Oral Tradition at Indigenous Schools in Amazonia

    Project: Research project

    Project Details

    Description (abstract)

    Joint Initiative Programme, social action funded by Tokyo Foundation.
    “Tradition in the present” social action project has given new tools for an Amazonian indigenous community, the Manchineri, to elaborate an educational material for their schools. The Sylff assisted in the accomplishment of objectives, as it offered for the Manchineri participants in a workshop a full boarding, transportation, technology to record the mythic narrations and to edit them, and covered the publication costs. The educational material was produced by Manchineri teachers on histories, myths, and traditions of their community in their own language and in Portuguese. During the social action project a gathering with Manchineri teachers and researchers from different villages was organized in the closest municipality of their demarcated territory. The partners of the project were the Manchineri community, Manchineri association Mapkaha, the Pro-Indian Commission of Acre (CPI-Acre), a Brazilian linguist, and two Sylff fellows from the University of Helsinki. The personnel of the CPI-Acre, a Sylff fellow, and the linguist edited the final material with the Manchineri. The main result of the social action is the educational publication for indigenous schools in the Manchineri reserve. The workshop has strengthened Manchineri language and contributed to the standardization of its written form. The material benefits Manchineris in the reserve as well as in urban areas.
    Effective start/end date01/07/200930/06/2010

    Fields of Science

    • 616 Other humanities