Activities per year
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Supervision of the doctoral thesis: Genomics of hybridizing Formica ants
Pamilo, P. (Supervisor)
2009 → 2012Activity: Examination types › Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral thesis
Supervision of doctoral thesis: Colonial funtions in the ant Formica sanguinea
Pamilo, P. (Supervisor)
2007 → 2011Activity: Examination types › Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral thesis
Supervision of doctoral thesis: Integrative taxonomy of the Formica rufa group
Pamilo, P. (Supervisor)
2005 → 2009Activity: Examination types › Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral thesis
Supervision of the doctoral thesis: The role of factors promoting genetic diversity within social insect colonies
Pamilo, P. (Supervisor)
2005 → 2010Activity: Examination types › Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral thesis
Insectes Sociaux (Journal)
Pamilo, P. (Member of editorial board)
2004 → 2010Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editor of research journal
supervision of doctoral thesis: Evolutionary genetics of immunity and infection in social insects
Pamilo, P. (Supervisor)
2004 → 2009Activity: Examination types › Supervisor or co-supervisor of doctoral thesis