Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

My main research interests lay in exploring qualities of environmental governance such as participation, accountability, transparency in a multi-level context. In addition, I focus on understanding of how policy change occurs within multi-level governance. In my PhD thesis, I have studied these topics on the example of nature conservation governance in Post-Socialist EU countries. I have particularly demonstrated the development of governance arrangements in temporal and territorial scales. Over the course of my PhD work, I gained an extensive experience with fieldwork, interviewing and observatory research methods.

Currently, I explore the EU LULUCF negotiation process and look at how and with which means actors networks influence decision-making within governance arrangements. In particular, I am interested in exploring how different factors (access, power, resources, coalitions within policy network) enable (or constrain) lobbying efforts of involved actors.

In addition to academic experience, I have worked as a consultant with the UNEP Convention on Migratory Species, focusing on supporting implementation of various policy initiatives in Central Asia, fundraising and public outreach. I have also provided expert support to implementation of sustainable natural resource management in Central Asia to the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). 

Fields of Science

  • 4112 Forestry
  • Environmental Governance
  • Environmental Policy
  • Climate Change
  • 517 Political science
  • Policy Network Analysis
  • Participation
  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Lobbying
  • 5203 Global Development Studies
  • Rural Development and Sustainable Livelihood Systems.
  • Central Asia
  • Eastern European Studies

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.