Insights of local influencing – Sub-local boards as a means of local participation

Project: Research project

Project Details

Description (abstract)

This small scale research project addresses issues of public participation by generating new knowledge on local participation and influencing practices in the region lf South-Savo, Finland.

The project involves three measures:

1) Ethnographic descriptions of seven sub-local boards in operation in the region of South-Savo over the period 2013-2017.

2. Comparative analysis between the operation of the sub-local boards and the corresponding Leader Local Action Groups (LAGs).

3. Dissemination of the results and awareness raising among all actors of South Savo regarding the practices of public participation and influencing on local development.

The project is implemented in Ruralia Institute in close collaboration with the respective seven sub-local boards, the city of Mikkeli and the city of Savonlinnna.
Effective start/end date01/04/201730/06/2018