Interdisciplining the university – prospects for sustainable knowledge production

Project: Research project

Project Details

Description (abstract)

This project scrutinizes the tensions that arise from the recent shift from discipline-driven to more demand-driven university research, which is characterized by a greater significance of inter- and transdisciplinarity. We examine the implications of these tensions for the social and cognitive mechanisms that give scientific knowledge its distinctive epistemic character. While such mechanisms are emphasized in the philosophy of science, their nature and operation in changing institutional contexts is not well understood. To fill this gap, we conduct a philosophically grounded, yet policy relevant, case study at a Finnish university, which is currently undergoing a radical structural change. We explore how the reorganization of research in the university into strategically designed interdisciplinary research platforms influences the dynamics of knowledge production, and evaluate the consequences of these changes for the epistemic sustainability of university research.
Effective start/end date01/09/201631/08/2020


  • SUOMEN AKATEMIA: €473,575.00

Fields of Science

  • 611 Philosophy
  • interdisciplinarity
  • social epistemology
  • social ontology
  • empirical philosophy of science
  • co-production of knowledge
  • epistemic sustainability
  • 5141 Sociology
  • university research
  • science policy
  • research community
  • collective emotions