Non-fiction and Fiction: The Swedish Translation History in Finland 1500-2000 - Fack och fiktion: Finlands svenska översättningshistoria 1500-2000-talet

    Project: Research project

    Project Details

    Description (abstract)

    Non-Fiction and Fiction. The Swedish Translation History in Finland 1500-2000

    This historical project focuses on the Finland-Swedish and Finnish culture in Finland, as well as on the common history of Finland and Sweden (in the 19th century) from a translation-theoretical viewpoint. The starting point of our intra- and interdisciplinary study is proffered by the national and international historical descriptions of translation as a phenomenon and an action involving an encounter between semiotics, linguistics, literature studies and cultural studies, as well as the inherently interdisciplinary field of Translation Studies. The project aims at providing a translation-theoretical description of what has been translated since the 19th century in fictional and non-fictional genres, when, why, and how, but also by whom in the language pair of Swedish and Finnish. The goal is to reveal the multidimensional contexts where literature, translated and non-translated, exists: books, authorships, reception, and the development of literary institutions and milieus in literary spaces, semiospheres – factors and phenomena that are affected and spread by what we can call translational traffic of intra- and intercultural texts.
    Key-words: literary semiospheres, translation studies, translational traffic, Swedish translation history in Finland, intra- and intercultural texts
    Short titleFack och fiktion
    Effective start/end date01/08/2012 → …