Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

I'm a university lecturer in theoretical philosophy and a docent in practical philosophy at the University of Helsinki. My primary research area is the philosophy of science. In 2020-2025 I am on research leave, working in my personal research project "Modeling the republic of science: Collaborative problem solving and collective rationality in scientific inquiry" funded by the Academy of Finland.

Education information

Doctor of Social Sciences (PhD)
Social and Moral Philosophy, Department of Political and Economic studies
University of Helsinki
(PO BOX 24, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland)

Chasing Phenomena – Studies on classification and conceptual change in the human sciences
Supervisor: Petri Ylikoski
Pre-examiners: Gualtiero Piccinini, Lisa Bortolotti Opponent / external examiner: Carl Craver

Master of Social Sciences
Social and Moral Philosophy, Department of Political and Economic studies
University of Helsinki

Fields of Science

  • 611 Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Science
  • problem solving
  • cognitive diversity
  • university
  • nudge
  • philosophy of ai
  • interdisciplinarity
  • 6162 Cognitive science
  • problem solving
  • cognitive diversity

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.