Tuomas Henrik Pöysti

Tuomas Henrik Pöysti

Title of docent in administrative law

  • Finland

1997 …2024

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Education information

Doctor of laws (1999), master of laws (1995) and doctor of philosophy (h.c.) from the University of Lapland and title of docent in administrative law at the University of Helsinki since 2001. 

Description of research and teaching

My research and teaching interests are digitalization of law and the inter-relationships between digital technologies and law in general and in particular communications and information law, administrative law and constitutional law as well as EU law. My current research topics concern automatic decision-making and artificial intelligence in public administration, data protection and cyber and information security as well as relations between general principles of law with contemporary technologies and the rights of future generations

Research interests

Current research interests include balanced realization of constitutional rights and principles, contextuality in law, regulation of digital platforms and digital administration and the related service ecosystem, access to data, data protection, cyber and information security, user-centric public administration and information systems design, design patterns in law and by law and legal regulation of artificial intelligence

External positions

Chancellor of Justice of the Government of Finland

1 Jan 2018 → …

Fields of Science

  • 513 Law