Vladimir Aseyev

Docent of Polymer Chemistry (2006), Doctoral Candidate, Physics and Mathematics (2000), Doctor of Philosophy, Polymer Chemistry (1999)

  • PL 55 (A. I. Virtasen aukio 1)




Research activity per year

Personal profile

Curriculum vitae

Date and place of birth:          December 29, 1968, Vorkuta, Russia

Qualifications, skills, professional education and training

  • Scientific specialization: polymer science, biological and synthetic macromolecules and nano-particles in media, “smart”/responsive polymeric materials, conformational transitions in macromolecules, molecular self-assembling, intermolecular interactions, aqueous solutions.
  • Special skills: static and dynamic light scattering, microcalorimetry.
  • Research career phase: teacher and established independent senior researcher attempting to create own group.
  • Responsibilities: teaching, tutoring and supervision of undergraduate-postgraduate students; research and money applications.

Current position

  • Yliopistonlehtori / University lecturer   (permanent position since 2004)

Polymers and Colloids, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki: P.O. Box 55 (A. I. Virtasen aukio 1), FIN-00014 HY Helsinki, Finland

 Previous work experience:

  • Postdoc:Use of Scattering Methods to Characterize Polymers with Complex Architectures(2001 – 2003), Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 55 (A. I. Virtasen aukio 1) FIN-00014 HY Helsinki, Finland. Finding: Academy of Finland.
  • Postdoc:Quantitative Analysis of Surfactant Interactions During Membrane Protein Crystallization (1999 – 2001), Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, the University of Iowa, 4140 Seamans Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences, 52242 IA, Iowa City, USA. Funding: 1) NASA Microgravity Biotechnology Program, postdoctoral research grant; 2) Biosciences Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, the University of Iowa

Merits in teaching and pedagogical competence

  • MATR352 Light Scattering from Polymer Solutions: 42 h, biannual course, 5 cu, advanced studies (since 2003). Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • MATR346 Polymer Physics: 42 h, annual course, 5 cu, advanced studies (since 2004), Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • MATR357 Polyelectrolytes as Functional Materials/Changed to Colloids and Polyelectrolytes (42 h biannual course, 5 cu, advanced studies (since 2021), Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • MATR348 Coordination of the Laboratory Practicum in Polymer Chemistry for undergraduate and graduate students (since 2005), Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • MATR302 Materials Characterization (annual course, invited lecturer, a day course (since 2017)
  • FYS2083 Basics of Nanoscience (annual course, invited lecturer, a day course (since 2016)
  • Curriculum planning and the implementation of courses.
  • Supervisor of the University of Helsinki Doctoral Programme in Materials Research and Nanosciences (MATRENA), University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • Supervisor of the University of Helsinki Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences (CHEMS), University of Helsinki, Finland.
  • General supervision and co-supervision of research training and theses of undergraduate (BSc), graduate (MSc) and postgraduate (PhD) students.
  • Teaching abroad: Invited lecturer on polymer science at other universities

 Scientific and societal impact of research

  • Publications (Scopus: h-ind. 28, total cit. 3332; WoS: h-ind. 28, t.cit. 3302; 29 September 2023):


A: Peer-Reviewed Scientific Articles

    Journal articles (refereed):

    Reviews and Book chapters:

B: Non-Refereed Scientific Articles


    Conference proceedings:








C: Scientific Books (edited books):

D: Publications Intended for Professional Communities:

E: Publications Intended for the General Public:

    Papers Submitted or in Preparation:





Education/Academic qualification

Polymer Chemistry, Docent, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki

Award Date: 18 Dec 2006

Physics and Mathematics, Doctoral Candidate, Russian Academy of Sciences

Award Date: 11 Feb 2000

Polymer Chemistry, Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Chemistry, University of Helsinki

Award Date: 17 Sept 1999

Fields of Science

  • 116 Chemical sciences
  • Polymer Chemistry
  • Polymer Physics
  • 221 Nano-technology
  • Nano-particles

International and National Collaboration

Publications and projects within past five years.