Jussi Sipilä
- Department of Microbiology - University Researcher
- Department of Chemistry - Docent Contract, Title of Docent
- Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff
Kristiina Hilden
- Fungal Genetics and Biotechnology
- Department of Microbiology - Senior University Lecturer
- Department of Food and Nutrition - Title of Docent
- Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff, UH
Annele Hatakka
- Department of Microbiology - Prof. emer.
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Miia Mäkelä
- Department of Microbiology - Docent Contract, Title of Docent
- Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
- Fungal Genetics and Biotechnology
- Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: Teaching and research personnel
Taina Lundell
- Department of Microbiology - Senior University Lecturer
- Department of Food and Nutrition - Title of Docent
- Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
- Fungal Co-life, Omics and Ecophysiology Research Group
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff, UH
Riku Maltari
- Department of Forest Sciences - Postdoctoral Researcher
Person: U2 Teaching and research staff
Johanna Karppi
- Department of Microbiology - Postdoctoral Researcher
Person: U2 Teaching and research staff
Mika Kähkönen
- Department of Microbiology - Docent Contract
- Department of Food and Nutrition - Title of Docent
- Fungal Genetics and Biotechnology
Person: UH
Klaus Koivu
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Anu Kinnunen
Person: Doctoral Researcher
Maija Tenkanen
- Department of Food and Nutrition - Professor
- Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS)
- Carbohydrate Chemistry and Enzymology
- Doctoral Programme in Plant Sciences - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH , Teaching and research personnel, U4 Research and teaching staff
Marianna Kemell
- Department of Chemistry - Senior University Lecturer, Title of Docent
- HelsinkiALD
- Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanosciences - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff
Christina Lyra
- Department of Microbiology - Docent Contract
- Department of Food and Nutrition - Title of Docent
- Fungal Genetics and Biotechnology
- Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH
Timo Repo
- Department of Chemistry - Professor, Title of Docent
- Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanosciences - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U4 Research and teaching staff
Marina Heinonen
- Department of Food and Nutrition - Professor, Title of Docent
- Helsinki One Health (HOH)
- Food Quality & Safety
- Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH , Teaching and research personnel, U4 Research and teaching staff
Päivi Järvinen
- Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology - University Researcher
- Tiina Sikanen / Chemical Microsystems Lab
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff, Teaching and research personnel
Milla Jasmin Koponen, Technical assistant
- Department of Forest Sciences - Technical Assistant
- Food Materials Science Research Group
Person: M5 Teaching and research support staff
Matti Wahlsten
- Department of Microbiology - Research Technician
Person: M5 Teaching and research support staff
Petri Auvinen
- Institute of Biotechnology - Research Director
- DNA Sequencing and Genomics
- Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH , Teaching and research personnel, U4 Research and teaching staff
Pia Laine
- Institute of Biotechnology - Laboratory Engineer
Person: M5 Teaching and research support staff
Anne Lomascolo
- Aix Marseille Univ, Aix-Marseille Universite, INRAE, Biodivers & Biotechnol Fungi, UMR1163, INRAE
External person
Eva Uzan
External person
T Kudanga
External person
G.S. Nyanhongo
External person
Angel T Martinez
External person
L Golovleva
External person
Jiebing Li
- KTH, Royal Inst Technol, Dept Fibre & Polymer Technol, Div Wood Chem & Pulp Technol
External person
A Chernykh
External person
Michael Hummel
- Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems
- Aalto Univ, Aalto University, Sch Chem Engn, Dept Bioprod & Biosyst
- Charite Medical University of Berlin
External person
Gunnar Henriksson
- KTH, Royal Inst Technol, Dept Fibre & Polymer Technol, Div Wood Chem & Pulp Technol
External person
A Kandelbauer
External person
Mikaela Trogen
- Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems
- Aalto Univ, Aalto University, Sch Chem Engn, Dept Bioprod & Biosyst
External person
D Archer
External person
G Guebitz
External person
Göran Gellerstedt
- KTH, Royal Inst Technol, Dept Fibre & Polymer Technol, Div Wood Chem & Pulp Technol
External person
P Widsten
External person
A.T. Martínez
External person
E. N. Prasetyo
External person
Dimitri Areskogh
- KTH, Royal Inst Technol, Dept Fibre & Polymer Technol, Div Wood Chem & Pulp Technol
External person
E L Tolppa
External person
Notburga Gierlinger
- Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci, University of Bodenkultur Wien, Inst Biophys
External person
Hely Häggman
External person
Susan Camarero
External person
T Salmi
External person
Martina Lille
- VTT Technical Research Center of Finland
- VTT Tech Res Ctr Finland Ltd, VTT Technical Research Center Finland, Land Remote Sensing
- Technol Res Inst Finland, VTT Technical Research Center Finland, VTT
External person
Nico Jehmlich
- Ernst Moritz Arndt Univ Greifswald, Dept Funct Genom, Interfac Inst Genet & Funct Genom
External person
Usenobong Ufot
External person
Ronnie J. M. Lubbers
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Fungal Mol Physiol
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Fungal Mol Physiol
- Utrecht University
- Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute - KNAW
External person
Antje Potthast
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
- Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci, University of Bodenkultur Wien, Inst Chem Renewable Resources
- BOKU Vienna
External person
Razvan C. Cioc
External person
Eric Record
- Aix Marseille Univ, Aix-Marseille Universite, INRAE, Biodivers & Biotechnol Fungi, UMR1163, INRAE
External person
H Wiebauer
External person
A Lomascolo
External person
Helmiina Manner
External person
N.P. Endry
External person
Jesus Maria Martinez
- Univ Toulouse 3, PRES Universite de Toulouse, Universite de Toulouse, Universite Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, Fac Med, Paul Sabatier Joint Unit 1027
External person
Dimitris Argyropoulos
External person
Thomas Elder
- US Forest Serv, USDA
- US Forest Serv, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), United States Forest Service, USDA, Southern Res Stn, Alexandria Forestry Ctr
External person
Muhammad Farooq
- Aalto Univ, Aalto University, Sch Chem Engn, Dept Bioprod & Biosyst
- Aalto Univ, Aalto University, Sch Chem Engn, Dept Bioprod & Biosyst
External person
A. Lomascolo
- Univ Aix Marseille 1, INRA, UMR Biotechnol Champignons Filamenteux 1163, ESIL
External person
Markus Blaukopf
- Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci, University of Bodenkultur Wien, Inst Organ Chem
External person
Hasan Sadeghifar
External person
Hassan Amer
- Natl Res Ctr, National Research Centre (NRC), Dept Nat & Microbial Prod Chem
External person
R Schoeftner
External person
Georg M. Guebitz
- Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology GmbH
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Biotechnology,
- Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci Vienna BOKU, Dept NanoBiotechnol
External person
M Orlandi
External person
Pieter C. A. Bruijnincx
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Debye Inst Nanomat Sci, Inorgan Chem & Catalysis
External person
A Vuori
External person
Katrin J. Greimel
- Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology GmbH
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Biotechnology,
- Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci Vienna BOKU, Dept NanoBiotechnol
External person
J Lehtonen
- Univ Tampere, University of Tampere, Sch Med, Pediat Res Ctr, Celiac Dis Study Grp
External person
Ana I Canas
External person
M Asther
External person
H Haario
External person
Peter Bock
- Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci, University of Bodenkultur Wien, Inst Biophys
External person
Heidi Tiimonen
External person
Gibson S. Nyanhongo
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Environmental Biotechnology,
- Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci Vienna BOKU, Dept NanoBiotechnol
External person
Tukayi Kudanga
- Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Durban University of Technology
- Durban Univ Technol, Durban University of Technology
External person
G. M. Guebitz
External person
E Uzan
External person
Ronald Zirbs
- Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci, University of Bodenkultur Wien, Inst Biol Inspired Mat
External person
Adiphol Dilokpimol
- Fungal Physiology, CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre and Fungal Molecular Physiology, Utrecht University
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Westerdijk Fungal Biodivers Inst & Fungal Mol Phy, Fungal Physiol
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Fungal Mol Physiol
External person
K Kruus
External person
M. Aster
External person
Elodie Bentley
External person