Päivi T Peltomäki
- Department of Medical and Clinical Genetics - Professor
- Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Population Health - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U4 Research and teaching staff
Ari Ristimäki
- Clinicum - Title of Docent
- Department of Pathology - Professor
- Gastrointestinal tumorigenesis
- Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH , U4 Research and teaching staff
Anni I. Nieminen
- STEMM - Stem Cells and Metabolism Research Program - Senior Researcher
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff
Saara Ollila
- Molecular and Integrative Biosciences Research Programme - University Lecturer, Title of Docent
- Research Programs Unit
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff, UH
Matti Kankainen
- Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Päivi Lahermo
- Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland - Senior Researcher
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff
Anni Katariina Kauppinen
- Department of Medical and Clinical Genetics - Doctoral Researcher
- Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine
Person: U1 Research and teaching staff, Doctoral Researcher
Milla Karoliina Salonen
- Helsinki One Health (HOH)
- Hannes Tapani Lohi / Principal Investigator
- Doctoral Programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: Teaching and research personnel
Henrikki Almusa
- Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland - Bioinformatician
Person: M5 Teaching and research support staff
Kristiina Aittomäki
- Research Programs Unit
- Doctoral Programme in Population Health - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH
Hannes Lohi
- Veterinary Biosciences - Professor
- Veterinary Genetics
- Helsinki One Health (HOH)
- Hannes Tapani Lohi / Principal Investigator
- Doctoral Programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH , Teaching and research personnel, U4 Research and teaching staff
Mika Kontro
- Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland - Senior Researcher
- Clinicum - Title of Docent
- HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff, Extern
Johanna Arola
- Faculty of Medicine - Dean
- Department of Pathology - Professor
- Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U4 Research and teaching staff
Suvi Douglas
- ATG - Applied Tumor Genomics - Doctoral Researcher
- Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine
Person: U1 Research and teaching staff, Doctoral Researcher
Juho Väänänen
- Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland - Bioinformatician
Person: M5 Teaching and research support staff
Outi Kilpivaara
- Department of Medical and Clinical Genetics
- ATG - Applied Tumor Genomics - University Researcher
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: U3 Research and teaching staff, UH
Janna Saarela
- Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland - Research Director
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH , U4 Research and teaching staff
Ralf Butzow
- Clinicum - Title of Docent
- Department of Pathology
- Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH
Ulla Wartiovaara-Kautto
- Research Programs Unit - Visiting scholar
- Clinicum - Title of Docent
- Department of Medicine - Associate professor
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center
Person: Visiting scholar, U3 Research and teaching staff
Caroline Heckman, Research Director
- Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland - Research Director
- Doctoral Programme Brain & Mind - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Drug Research - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
Person: UH , U4 Research and teaching staff
Kimmo Porkka
- Clinicum - Title of Docent
- Department of Oncology - Professor
- Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Science - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research - Supervisor for doctoral programme
- HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center
Person: U4 Research and teaching staff
Matthew D. Ringel
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, Div Endocrinol Diabet & Metab
- University System of Ohio
- Arthur G James Comprehens Canc Ctr, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Ohio State University
External person
Pamela Brock
- University System of Ohio
- Arthur G James Comprehens Canc Ctr, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Ohio State University
External person
Markku Aarnio
- Jyvaskyla Cent Hosp, Dept Surg
- Cent Hosp Jyvaskyla, Central Finland Central Hospital, Dept Surg, Div Urol
External person
Margareta Nordling
- Sahlgrens Univ Hosp, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Dept Clin Pathol & Genet
External person
Pamela Brock
- Ohio State Univ, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Ohio State University, Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Internal Med
External person
Daniel F. Comiskey
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Canc Biol & Genet
External person
Sandya Liyanarachchi
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, Ctr Comprehens Canc
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Canc Biol & Genet
External person
Albert de la Chapelle
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, Ctr Comprehens Canc
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Canc Biol & Genet
External person
Anna Rohlin
- Sahlgrens Univ Hosp, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Dept Clin Pathol & Genet
External person
Ayse Selen Yilmaz
External person
Yanqiang Wang
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Canc Biol & Genet
External person
Wei Li
External person
Wael M Abdel-Rahman
External person
Albert de la Chapelle
- Department of Cancer Biology and Genetics, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, OH, USA
External person
Wei Li
External person
Francisco Lopez-Koestner
- Unidad Coloproctol Clin Las Condes, Lab Oncol & Genet Mol
- Rambam Hlth Care Campus, Rambam Health Care Campus, Oncol Div
- Univ Los Andes, Universidad de los Andes - Chile, Dept Periodontol, Ctr Invest & Innovac Biomed CIIB, Fac Dent
External person
Pierre-Emmanuel Gleizes
- Univ Toulouse, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), PRES Universite de Toulouse, University of Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, UPS, Lab Biol Mol Eucaryote
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
External person
Daniel F Jr. Comiskey
External person
Marie-Francoise O'Donohue
- Univ Toulouse, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), PRES Universite de Toulouse, University of Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, UPS, Lab Biol Mol Eucaryote
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
External person
Isabella V. Hendrickson
External person
Jr Wakely Paul E
External person
Luke K Genutis
External person
Wael M. Abdel-Rahman
- Univ Helsinki, Dept Med Genet, Biomedicum Helsinki
- Univ Sharjah, American University Sharjah, University of Sharjah, Coll Hlth Sci, Dept Med Lab Sci
External person
Walter Hernan Pavicic
External person
Jukka-Pekka Mecklin
- Finnish Registry Hereditary Colorectal Canc
- Central Finland Central Hospital
- Univ Jyvaskyla, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla Longitudinal Study Dyslexia
External person
Lisa LaGuardia
External person
Wei Li
External person
Paeivi Peltomaeki
- Univ Helsinki, University of Helsinki, Childrens Hosp; Univ Helsinki, University of Helsinki, Jorvi Hosp; Univ Helsinki, Helsinki University Central Hospital, University of Helsinki, Cent Hosp
- University of Helsinki
External person
Leigh Anne Stout
- Indiana Univ, Indiana University, Indiana University System, Dept Chem
External person
Margaret O'Malley
External person
Andrea Constanza Mayordomo
- Hosp Italiano Buenos Aires, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, University of Buenos Aires
External person
Sandya Liyanarachchi
- Ohio State Univ, Ctr Comprehens Canc, Human Canc Genet Program
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Canc Biol & Genet
External person
Katherine E. DeLap
- Ohio State Univ, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Ohio State University, Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Internal Med
External person
Daniel F. Comiskey Jr
- University System of Ohio
- Arthur G James Comprehens Canc Ctr, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Ohio State University
External person
Amanda La Greca
- Univ Colorado, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Colorado System, University of Colorado Denver, Dept Surg
External person
Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld
External person
Wei Li
External person
Laura Koskenvuo
- Helsinki Univ Hosp, Helsinki University Central Hospital, University of Helsinki, Abdominal Ctr, Dept Colorectal Surg
External person
Song Yao
- Roswell Pk Canc Inst, Dept Canc Prevent & Control
- Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
External person
Hernan Garcia Rivello
- Hosp Italiano Buenos Aires, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, University of Buenos Aires
External person
Wael Mohamed Abdel-Rahman
- Univ Sharjah, Coll Hlth Sci
- Sharjah Inst Med Res
- University System of Ohio
External person
Huiling He
- Ohio State Univ, Ctr Comprehens Canc, Human Canc Genet Program
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Canc Biol & Genet
External person
Carlos Alberto Vaccaro
- Hosp Italiano Buenos Aires, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, University of Buenos Aires
External person
Yunpeng Wu
- Ohio State Univ, Ohio State University, Human Canc Genet Program, Wexner Med Ctr
External person
Christopher J Walker
External person
Sandya Liyanarachchi
- University System of Ohio
- Arthur G James Comprehens Canc Ctr, James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute, Ohio State University
External person
Wael M. Abdel-Rahman
- Univ Helsinki, University of Helsinki, Dept Med Genet, Haartman Inst
- Univ Toulouse, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), PRES Universite de Toulouse, University of Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, UPS, Lab Biol Mol Eucaryote
- Univ Sharjah, American University Sharjah, University of Sharjah, Coll Hlth Sci, Dept Med Lab Sci
External person
Karin Alvarez
- Unidad Coloproctol Clin Las Condes, Lab Oncol & Genet Mol
- Univ Los Andes, Universidad de los Andes - Chile, Dept Periodontol, Ctr Invest & Innovac Biomed CIIB, Fac Dent
External person
Jukka-Pekka Mecklin
- University of Jyväskylä
- Central Finland Central Hospital
- Univ Jyvaskyla, University of Jyvaskyla, Res Ctr Hlth Promot, Fac Sport & Hlth Sci
- Univ Jyvaskyla, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla Longitudinal Study Dyslexia
- Hosp Nova Cent Finland, Dept Surg
- Cent Finland Hosp Nova, Dept Orthopaed & Traumatol
- Wellbeing Services County of Central Finland
- University of Jyväskylä
- Central Finland Health Care District
- Jyväskylä
- Hospital Nova
- Central Finland Hospital Nova
- The Wellbeing Services of Central Finland
External person
Teijo Kuopio
- Jyvaskyla Cent Hosp, Dept Pathol
- University of Jyväskylä
- Central Finland Central Hospital
- Univ Jyvaskyla, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla Longitudinal Study Dyslexia
- University of Jyvaskyla
- Hospital Nova
- University of Jyväskylä
- Central Finland Hospital Nova
- Department of Pathology
- The Wellbeing Services of Central Finland
External person
James Church
- Cleveland Clin, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Sanford R Weiss MD Ctr Hereditary Colorectal Neop, Inst Digest Dis
External person
Federico Jauk
- Hosp Italiano Buenos Aires, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, University of Buenos Aires
External person