Soila Silvonen

Soila Silvonen, Postdoctoral Researcher


Research activity per year

Personal profile

Research interests

I am currently working as a Doctoral Researcher, and will defend my thesis in the near future. In my doctoral research project, I studied the potential and functioning of the novel hypolimnetic withdrawal and treatment system at Lake Kymijärvi, Lahti (southern Finland). Hypolimnetic withdrawal and treatment is a closed-circuit application of the conventional lake management method, hypolimnetic withdrawal, and it aims to remove phosphorus and other nutrients by pumping nutrient-rich water through a treatment unit followed by a wetland, and back into the lake. My main goals were to assess the potential and optimization of the method in terms of lake restoration, and to identify biogeochemical processes in the treatment unit.

While finishing my PhD, I am working on a new project in which I investigate the dynamics of hypolimnetic phosphorus during lake turnover in Lake Vesijärvi, Lahti. The aim is to study the potential mechanisms through which internal loading from shallow areas may in the long run be affected by phosphorus upwelling and redistribution from deep stratifying areas. Understanding this link can be helpful when planning lake restoration measures.

Fields of Science

  • 1172 Environmental sciences
  • Limnology
  • lakes

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.