Tommi Kajander
  • PL 65 (Viikinkaari 1)



  • Viikinkaari 5, Biocenter 2

    00790 Helsinki



Research activity per year

Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

Principal Investigator, Senior Scientist (Insititute of Biotechnolgoy) 2011-

Academy Research  Fellow (Insititute of Biotechnolgoy) 2011-2016

Head of Crystallization Core facility (Instruct-HiLIFE) 2013-


Ph.D. (2003 University of Helsinki, Biochemistry), Title of Docent in Protein chemistry (Uinv. Helsinki)  (2009).


Addtional training:

University pedagogics I + III + IV (2009-2016) (20 ECTS).

Leadership Programme for Academic Staff (2013) (5 ECTS).


Previous appointments:

Post doctoral fellow  at Yale University 2003-2006

Resaercher, Dept. of Virology, Univ. Helsinki, 2001-2003.


Description of research and teaching

Research interests: Structural biology, crystallization, protein-protein interactions, protein engineering and molecular mechanisms, synaptic adhesion, integral membrane proteins.

Teaching: Introduciton to structural biology and biophysics (5 ECTS)


Fields of Science

  • 1182 Biochemistry, cell and molecular biology
  • biochemistry
  • structural biology
  • biophysics
  • protein engineering
  • protein chemistry

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.