congress of Women Ulama in Indonesia (KUPI) and Asian Muslim Network, Semrang, Indonesia, November 23, 2022 (presented on zoom)
“Beyond Gender: Methodological Potentials of Islamic Feminism,” presented at the International Quranic Studies Association Annual Conference, Palermo, Italy, September 6, 2022
“Building Islamic Feminist Knowledge: Musawah Movement as an Example,” presented at the international conference Women, Religion, and Human Rights, held at the Lebanese American University, Lebanon, 27 June, 2022 (participated online via zoom)
“Living with the Qur’an: A Study of the Experiences of Selected Muslim Women in Egypt and Finland,” presented at Research Conference in Theology and Religion, University of Helsinki, May 20, 2022
“Transnational Migrant Families, Kinning, and Care Work in Times of Crises,” keynote presented at 18th ETMU Conference, (Zoom), Finland, December 2, 2021
“Islamic Family Laws between and across Borders: Some Reflections, Keynote,” presented at 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Luxembourg, July 9 (online)
Co-chaired (with Mans Broo) the sessions ‘Islam I and II,’ in the conference Religion and Cultural Change, organized by the Center for the Study of Christian Cultures, Donner Institute for Research in Religion and Culture, and Inez and Julius Polin Institute for Theological Research, June 9, Turku (on-line)
“Muslim Family Law Reform Strategies and Trajectories: Lessons for Reflection,” presented at the Roundtable with Palestinian women’s rights organizations and legal advocates, organized by Musawah in collaboration with UN Women, June 8 (online)
“Islamic Feminist Hermeneutics and Reform of Muslim Family Laws,” presented at the Roundtable with Palestinian women’s rights organizations and legal advocates, organized by Musawah in collaboration with UN Women, June 2 (online)
“Modern Reforms of Muslim Family Laws: Review of Methodologies and Religious Arguments,” presented at the Roundtable with Palestinian Sharia Court Judges, organized by Musawah in collaboration with UN Women, June 1 (online)
“Islamic Feminism,” presented at the Roundtable with Palestinian Sharia Court Judges, organized by Musawah in collaboration with UN Women, May 19 (online)
“Interpretive Engagements of Contemporary Muslim Women: Islamic Feminism and Islamic Ethics,” presented at 2021 Annual Conference of the Society of the Study of Muslim Ethics, January 8, 2021
“Hermeneutics, Islamic Feminist Tafsir, and Qur’anic Ethics, paper co-presented (with Omaima Abou-Bakr),” Research Conference on Theology and Religion, University of Helsinki, September 10, 2020
Learning from New Religion and Spirituality, panel presented on the Academy of Finland project led by Terhi Utriainen, Research Conference on Theology and Religion, University of Helsinki, September 11, 2020. Discussant.
“Islamic Feminism: Knowledge Building, Movement Building,” presented at a Roundtable with Musawah, Emmanuel College, University of Toronto, December 9, 2019,
“Ethically-oriented Hermeneutics of the Qur’an: The Case of Marriage,” presented at the workshop Ethics and Jurisprudence of Muslim Marriages, University of Toronto, Institute of Islamic Studies, December 7, 2019 (co-organized by Musawah, and Institute of Islamic Studies, University of Toronto)
“Muslim Marriage and Divorce Practices in Finland: Law, Ethics, and Gender,” presented at the workshop Islamic Law and National Laws Shaping the Wellbeing of Female (Immigrant) Muslims in Europe, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, November 15, 2019
“Islamic Feminism as Knowledge Building Project: Possibilities and Challenges,” key note presented at the workshop Islamic Feminism and Arab Family Law Reform, New York, November 12, 2019, organized by the Lebanese American Univeristy
“Islamic Family Law as a Contested Site for Religious Reform: Egypt and Finland as Case Studies,” presented at Islamic Family Law in Europe and the Islamic World, a symposium organized by University of Tubingen and Oxford University, Hannover Germany, September 25-27, 2019
“Contemporary Egyptian Islamic Feminism: Possibilities and Challenges since 2011 Revolution,” presented at Nordic Conference for Middle Eastern Studies, Helsinki, Finland, August 16, 2019
“Qur’anic Ethics of Marriage,” paper (co-presented with Omaima Abou-Bakr and Asma Lamrabet) at the workshop Building Egalitarian Ethics and Jurisprudence of Muslim Marriages, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 23-26, 2019
“Islamic Family Law and Reforming Muslim Marriages: Reflections from Finland and Egypt,” presented at the Symposium ‘Islam, Family, and Marriage,’ University of Stockholm, Department of Ethnology, History of Religions, and Gender Studies, April 25, 2019
On Non-Violent Islamism, a Seminar with Prof. Elham Manea, organized by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, April 8, 2019, Helsinki, Discussant
“Rights, Ethics, and Gender Justice: Reflecting on Anthropology of Islam across National Borders, keynote” presented at the workshop ‘Different Worlds? Ethnography, Religion, and Travelling Critique Between Europe and the MENA, March 15, 2019, Cairo, Egypt, at the Dutch-Flemish Institute in Cairo
“The Qur'an and Muslim Feminist Ethics: Hermeneutical and Anthropological Reflections,” presented at EKSEGEETTINEN PÄIVÄ 2019, University of Helsinki, February 7, 2019
“Religious Texts and Feminist Hermeneutics, two-part lecture,” presented at the workshop ‘Gender Studies co-organized by Women and Memory Forum and the American University in Cairo, Cairo, 28 February, 2019
“New Discourse on Somali Muslim Marriages in Finland: Revisiting Religion, Ethics, and Law,” presented at the seminar ‘Transnational Muslim Marriages: Wellbeing, Law, and Gender, University of Helsinki, September 7, 2018
“Good Muslim Marriages and ‘Positive Integration’: What is in a Name?” presented at the Conference ‘Reformulating Matrimony and Post-Matrimony in Islamic Law: New Questions and Responses among Muslims in Europe, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, June 26, 2018
“Anthropology of Islam and Migration Studies,” presented at the Conference ‘Migration as a Global Challenge: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Complex Field,’ University of Gottingen, Germany, June 21, 2018
“Reforming Islamic Family Law in Egypt: Navigating Governance and Citizenship,” presented at IX International Conference of the International Society for Islamic Legal Studies, June 6, 2018, University of Helsinki, Finland,
“Companionate Marriages and ‘Positive Integration’: A Mosque Discourse on Islamic Marriages in Finland,” presented at the Conference ‘Europe’s New Migrants: Marriage Practices and Policies,’ April 16-17, 2018, University of Birmingham, UK
The Emergence of Hadith as Authority of Knowledge, international conference organized by the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies, January 11-13, 2018, Cairo, Egypt. Attendee
Reading Historical and Religious Texts from a Feminist Perspective, a workshop organized by the American University in Cairo and Women and Memory Forum, 10-11 January, 2018 Cairo, Egypt. Attendee
The American Association for the Study of Religion Annual Conference, Boston, MA, November 17-21, 2017. Attendee
“Qiwamah and Wilayah in Islamic Legal Tradition and Women’s Lived Realities,” presented at Gender Equality in the Middle East: Possibilities and Challenges,’ Development Talks Meeting, organized by SIDA and UNWoman, Stockholm, October 26, 2017
“Navigating Family Life: Norms, Laws, and Actors: Key Messages from Academy Research Project,” presented at the seminar ‘Transnational Family Life, Wellbeing and Everyday Security Experiences of Somalis,’ with the Finnish Somali Community, University of Helsinki, October 9, 2017
“Marriage, Divorce, and Parenting in Transnational Space: Key Messages from Academy Research Project,” presented at the seminar ‘Transnational Family Life, Wellbeing and Everyday Security Experiences of Somalis,’ with the Finnish Somali Community, University of Helsinki, October 9, 2017
‘Religion and Divorce,’ a panel at the conference Transnational Families and Divorce, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, September 27, 2019, Discussant
“Mosque Activism and the Pursuit of ‘Positive Integration’ among Finnish Somalis,” paper presented at Afroeuropeans Conference 2017: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe, July 6, 2017, Tampere, Finland
“Between ‘Official’ and ‘Unofficial’: Discourses and Practices of Muslim Marriages Conclusion in Finland,” co-presented with Sanna Mustasaari at the Conference Unregistered Muslim Marriages: Regulations and Contestations, DeMontfort University, Leicester, UK, April 24, 2017
“Hermeneutics, Islamic Feminist Tafsir, and Quranic Ethics,” co-presented with Omaima Abou-Bakr, at the workshop Islamic Interpretive Tradition and Gender Justice: Processes of Canonization, Subversion, and Change, University of Helsinki, April 25, 2017,
“Hermeneutics, Islamic Feminist Tafsir, and Quranic Ethics,” co-presented with Omaima Abou-Bakr, at the Workshop Social Justice and Contemporary Islamic Ethics, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Germany, March 17, 2017
‘'A Case Study of a Mosque Programme for the Wellbeing of Muslim Families in Finland,' presented at the workshop 'Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families: Marriage, Law, and Gender,' CIMEL, SOAS, London, November 30,
“Somali Muslim Identity and Islamic Family Law in Finland,” presented at the workshop 'Legal Pluralism in Personal Status Law: Comparative and Historical Perspectives,' at Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Georg-August-Universitat, Gottingen, Germany, October 29, 2016
'Lived Religion and Diasporic Somali Muslims in Finland and Canada: Methodological Reflections,' co-presented (with Marja Tiilikainen) at EASR 2016: Relocating Religion, July 1, 2016, University of Helsinki
'Revisiting Religious Tradition and Islamic Feminism: A Case Study from Egypt,' presented at EASR 2016: Relocating Religion, June 29, 2016, University of Helsinki
‘Revisiting Law: Marriage Practices and Norms among Somali Muslim Immigrants in Finland,’ presented at the International Conference ‘Legal Pluralism and Human Rights within Family Disputes in Europe,’ University of Gent, October 26, 2015
‘Somali Muslim Marriages and Wellbeing: A Case Study of a Mosque-based Program in Helsinki,’ presented at 12 International Conference of ETMU Days, Rovaniemi, Finland, October 22, 2015
‘Hermeneutics, Islamic Feminist Tafsir, and Quranic Ethics,’ co-presented with Omaima Abou-Bakr (Cairo University), at XXI IAHR World Congress 2015, Erfurt, Germany, 27 August, 2015
‘Reforming Selves, Marriages, and Families: The Ethics and Politics of Diasporic Somali Lives,’ Keynote speech presented at 12th SSIA Congress, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 21 August, 2015
‘Reflections on Marriage in Islamic Interpretive Tradition, Modern Family Laws, and Religious Discourses: Revisiting the ‘Ethical’ and the ‘Legal,’ presented at ‘Islam and Contemporary Ethical Dilemmas,’ conference organized by Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics, Brussels, Belgium, March 15, 2015.
‘Lived Realities of Qiwamah and Wilayah,’ presented at the seminar ‘Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition,’ March 7, 2015 at SOAS, University of London, organized by Academy of Finland Project ‘Islamic Feminism: Tradition, Authority, and Hermeneutics,’ Center of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, SOAS, University of London, and Musawah, A Global Movement for Knowledge Building
‘Gender, Ethics, and Knowledge in Islamic Interpretive Tradition,’ presented at Religion, Gender, and Migration: Religious Studies Day, February 20, 2015 at University of Helsinki, organized by Finnish Society of Study of Religion, and Academy of Finland Projects’ Islamic Feminism: Tradition, Authority, and Hermeneutic,’ ‘Transnational Muslim Marriages: Wellbeing, Law, and Gender,’ and ‘Islam and Security Revisited: Transnational Somali Families in Finland, Canada, and Somalia
‘Egyptian Islamic Feminism and the New Politics of Social Transformation,’ presented at MESA 48th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 25 November, 2014
‘Striving against the ‘Nafs’: The ‘Ethical’ and the ‘Legal’ in Spousal Roles and Rights among Somali Muslims in Finland,’ presented at 11th International ETMU Days Conference: In/Equalities in Diverse Societies. Identifying Problems, Remedies, Alternatives, October 23, 2014
‘The Veil in Islam: Conversation with Renata Pepicelli,’ Discussant, 11th International ETMU Days Conference: In/Equalities in Diverse Societies. Identifying Problems, Remedies, Alternatives, October 24, 2014
‘Religion, Islamic Family Law, and Marriage among Transnational Somalis in Finland,’ presented at Crisis, Mobility, and New Forms of Migration Conference, University of College in Cork, September 2, 2014, Cork, Ireland
‘Marriage among Transnational Somali Families in Finland,’ co-presented with Abdirashid Ismail at 17th Nordic Migration Research Conference, University of Copenhagen, August 13-15, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark
‘Gender Rights and Mediation in Muslim Family Disputes: Reflections on Contexts, Goals, and Actors in Finland and Egypt,’ presented at the workshop ‘Mediation and Religious Arbitration: Thinking through Issues of Gender Equality and Justice in Family Law Disputes,’ Center of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, June 10, 2014.
‘Muslims Feminist Engagements with Islamic Tradition: Some Reflections from Egypt,’ presented at the Colloquium ‘Concord, Conflict, and C-existence: Religion and Society in the Middle East and North Africa,’ organized by Finnish Institute in the Middle East, the Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History, and Abo Akademi University, June 5, 2014
‘Process Matters: Legal Reform, Feminist Religious Knowledge, and Gender Justice in Egypt,’ presented at the conference ‘Beyond 2015: Pathways to a Gender Just World, organized by Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, May 29-30, 2014
‘Muslim Feminist Engagements with Islamic Textual Tradition: Some Reflections,’ presented at the Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, University of Groningen, May 13, 2014, Groningen, the Netherlands
‘Engaging with Islamic Textual Tradition: Islamic Feminism and Gender Reform in Egypt,’ presented at British Sociological Association Annual Conference (Changing Society), University of Leeds, April 23-25, 2014, Leeds, UK
‘Feminist Religious Knowledge and Family Law Reform in Post-Islamist Egypt,’ presented at Muslim Women’s Challenges in the Middle East and Beyond, a conference organized by Norwegian Center for Human Rights, University of Oslo, October 25-26, 2013, Oslo, Norway
‘Reflections on ‘Islamic Feminists’ Interpretive Readings of Fiqh Construction of Matrimony and Martial Roles and their Relevance to the Egyptian Context, ‘ presented at Feminism and Islamic Perspectives: New Horizons of Knowledge and Reform (organized by Women and Memory Forum and the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute), March 17-18, 2012, Cairo
‘Gender Justice and Egyptian Family Laws: Post-2000 Reforms,’ presented at the American University in Cairo Annual Research Conference entitled Social Justice: Theory, Research, and Practice, Cairo, Egypt, May 3, 2011
‘Islamic Feminism and Reforming Family Laws in Egypt,’ presented at the workshop entitled The Many Faces of Islamic Feminism in the 12th Mediterranean Research Meeting, organized by Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Montecatini Terme, 6-9 April, 2011
‘Khul and Fault-based Judicial Divorce in Egypt,’ presented at International Research Workshop entitled Interpreting Women’s Right of Divorce in Present Day Islamic Family Laws: Transnational and Cross-cultural Developments in the Law of Divorce in Europe and the Muslim World, organized by Center for European Islamic Thought, Center for Legal Studies, and Migration Initiative, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, December 8, 2010
‘The Limits of Legal Reform and the Question of Gender Justice: The Case of Egypt,’ presented at the Annual Conference of the Finnish Association for Women Studies, in the workshop entitled The Imaginary Domain and the Possibility of Justice with Drucilla Cornell and Tuija Pulkkinen, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, November 13, 2010
‘Qiwamah in Egyptian Family Laws: ‘Wifely Obedience’ between Legal Texts, Court Room Practices, and Realities of Marriages,’ presented at the Second Workshop on Guidelines for Reforming Muslim Family Laws, organized by Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief, January 8, 2010, Cairo, Egypt
‘Khul in Contemporary Egypt: Between Doctrine, Public Discourse, and Court Practice,’ presented at Re-imagining the Shari’a: Theory, Practice, and Muslim Pluralism at Play, September 16, 2009, Venice, Italy (a conference organized by Warwick Law School, University of Warwick and Center for European Islamic Thought, University of Copenhagen)
‘Reforming Egyptian Personal Status Laws: the Process, Actors, and Outcomes,’ presented at Comparative Welfare States and their Gender Justice Projects: Egypt, Finland, and the Yemen, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Helsinki, Finland, August 24, 2009
‘The Religious in Debates about Reforming Egyptian Family Laws,’ presented at Inter-Asia Cultural Typhoon Conference, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan, July 4, 2009
‘The Religious in Debates about Reforming Egyptian Family Laws,’ presented at International Conference on Constitutional Feminism, Kingston University, Ontario, Canada, February 28, 2009
‘Legal Reforms and Court Practices: The Case of Egyptian Personal Status Laws,’ presented at the Workshop on Guidelines for Reforming Muslim Family Laws, organized by Oslo Coalition on Freedom of Religion or Belief, January 10, 2009, Cairo, Egypt
‘Family Courts in Egypt: Legislative and Implementation Challenges,’ presented at More Justice for Muslim and Christian Workshop, organized by Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance, Cairo, Egypt, November 24, 2008
Euromed Policy Conference: Women’s Economic Rights: Making a Difference in the Mediterranean, Brussels, November 18, 2008. Presented a commentary on ‘Women’s Economic Rights in the South Mediterranean Region: A Comparative Analysis of Law, Regulations, and Practice.’
‘Family Courts in Egypt: Legislative and Implementation Challenges,’ presented at Experts’ Workshop on Family Courts, organized by Forum for Development of Women, October 28, 2008
“Refugees in Egypt: Transit Migrations?” Presented at Imiscoe Conference on (Irregular) Transit Migration the European Space: Theory, Politics, and Research Methodology, April 18-19, 2008, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey
“A Transnational Way of Living: Gendering Family-based Support System in the Somali Diaspora,” presented at 11th Biennial International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Conference, January 9th, 2008, Cairo, Egypt
“Family Courts in Egypt: Pathway to Women’s Empowerment?” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November 19th, 2007, Washington, D.C.
“Migration and Transnational Families: The Case of Somali Diaspora(s)” presented at Conference on Migration and Refugee Movements in the Middle East and North Eastern Africa, Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program, the American University in Cairo, October 25, 2007
“The Secondary Movement of Somali Refugees and the Issue of Protection,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, November 15th 2006, San Jose, CA
“Reconstructing the Somali Nation in Diaspora,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, November 17th 2006, San Francisco, CA
“Development of Participatory Research Tools to Study Violence against Street Children in Cairo,” paper presented at the Follow-up Conference on the UN Study of Violence against Children, Cairo, March 2006
“The Poetics and Practices of Soomaalinimo,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington DC, December 1st, 2005
“Refugees and Citizens: The Somali Diaspora in Cairo,” presented at the Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program Seminar Series, The American University in Cairo, May 11, 2005
“Practices and Meanings of Hijaab-wearing among Diasporic Somali Women in Cairo,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Atlanta, GO, December 16, 2004.
“Transnational Identities: Diasporic Somali Women in Cairo,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL, November 19, 2003.
“The Livelihood and Identity Constructions of Somali Refugees in Cairo,” presented at The Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program Seminar Series, The American University in Cairo, October 1, 2003
“Studying Somali Refugees in Cairo: Methodological Issues,” presented at The Workshop on “The Study of Refugee Populations in Urban Settings,” sponsored by CEDEJ and The Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program, The American University in Cairo, April 23, 2002.
“The Somali Diaspora in Canada: Issues of Identity,” presented at the Institute for Global Studies in Culture, History, and Power, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, February 15, 2001.
“The Somali Diaspora in Canada: Issues of Identity,” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, November 18, 2000.
“The Representation of Somali Women in Somali Proverbs: Issues of Language and Gender Ideology,” presented at the Sixth International Pragmatics Conference, Reims, France, July 24, 1998.
“Theorizing Justice and Beauty in Islamic Ethics and Jurisprudence, ” presented at seminar organized by University of Tokyo, October 19, 2023 (presented virtually)
Discussion with the General Audience and book signing, held at Kotb Khan publishing house to mark the launch of the Arabic translation of the book Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Laws, June 18, 2023 (English book published by Oneworld 2022, the Arabic book published by Kotb Khan) العدل و الاحسان فى الزواج: نحو قيم أخلاقية و قوانين مساواتية
“Islamic Sharia: Misconceptions and Facts,” presented at Roundtable on Islamic Religious Education in Finland for High School Students, held in collaboration with Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, held at university premises, on May 22, 2023
“Qur’anic Ethics, Good Governance, and Inclusive Citizenship,” presented at seminar organized by Finnish Church Aid for government officials from Somalia, held at University of Helsinki, February 15, 2023
“What is Feminism?” presented at the seminar ‘Gender Equality,’ organized by the NGO Mirsal and Anna Lindh Foundation, March 30, 2022, Helsinki, online
Global Goodness-Interreligious Dialogue on Global Ethics, co-panelist in a webinar organized by School of Economics, University of Turku, 30 November, 2021
Discussant's Commentary on Professor Azza Karam's key note (Is Multi-Religious Collaboration the Tipping Point to Defend Human Rights?), presented at Human Rights and Religious Freedom, 10 Anniversary Seminar for Core Forum (The National Forum for Cooperation of Religions in Finland) , October 27, 2021
‘Islamic Divorces: Between Texts and Social Practices,’ a talk given at a seminar organized by the University of Helsinki Muslim Students’ Association, December 3, 2020
‘Studying Islamic Feminism in Texts and Lived Realities,’ a lecture presented at School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, November 17, 2020 (Online event)
Roundtable on Muslim Female Religious Authority, organized by Alwaleed Centre for Study of Islam in the Contemporary World, November 12, 2020, online event (Chair and Moderator)
A Conversation on Teaching and Research in Islamic Studies/Theology, hosted by Theological Institute of Finland, November 6, 2020
‘A Feminist Quest for Qur’anic Justice, Beauty, and Spiritual Care,’ a webinar lecture co-presented with Omaima Abou-Bakr and Asma Lamrabet, organized by Musawah, May 5, 2020
‘Medieval Tafsīr and the Formation of Normative Concepts through Hermeneutics,’ presented at the seminar series of the Ancient Medieval Middle East Association, University of Helsinki, February 13, 2020
‘Researching Qur’anic Ethics,’ co-presented with Amira Abou Taleb, at the seminar on Qur’an organized by Student Association of Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, and Muslim Student Association at University of Helsinki, November 21, 2019
‘Teaching and Researching Islamic Theology at University of Heslinki,’ a public talk co-presented with Ilkka LIndstedt at the Finnish Islamic Congregation (Suomen Islam Seurakunta), April 14, 2019
‘Islamic Family Law, Family Wellbeing, and Gender: A Case Study from Finland,’ lecture taught at University of Turku in the course Islam and Culture 2, January 30, 2019
‘Islamic Feminist Hermeneutics: Methodological Reflections,’ presented at the Monthly Lecture Series of the Center for the Study of Christian Cultures, University of Turku, October 17, 2018
The ‘Non-Religious’ in Finland: A Roundtable Discussion organized by University of Helsinki, Faculty of Theology, Study of Religions, and Fokus-tiedeklubs, October 11, 2018
‘Islamic Theology and Islamic Religious Education: Reflections,' guest lecture presented at the university course Katsomuten välinen vuorovaikutus koulussa, University of Helsinki, September 25, 2018
‘What Can Islamic Feminism Offer towards Equality and Inclusivity?’ presented at Finnish-Indonesian Public Lectures, organized by Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, in collaboration with Indonesian Embassy in Finland and Indonesia-Finland Interfaith Dialogue, September 18, 2018
Tunisia and Democratization, a Roundtable Organized by DEMO Finland and Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, September 12, 2018, participant/discussant
Revisiting Conflict, Security, and Religion, guest lecture presented in the course ‘Gender, Conflicts, and Security in a Globalized World, University of Helsinki, April 24, 2018
Migration, Muslims in Europe, and Islamic Theology: Public Talk with Students of Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, April 5, 2018
Transnational Migration and Citizenship,’ presented at ‘Promoting Co-existence and Tolerance in Finnish Society: A Symposium,’ organized by Alrisalah Scandinavian Foundation, Helsinki, October 22, 2016
‘Muslim Religiosit(ies): Reflections from Ethnographic Research in Finland,’ presented at the Seminar with Students of Institute of Sacred Music, Yale University, organized by Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, June 1, 2016
‘Peace, Wellbeing, and Citizenship: Somali-Finnish Women and Diasporic Life in Finland,’ presented at the Seminar on Girls as Peace Builders, organized by Nicehearts, Helsinki, Finland, September 21, 2015
‘Texts and Contexts: Religious Tradition and Lived Realities from a Muslim Gender Perspective,’ presented at the seminar titled ‘Religious Traditions, Lived Religions: Connections and Tensions,’ Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, December 3, 2014
‘Reforming Law and Religions Knowledge: Women, Gender, and Islamic Interpretive Tradition,’ guest lecture presented at the course titled ‘World Religions,’ taught by Prof. Tuula Sakaranaho in the MA program ‘Religion, Conflict, and Dialogue,’ Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, November 4, 2014
‘Religion, Law, and the Ethical: Transnational Muslim Marriages in Finland,’ presented at the Transnational Families, Migration, and the Law seminar, organized by Centre for Migration Law, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, February 18, 2014
Reflections on Islamic Feminist Readings of Jurisprudence and their Significance in the Egyptian Context,’ presented at the launch of Feminist and Islamic Perspectives: New Horizons of Knowledge and Reform, edited by Omaima Abou-Bakr, organized by the Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute (DEDI), the Danish Center for Research on Women and Gender (KVINFO), and Women and Memory Forum, Copenhagen, November 14, 2013
‘Somali Women in Canada: Transnational Family Lives and Religious Authority,’ co-presented with Marja Tiilikainen, at the Governance of Transnational Islam Seminar, organized as part of the activities of the Academy of Finland Project ‘Governance of Transnational Islam: the Case of Finland, Ireland, and Canada,’ directed by Professor Tuula Sakaranaho, Study of Religion Unit, University of Helsinki, October 21-22, 2013
‘Reflections on Legal Reform and Gender Justice in Egypt,’ presented at the Book launch of Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law: Justice and Ethics in the Islamic Legal Tradition, edited by Mir-Hosseini et al (I.B. Tauris 2013), organized by Norwegian Center for Human Rights, Oslo University and School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, April 27, 2013, London
‘Revisiting Qiwamah (husband’s authority and protection over wife)) and Wilayah (male guardianship) from the Perspective of Lived Realities: Selected Life Stories of Muslim Women from Muslim-Majority and Muslim-Minority Countries,’ presented at Consultative Meeting with Ulema (Religious Scholars): Knowledge Building Initiative on Qiwamah and Wilayah, organized by Rabita Mohammadia des Oulémas, Center for Studies and Research on Women’s Issues in Islam, and Musawah, Rabat, Morocco, November 8-9, 2013
‘Reflections on Somali Diaspora(s) and Peace building in Somalia,’ presented at the seminar entitled ‘Current Research on Somalia: Showcasing On-going Approaches and Cases,’ organized by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs and the Somali-Finnish League, August 23, 2012
‘Somali Transnational Family Life: Reflections on Gender and Power Dynamics,’ presented at a seminar entitled Somali Lives Revisited -How Transnationalism Shapes Somali Communities, Families and Persons, organized by the Finnish Anthropological Society, University of Helsinki, May 10, 2011
‘Legal Reform as a Pathway of Gender Justice: The Case of Egypt,’ presented at Islam in Europe Workshop, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, March 29, 2011
‘Islamic Feminism and Reforming Family Laws in Egypt,’ presented at the Institute for Gender Studies, University of Helsinki, March 29, 2011
‘Social Justice and Democracy: The Case of Egypt,’ presented at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Finland, Helsinki, March 21, 2011
‘Shari’a, Family Laws, and Women’s Rights: The Case of Egypt,’ lecture presented to Freshman and Sophomore Students in the Human Rights and Religions undergraduate course, University of Helsinki, February 8, 2011
Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars Organized
Islamic Law in Modern Times: Change and Reform, panel held in the Research Conference on Theology and Religion, Turku, Finland, May 23, 2024
The Seminar to launch the Arabic translation of the book Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Laws, held in collaboration with Social Research Center, the American University in Cairo, held at the American University in Cairo Tahrir Campus, Oriental Hall, June 17, 2023
Roundtable on Islamic Religious Education in Finland, held for High School Students and in collaboration with Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, May 22, 2023
Book launch Seminar (Justice and Beauty in Muslim Marriage: Towards Egalitarian Ethics and Laws, Oneworld Academics, 2023), co-organized with Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (CIMEL), SOAS, London, University of London, February 25, 2023
Roundtable on Islamophobia, Racism, and Identity, a seminar organized with and for Helsinki High School Students, Stoa Meeting Center, Helsinki, Finland, November 4, 2022 (Chair of the IDIS organizing committee)
Monthly lecture series on Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, organizer since 2020-present
Ethics and Muslim Gender Norms and Practices: Between Texts and Lived Realities, panel organized at 2021 Annual Conference of the Society of the Study of Muslim Ethics, January 8, 2021
Islamic Interpretive Tradition, Canonization, and Gender, panel co-organized with Nevin Reda, Research Conference on Theology and Religion, University of Helsinki, September 10, 2020
Building Egalitarian Ethics and Jurisprudence of Muslim Marriages, workshop co-organized with Musawah, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 23-26, 2019
Muslim Marriages: Plurality of Norms and Practices, a conference co-organized with Professor Annelies Moors (University of Amsterdam) and Dr. Rajnaara Akhtar (Montfort University, UK and founder of International Network of Scholars Researching Unregistered Marriages) at University of Amsterdam, April 11-12, 2019
Islamic Interpretive Tradition in the Contemporary World: Ethics and Hermeneutics, An international seminar organized on November 8, 2018, University of Helsinki
Building Egalitarian Ethics and Jurisprudence of Muslim Marriages, a closed workshop (second meeting), co-organized with University of Toronto (Islamic Studies Institute), and School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London (Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law), and Musawah, November 9-10, 2018, University of Helsinki
Transnational Muslim Marriages: Wellbeing, Law, and Gender, an international seminar, University of Helsinki, September 7, 2018
Building Egalitarian Ethics and Jurisprudence of Muslim Marriages, workshop co-organized with Center of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (CIMEL), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, and Musawah, Global Movement for Equality and Justice in Muslim Family, May 12-13, 2018, SOAS London, United Kingdom
Quranic Hermeneutics: Reading the Text for Gender, Guest Lecture by Amina Wadud, April 12, 2018, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Theology, Course ‘Islamic Interpretive Tradition: Authority, Tradition, and the Gender Question
Islamic Feminism: Knowledge Building, Movement Building, a seminar with Amina Wadud, April 13, 2018, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Theology (also chaired the seminar)
Transnational Family Life, Wellbeing and Everyday Security Experiences of Somalis, A seminar with the Finnish Somali Community, University of Helsinki, October 9, 2017
Transnational Finish Somali Families: Navigating Racism, Navigating Muslimness, session organized at Afroeuropeans Conference 2017: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe, July 6, 2017, Tampere, Finland
Chaired the keynote lecture by Paul Gilroy titled ‘On the Necessity and Impossibility of Being a Black European (a 2017 re-mix) or the Value of Antiracism in the Alt-right Era,’ at at Afroeuropeans Conference 2017: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe, July 6, 2017, Tampere, Finland
Islamic Interpretive Tradition and Gender Justice: Processes of Canonization, Subversion, and Change, international workshop, University of Helsinki, April 25, 2017
The Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families: Marriage, Law, and Gender, co-organized with CIMEL, SOAS, November 29-30, 2016, London, UK
'Studying Lived Religion: Methodological Possibilities and Challenges,' a panel co-organized and chaired with Rita Sobczyk, EASR 2016: Relocating Religion, July 1, 2016, University of Helsinki
Transnational Migrant Families: Studying Wellbeing, a workshop organized at 12 International ETMU Days 2015 Conference, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, October 22, 2015
Women, Agency, and Islamic Religious Institutions in Indonesia, a seminar co-organized with Marjaana Jauhola (‘Scraps of Hope’ Project, Gender Studies, University of Helsinki,), Faculty of Theology, Study of Religions Unit, University of Helsinki, November 9, 2015 Studies
Islamic Interpretive Tradition and Gender Justice: Processes of Canonization, Subversion, and Change, a panel co-organized (with Omaima Abou-Bakr) at IAHR World Congress 2015, Erfut, Germany
Building Egalitarian Jurisprudence Of Muslim Marriage, a workshop organized as part of the research activities of my Academy of Finland Project ‘Islamic Feminism: Tradition, Authority, and Hermeneutics,’ March 8, 2015 at School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, in collaboration with Center of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (CIML), SOAS, University of London, and Musawah, Global Movement for Knowledge Building
Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition, a seminar organized as part of the research activities of my Academy of Finland Project ‘Islamic Feminism: Tradition, Authority, and Hermeneutics,’ March 7, 2015 at SOAS, University of London, in collaboration with Center of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law (CIML), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London, and Musawah, Muslim Movement for Knowledge Building
Religion, Gender, and Migration: Religious Studies Day, a symposium organized as part of the research activities of my Academy of Finland Project ‘Islamic Feminism: Tradition, Authority, and Hermeneutics,’ February 20, 2015, at University of Helsinki, in collaboration with Finnish Society for Study of Religion, and Academy of Finland Projects ‘Transnational Muslim Marriages: Wellbeing, Law, and Gender,’ and Islam and Security Revisited: Transnational Somali Families in Finland, Canada, and Somalia
Muslim Migrants in Finland: On-going Research, a workshop organized as part of the research activities of my Academy of Finland Project ‘Islamic Feminism: Tradition, Authority, and Hermeneutics,’ February 20, 2015 at University of Helsinki, in collaboration with Academy of Finland Projects ‘Transnational Muslim Marriages: Wellbeing, Law, and Gender,’ and Islam and Security Revisited: Transnational Somali Families in Finland, Canada, and Somalia
Religious Traditions, Lived Religions: Connections and Tensions, seminar organized as part of the research activities of my Academy of Finland Project ‘Islamic Feminism: Tradition, Authority, and Hermeneutics,’ December 3, 2014, Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki
Transnational Muslim Marriages and Family Lives: Norms, Laws, and Wellbeing (workshop co-organized with Marja Tiilikainen), November 10-11, 2014, City University London, in collaboration with Department of International Politics and International Policy Center
Transnational Migrant Families: Norms, Laws, and Lived Realities, (workshop co-organized with Marja Tiilikainen) for the 17th Nordic Migration Research Conference, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 13-15, 2014
Women’s Agency and Law: Perspectives from the Nordic and Global South (workshop co-organized with Susanne Dahlgren), May 30-31, 2011, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland
Reforming Family Laws in the Middle East, an international workshop organized by Social Research Center, American University in Cairo, January 8, 2008, Cairo, Egypt
Muslim Family Laws: from Women’s Rights Perspective, an international seminar organized through my post at Social Research Center, American University in Cairo, and Egyptian Network for Women’s Rights Organizations, January 12, 2010, Cairo, Egypt.
Committee Service
Advisory Board for the International Masters’ Program in Intercultural Encounters, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, 2018-2024
Steering Committee for the Masters’ Program, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, January 2021-2025
Student Thesis Advisory Committee, Institute for Gender and Women Studies, American University in Cairo: member (fall 2008-2010)
Libraries and Learning Technologies Advisory Committee, American University in Cairo: member (fall 2008-Spring 2010)
Member of the Organizing Committee for the Somali Studies Association 12th Annual Congress, Helsinki, Finland, August 19-23, 2015
Member of Organizing Committee (at Faculty of Theology, Study of Religions Unit, University of Helsinki) for the European Association for the Study of Religions Conference (EASR), Helsinki, University of Helsinki, June 28-July 1, 2016
Other Professional Activities
Refereed manuscripts for Yale University Press, Routledge, Palgrave MacMillan, Rutgers University Press, Gender and Society, Open Cultural Studies, Contemporary Islam, Journal of Refugee Studies; the Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration; Nordic Journal of African Studies, Migration Review, Cairo Papers, American University in Cairo; Center for Migration and Refugee Studies Working Paper Series, American University in Cairo
Reviewed/Assessed the scholarship of Associate Professor of Islamic Studies, Sadiyya Shaikh, Cape Town University, for her application for the National Research Foundation: Research and Innovation Support and Advancement, South Africa, September-October 2021
Professional Organizations
Co-founder (with Teemu Pauha and Ilkka Lindstedt) of IDIS: A network of researchers studying Islam and Muslims from different aspects, 2020-present
Member of :
Internal Quranic Studies Association
American Association for the Study of Religion
Finnish Society for the Study of Religion
The Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU)
International Network of Scholars Researching Unregistered Marriages
English: fluent speaking, reading, and writing skills
Arabic: fluent speaking, reading, and writing skills
Somali: fluent speaking, reading, and writing skills
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Scientific › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report › Book › Scientific › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Scientific › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Scientific › peer-review
Research output: Book/Report › Anthology or special issue › Scientific › peer-review
Lüpke, F. K. E.M.-L. (Principal Investigator), Oinas, E. (Participant), Pohjonen, M. (Participant), Wayessa, G. (Participant), Väyrynen, S. (Participant), Vähäkangas, A. (Participant), Pietilä, T. (Participant), Al-Sharmani, M. (Participant) & Kontio, H. M. (Participant)
01/01/2023 → 31/12/2023
Project: Other project
Lüpke, F. K. E.M.-L. (Principal Investigator), Wayessa, G. (CoIlaborator), Väyrynen, S. (CoIlaborator), Kontio, H. M. (CoIlaborator), Vähäkangas, A. (CoIlaborator), Oinas, E. (CoIlaborator), Pietilä, T. (CoIlaborator), Al-Sharmani, M. (CoIlaborator) & Pohjonen, M. (CoIlaborator)
21/01/2022 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research project
Al-Sharmani, M. (Co-Principal Investigator) & Mir-Hosseini, Z. (Principal Investigator)
01/01/2019 → 31/12/2021
Project: Other project
Al-Sharmani, M. (Co-Principal Investigator)
01/11/2018 → 31/12/2024
Project: Other project
Al-Sharmani, M. (Participant)
01/09/2013 → 31/08/2018
Project: Research project
Al-Sharmani, M. (Recipient), 23 Nov 2019
Prize: Prizes and awards
Al-Sharmani, M. (Recipient), 29 Oct 2020
Prize: Prizes and awards
Al-Sharmani, M. (Speaker: Keynote)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Al-Sharmani, M. (Speaker: Presenter)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Al-Sharmani, M. (Speaker: Presenter)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Al-Sharmani, M. (Speaker: Keynote)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
Al-Sharmani, M. (Chair of organizing committee)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Organisation and participation in conferences, workshops, courses, seminars
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Press / Media
2 items of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media