Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE, 1st of February 2024


1. Personal details

Name                                                                           Tynkkynen, Veli-Pekka

ORCID (Publications)                                       


2. Education and degrees completed

2018 – 2028, Title of Docent, Russian resource and energy policy, National Defence U, Finland

2010, Title of Docent, Environmental planning, University of Helsinki, Finland

2007, Doctor of Philosophy, Planning geography, UHelsinki, Finland 

1999, Master of Science, Planning geography, UHelsinki, Finland


3. Current position

1.1.2021 – Professor in Russian Environmental Studies, Aleksanteri Institute, UHelsinki


4. Previous work experience

1.1.2018-31.12.2020 Associate Professor in Russian Environmental Studies, Aleksanteri Institute

1.1.2011-31.12.2017 Professor in Russian energy policyAleksanteri Institute, UHelsinki

1.9.2007-31.12.2010 Postdoc, AoF, Dept. of Geosciences and Geography, UHelsinki 

20.1.2007-31.7.2008 Senior Res. Fellow, Nordregio, Centre for Spatial Development, Stockholm

1.9.2006-19.1.2007 Research Fellow, Nordregio, Stockholm

1.1.1999-31.7.2006 Tutor and PhD student, planning geographyDept. of Geography, UHelsinki, 

15.5. – 31.12.1998, Researcher, Karelian water programme (Russia), Finnish MoEnvironment


5. Career breaks(= 6,5 months on paternity leave)

13.10.-6.11.2023 3w; 1.9.-30.11.2015, 3M; 4.-25.3.2010, 3w; 1.-31.8.2007, 1M; 1.-14.1.2007, 2w; 19.10-8.11.2006, 3w.


6. Personal research funding and grants (sum of research grants 2,940.000 €)

10 completed research projects and one ongoing:

2021-2024, Sustainable Development, Russia and Finland, Kone Foundation, 638.000 €, PI

2018-2021, ERA Net Russia, Academy of Finland, 250.000 €, PI

2018-2020, Academy of Finland & RFBR Arctic call, 220.000 €, PI

2016-2020, PIRE Arctic, NSF & Academy of Finland, 240.000 €, PI

2017, Prime Minister’s Office, Strategic Funding, 100.000 €, PI

2016-2019, Strategic Research Council, Academy of Finland, 375.000 €, PI

2015-2018, Academy of Finland ARKTIKO Programme, 760.000 €, PI

2015-2016, Prime Minister’s Office, Strategic Funding, 50.000 €, PI

2014-2016, Joint Call – Academy of Finland and JSPS Japan, 190.000 €PI

2014-2015, Nordic Council of Ministers, Russia Cooperation, 49.000 €, PI

2008, Nordic Council of Ministers, Russia Cooperation, 67.000 €, PI


7. Leadership and supervision experience

Supervisor, 11 postdocs (2015–); 4 supervised PhDs (2014–); 8 funded PhD students (2013–); 9 supervised Master theses (2011–).


8. Teaching experience (skills evaluated as commendable (4/5) by the UHelsinki in 2020)

Courses at UHelsinki

2018-22 Environment and Climate Change in Russia (5 ECTS) 

2016-17 Natural Resources and Russia (5) 

2012-2015 The Environment & Russia’s Energy (4); Russia: EcoPower / Energy Superpower (4) 

2012 – PhD Seminar on Russian energy & environment (5)

2000-2003, 4 Expeditions to Eurasia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Russia (Urals and Siberia), 60 students

1999-2005 Regional Planning in Finland (3) 

1999-2006 Fieldwork in Geography (12)


Lectures and courses elsewhere

2000 – Over 100 lectures and courses, > 30 education curriculums, > 400 hours, in Finnish and international universities (Glasgow, Petrozavodsk, Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Tartu, Uppsala)


9. Awards

2003, The Finlandia prize (Tieto-Finlandia) 26.000 €. Helanterä & Tynkkynen (2002). Russia cannot Escape its Geography (Maantieteelle Venäjä ei voi mitään). Gummerus.

2023, Ragnar Hult Medal, The Geographical Society of Finland, “For bravery in the social and scientific debate and for the meritorious geographical research of future challenges of Finland”


10. Other key academic merits

2021-2023 Chairperson at UH, joint Bachelors, University Alliance Europe

2021 – Partner, The Arctic Challenge for Sustainability II, National flagship project, Japan.

2018-2013 Board member, International Master’s Programme in Russian Studies, UHelsinki

2018 – Member of the Faculty Council & Research Council (-2021), Faculty of Arts, UHelsinki

2016 – Panel member, professorships: Russian security policy; Sustainability Science (Arctic); Russian law & administration; Global development studies, UHelsinki

2018-2024 Member of a Study group Energy materiality, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Germany

2013 – Reviewer of professor competence (2x NOR, 2x FIN); PhD opponent (2x FIN, 1x UK)

2003 – Reviewer, international academic journals, (n=29)


11. Scientific and societal impact

2017 – 11 expert statements, the President of Finland x2; the Prime Minister’s Office; the Finnish Parliament: the Environment Committee x2, the Grand Committee x2, the Foreign Affairs Committee, Finance Committee, Audit Committee, Committee for the Future

2016-2017, Advisor, The Committee for Public Information, the MoEducation&Culture, Finland


Sum of publications 124: 97 scientific publications; 29 peer-reviewed; 11 monographs.

2011 – 22 international conference and workshop papers 

>350 interviews by Finnish and international media (TV, radio, newspapers and web) on Russia, Finland and the EU; energy transition and security

16 editorials in Helsingin SanomatAamulehtiSuomen Kuvalehti, Estonian ERR, Postimees

>50 public talks / keynotes: e.g. EU-Ukraine Forum, the Finnish Embassy in Moscow & Brussels; Foreign Correspondents’ Prog. (MoFA, Finland), the Global Challenge (Sweden), IPIS (Iran), IIR (Czech R.), MoFA Ukraine, the Danish Foreign Policy Society, US State Department (x 2).


12. Other merits

2021 – Major (reserve), The Finnish Defence Forces

2003, Secretary, Nature Protection working group, Finnish-Russian Intergov. Cooperation

1999, 2000, OSCE observer, Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Russia.

Education/Academic qualification

Russia's energy and natural-resource policy, Docent, National Defense University

Award Date: 6 Jun 2018

Fields of Science

  • 6160 Other humanities
  • Russian and Eurasian Studies
  • Environmental social science
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Climate change
  • Political power
  • 519 Social and economic geography
  • 117 Geography, Environmental sciences
  • 517 Political science
  • 5142 Social policy

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.