Sanna Toppila Salmi

  • PL 21 (Haartmaninkatu 3)



1997 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae (2024)    

Full name: Sanna Katriina Salmi 

Earlier surname: Toppila

Born in 1970, Kajaani (/Helsinki), Finland


Current position: Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio and the Wellbeing services county of North Savo 1.8.2023-.  Director of Airway Research Group, Inflammation Center, Division of Allergy, Helsinki University Hospital, Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa & Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki, 1.1.2011-. Specializing to Pulmonology and Allergy 2022-


Education and training

Bachelor of Dentistry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 31 Dec 1992

Licentiate of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 28 May 1998

Doctor of Medical Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 22 Aug 2000

Specialist degree in Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, University of Tampere, Tampere, 2 May 2006

Docent in Otorhinolaryngology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 20 Jun 2013                         


Most important previous professional appointments:

Senior Consultant Otorhinolaryngologist, Division of Allergy, Inflammation Center, Helsinki University Hospital 1.1.2011-

Research Associate, University of Helsinki 1992-2000

Postdoc in Professor Wytske Fokkens´ Laboratory, University of Amsterdam 2004

House Officer 1997-2006 (Satakunta Central Hospital, Helsinki and Tampere University Hospitals, etc.)

Assistant Professor, University of Tampere 2007-10


Research awards, honors, grants

Member of the study group and author in a Medix price -awarded publication in 2010: Joenväärä S. et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009;124:135-142


Editorial Board Memberships

Associate Editor of Clinical and Translational Allergy (an official journal of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) 2018- (IF 4)

Associate Editor of Rhinology (an official journal of the European Rhinologic Society) 2024- (IF 6)

Allergy (The European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology) 2014- (IF 12)

Finnish medical journal (Suomen Lääkärilehti) 2016-19


Positions of responsibility & Memberships in scientific societies

European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunol (EAACI), Chair of the ENT Section Board 2022-24; Secretary 2019-22, Board member 2017-19  

Finnish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Board Member 2022-24

Treasurer of the Portrait Committee of Professor Risto Renkonen, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, 1.9.2020-22

Finnish Society of Rhinology -Consociatio Rhinologicae Fennicae, Chair, Treasurer, Secretary , 2006-17

2019- Member of Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS)

Foundation for Allergy Research, Board member, 2014-15, 2019-

Memberships: European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, European Rhinology Society, The Finnish Doctors Association, Finnish Medical Association Duodecim, The Finnish Society of Allergology and Immunology, Finnish Society of Immunology, Finnish Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Finnish Society of Rhinology -Consociatio Rhinologicae Fennicae


Director of Helsinki Airway Research Group:

Seven supervised PhD Thesis; currently supervising six registered PhD studies

Research funding since 1999 (in average 70 000 €/year). Current research funding from the GSK grant, Sanofi grant, State funding for university-level health research, the Allergy Foundation, Tampere Tuberculosis Foundation, the Finnish Anti-tuberculosis Association Foundation, the Finnish Society of Allergology and Immunology.

Areas of expertise: inflammatory airway diseases: clinical care & trials, epidemiology, pathogenesis and genomics.

Fields of Science

  • 3111 Biomedicine
  • 3125 Otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology
  • 3121 General medicine, internal medicine and other clinical medicine

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.