Initial stages of star formation -Research utilizing ESO's radio telescopes and advanced modelling

  • Harju, Jorma (Project manager)
  • Miettinen, Oskari (Participant)
  • Sipilä, Olli (Participant)
  • Haikala, Lauri (Participant)
  • Väisälä, Miikka (Participant)

Project: Research project

Project Details

Description (abstract)

The team investigates how star formation begins in interstellar molecular clouds. A broad range of observational tools is combined with full 3-D computational modelling of dense cores. The physical and chemical properties of prestellar and young protostellar cores are studied through submillimetre and infrared observations in spectral lines and in continuum. The models combine the chemistry and dynamical evolution with radiative transfer methods. The problems we focus on are: 1) the mechanism and timescale of molecular cloud fragmentation, 2) the existence of seemingly stable cores in turbulent environment, 3) the roles of chemistry and magnetic fields in the core dynamics.

The proposed project is based on the use of ESO telescopes, primarily APEX, ALMA, VLT, and NTT. We also utilize public data bases from space telescopes (e.g. Spitzer) and survey telescopes such as VISTA at ESO. The research team will collaborate with the Nordic ALMA Regional Center node at Onsala.
Effective start/end date01/01/201031/12/2013


  • Unknown funder: €573,000.00

Fields of Science

  • 115 Astronomy, Space science
  • star formation, molecular clouds, fragementation, radio astronomy