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1. palkinto Suomen kardiologinen seura - progress report 2005
Mäyränpää, M. (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Prizes and awards
1. sija Dentsply Student Clinician Program -kilpailussa
Välimaa, H. (Recipient), 1994
Prize: Prizes and awards
1. sija Edward H. Hatton -kilpailussa ei-väitelleiden tutkijoiden sarjassa
Välimaa, H. (Recipient), 1997
Prize: Prizes and awards
1. sija Edward H. Hatton -kilpailussa ei-väitelleiden tutkijoiden sarjassa
Välimaa, H. (Recipient), 1993
Prize: Prizes and awards
13th MDRF (Madras Diabetes Research Foundation) Lifetime Contribution Oration Award
Groop, L. (Recipient), 21 Jul 2018
Prize: Prizes and awards
189.450 euros for: a Study of Temporary Migrants’ Experiences of Working Conditions and Social Protection in Finland part two
Alho, R. (Recipient), 22 Mar 2012
Prize: Prizes and awards
1986 Ympäristötieteiden Opiskelijat MYY ry:n kultainen ansiomerkki
Willamo, R. (Recipient), 11 Nov 1986
Prize: Prizes and awards
1997 Helsingin yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan historian ensimmäinen Magister Bonus - Hyvä opettaja –palkinto 1997
Willamo, R. (Recipient), 12 Mar 1998
Prize: Prizes and awards
1998 Helsingin yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan Hyvä oppikirja -palkinto
Willamo, R. (Recipient), 2 Feb 1999
Prize: Prizes and awards
1st place NASA Space Apps Finland
Palacin Silva, M. V. (Recipient), 1 Apr 2014
Prize: Prizes and awards
1st Place Winner, Data-Science Challenge
Montazeri Moghadam, S. (Recipient), 2024
Prize: Prizes and awards
1st Prize, The Scientific Article of the Year: Mechanical Symptoms and Arthroscopy of Degenerative Knee
Järvinen, T. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Prizes and awards
1st Prize, the Young Researcher Competition
Järvinen, T. (Recipient), Nov 1999
Prize: Prizes and awards
1st prize. Health app competition (mHealth): PREventive Care Infrastructure based On Ubiquitous Sensing (PRECIOUS) project
Nurmi, J. (Recipient), 25 Sept 2014
Prize: Prizes and awards
1st prize for talk at the 6th International Wolbachia Conference
Hornett, E. A. (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Prizes and awards
1st prize from Orion Pharma Competition on¨"Making more efficient medicines"
D. A. Garcia, S. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prizes and awards
1st Prize ICC2019 Map Awards (Digital Products)
Fink, C. (Recipient), Jul 2019
Prize: Prizes and awards
2. posteripalkinto, Eläinlääkäripäivät 2015
Felin, E. (Recipient), 2 Dec 2015
Prize: Prizes and awards
2005 Helsingin yliopiston Hyvän Opettajan Eino Kaila -palkinto
Willamo, R. (Recipient), 26 Mar 2006
Prize: Prizes and awards
2005 Prize for scientific innovation, University of Helsinki
Bamford, D. (Recipient), 2005
Prize: Prizes and awards
2005 Symbioosi ry:n Vuoden opettaja -palkinto
Willamo, R. (Recipient), 5 Apr 2005
Prize: Prizes and awards
2006: Research scholarship from Kansan sivistysrahasto (500 euros)
Alho, R. (Recipient), 2006
Prize: Prizes and awards
2006 Suomen ympäristökasvatuksen seuran Ympäristökasvatuksen Ruusu –palkinto kokonaisvaltaisesta ympäristökasvatustyöstä
Willamo, R. (Recipient), 20 Feb 2007
Prize: Prizes and awards
2008 Kappa Delta Elisabeth Winston Lanier Award for Outstanding Orthopaedic Research
Saarela, J. (Recipient), 5 Mar 2008
Prize: Prizes and awards
2008 kulttuuripalkinto Hiidenmaan kulttuurihistorian tutkimuksesta
Saard, R. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Prizes and awards
2008 Master's Thesis award, Faculty of Biosciences
Koskinen, J. (Recipient), 4 Mar 2009
Prize: Prizes and awards
2008 Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award in Pharmaceutical Technologies
Mirza, S. (Recipient), 16 Nov 2008
Prize: Prizes and awards
2009 Eläinlääkäripäivien Posterinäyttelyn Ensimmäinen palkinto: Effect of tylosin on dogs with diarrhea: a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blinded,prospective clinical trial
Kilpinen, S. (Recipient), Spillmann, T. (Recipient), Syrjä, P. (Recipient), Skrzypczak, T. (Recipient), Louhelainen, M. (Recipient) & Westermarck, E. (Recipient), 28 Oct 2009
Prize: Prizes and awards